- What Are Probiotics? Your Comprehensive Guide to Gut Health
- Refrigerator Thermometers: Cold Facts about Food Safety
- Inspiring Natural Living for Better Health
- Balanced gut, clear mind!
- Olives. Nutritious and delicious
- Be Happy: Achieving Work/Life Balance in a Success-Driven World
- Fabulous Fungi!
- Healthy Fruits that You may never Try: PAPAYA
- How college