- Overcoming Spring Allergies Naturally
- It’s time to give blood pressure monitoring to all pregnant moms
- The ideal stretching routine
- The Future of Wellness
- 4 Ways to Achieve A Mind-Body Balance
- 7 Ways to Achieve the Body You Always Wanted
- Check Out These Natural Alternatives For Great Skin!
- Alleviate The Consequences of Sleep Deprivation, Here’s How!
- Prevent Against Dementia by Strengthening Your Learning & Memory
- Skincare Products That Will Leave Your Skin Glowing
- The Keto Diet and Intermittent Fasting
- 4 Ways to Improve Your Memory in Later Years
- 4 Effective Psoriasis Tips
- Finally, the Skincare Solution You’ve Been Waiting For
- Find Out The Key To Great Skin And Health!
- Three Super Wellness Tips
- Two Tips to Living a Better Year Ahead
- A Healthier and Happier way of life.
- 3 Steps to a Better Smile
- How to Build a Stronger You for 2022
- 5 Anti-Aging and Longevity Tips
- Great Skin in 3 Simple Steps
- Age is just a number
- Find Your Calm in Chaos
- Great Cooking Oils for Wellbeing
- Crucial Vitamins For Your Wellness!
- Are you looking for “Healthy Fun”?
- Smart Reasons to Quit Traditional Tobacco
- 6 Ways to Get More from Your Day
- Lemon water can boost your immune system
- Easy Tips for Better Cavity Protection
- Are you looking for Healthier, Radiant Skin
- 5 Tips for a Happy Gut
- 4 Remedies To Stimulate Wellbeing
- 4 Ways to Prolong Your Summer Glow
- Health and Vitality
- Top 3 Tips for Better Oral Health!
- Natural Beauty with - NO Sulfate!
- Is sleep vital for creating better health?
- Oral Care Basics!
- The Basics of Yoga [Part 1]
- To Avoid Mosquitoes: Get Smart!
- Keys to Longevity
- Nature’s Best Skincare Remedies
- Spring Time Reset For Your Body!
Mind Mind
In light of current events, many would consider a perpetually optimistic person as deranged or living in the world of absurdity. However, leading life as a pessimist does not appear to be a viable option if one intends to gain a deeper, below the surface, understanding of life.
Reducing Anxiety and Depression With Garden and Green Activities
Health Mind
Reducing Anxiety and Depression With Garden and Green Activities
Gardening, when done wisely and with your particular physical concerns in mind, is incredibly good for your health. Shawna Coronado teaches how gardening can change your life for better.
Can’t motivate yourself to stick to your resolution? The problem may not be with you, but your choice of goals. As with a pair of glasses, some resolutions fit you while others don’t.
Mind Mind Over Matter
Our hormones play such a pivotal role in our bodies; they are our ‘chemical messengers’ and we cannot survive without them. They control and coordinate our mood, emotions, metabolism, sleep pattern, and immune system. Here we look at a few tips for better and happier hormonal balance.
Troubled Teens: 5 Ways Adults Can Connect and Empower Them
Mind Health
Troubled Teens: 5 Ways Adults Can Connect and Empower Them
The statistics suggest that a disturbing percentage of America’s teenagers are in crisis.
Mind Health
Delivering comedy has two immediate benefits: a natural physiological response experienced by both the sender and the receiver, and a “humanizing” effect that creates a connection between the speaker and the audience.
Mind Health
Many Americans are constantly searching for ways to boost their energy throughout the day, whether to be able to function in the early morning, get over the afternoon slump, or stay awake at night to get more work done.
Stay cool and calm
Mind Health
Stay cool and calm
Think of a stressful situation: a fear of heights, gridlock traffic, public speaking, a busy schedule, the options are endless. Most people turn to caffeine to help them get through these situations, however, that is often the worst thing you can do. When you allow yourself to relax and focus on the task at hand you’re entering a “flow state,” we call this The Power Of Calm. And, maybe is all you need?
Health Health
The Majestic Mulberry Leaf
When you think of Mulberry Leaves, an image of a powerful sized tree may come to mind...
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Health Health
Switching to a Natural Deodorant and Soap? Here’s what you should know
Going natural is not about rejecting modernity or regressing to a simpler time...
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Health Health
Put The Oomph Back Into Your Relationship
Relationships can be a source of great joy and fulfillment. But they can also be challenging, especially when we are feeling stressed and overwhelmed.
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Health Health
Apothe’s Guide to a Refined Skincare Routine
In the world of skincare, where countless products compete for your attention, there’s a timeless beauty in simplicity
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Health Health
The Gift For A Healthy Life
Stories often unlock wellsprings of inspiration. Seth Luker's story is one such account, a testament to the incredible potential...
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Health Health
Discover Effortless Radiance In Your Path to Age-Defying Skincare
Mother Nature, in her boundless generosity, bestows upon us the golden sun, painting the world in warm hues and offering a soothing symphony for our souls...
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Health Health
How to Make Frankincense a Fantastic Part of your Skincare Routine
Hey there, beauty enthusiasts! Are you on a quest for that radiant, healthy glow? Well, you're not alone...
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Health Health
Superior Snoozing for a Successful School Year
It’s the start of a new school year, and your alarm clock rudely interrupts the sweetest dream you've had in months...
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Health Health
Don’t keep yourself trapped indoors
One of the finest, simple pleasures in life is enjoying the outdoors. There’s nothing quite like watching a sunrise or sunset unobstructed by buildings...
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Health Health
Shea butter: the ultimate "smooth operator" for dry skin!
Hey there, fellow skincare aficionados! If you've ever felt like your skin is more parched than a desert...
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Health Health
Feed Your Mood with MoodFood: A Journey of Self-Care
Does it ever feel like you're caught in a whirlwind, struggling to catch your breath...
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Health Health
Naturally Fabulous: Unleashing the Magic of Natural Hair Care!
Do you ever find yourself captivated by the flowing tresses of your favorite celebritie...
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Health Health
7 Reasons To Satisfy Your Chocolate Cravings with a Twist
In the quiet moments of the morning, as the sun's first rays gently pierce the horizon, a familiar yearning stirs within us.
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Health Health
Kindle Candle Company: Illuminating Clean, Conscious Living
The ambiance you create at home with candles might seem harmless, but have you ever considered the hidden impact on your well-being...
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Health Health
Natural remedies are a reality
Necessity is the mother of all invention. The most useful advances in our lives are the things that help solve a need...
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Health Health
Have Your Chocolate & Eat it!
We've all been there – that insistent whisper in the back of your mind...
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Health Health
Supercharge Your Fitness Journey with Supplements and Grit
Welcome to a realm where strength, vitality, and dominance are our birthright!
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Health Health
A Path Forward with Plant-Based Diets
The modern American diet, characterized by excessive sugar, fat, and processed foods, has contributed significantly to the alarming rise in obesity and chronic diseases...
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Health Health
Discover the Magic of Perrin Naturals®: Where Hope Meets Beauty
In a world filled with challenges, there are tales of hope that shine like beacons of light...
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Health Health
A molecule so powerful it may slow down the clock
If you study science and the research done into improving our lives, you will come across many stories of positive outcomes that were unexpected.
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Health Health
Spagyric Secrets (Plant-Based Alchemy)
Two Greek words, spao (to pull out, to split) and ageiro (to gather, to tie, to unite), are concealed in the term spagyric. Every real alchemical operation is built on these two principles, which is why the oft-quoted adage "Solve et coagula, et habebis magisterium" (Dissolve and bind, and you will have the magistery) was coined...
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Health Health
Why Plant-Based Anything?
A diet heavy in sugar, fat, and processed foods has dramatically exacerbated the prevalence of obesity and chronic disease in America. Americans consume less fruit and vegetables than is advised each day, and the typical American also consumes over 200 pounds of red meat and poultry annually.
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Health Health
Become More Confident with Antioxidants
You constantly hear that antioxidants are essential to staying healthy and avoiding sickness. This constant talk should be the case because antioxidants boost one’s immune system and can also act as a superhero to the body...
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Health Health
Stop Bugs from Bugging You
Summertime has almost begun for the northern hemisphere! That means that the bugs are out. While we can appreciate bugs for their contributions to nature, there’s no doubt that they can also be an extreme nuisance...
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Health Health
Have Faith in the Power of Mushrooms
When caring for one’s health, the word mushroom may not exactly come to mind. This factor is indeed a shame because it should be. Mushrooms are more than just something you see in your backyard or put on your pizza...
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Health Health
The Science-Based Health Benefits of a Vegan Diet
A vegan diet, which means excluding all animal products from one’s diet, which includes all meats and dairy (milk, cheese, butter) has gained significant popularity in recent years. Years ago many vegans' reasons for only eating a plant-based diet, had to do with the ethical (killing animals) and environmental reasoning of how our foods were produced.
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Health Health
A discovery from 400 years ago that’s still used today
It seemed like there was no end in sight. Henry Wicker looked up at the bright blue and cloudless sky. He took a deep breath and let out a long sigh. The cloudless sky, typically welcomed this time of year, was foreboding of more trouble.
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Health Health
Easy way to end or reduce joint pain while boosting your energy levels!
Now, this may sound like a bold claim. However, make no mistake - there is such a product - and it's changing lives. The research is there, the testimonials are astounding, and the product is safe and effective.
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Health Health
The Biggest Organ You Have
The biggest organ in the body is the skin. It safeguards your internal organs from harm and serves as the first line of defense against sickness and infection. It is impossible to overstate how crucial it is to maintain good skin.
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Health Health
What Is Your Immune System?
Immune defenses resemble the police force. It roams the entire area and alerts for assistance when it notices a problem. It differs from other systems in this regard since it must be able to respond in any area of the body. Innate and adaptive immunity are the two layers of defense offered by the immune system.
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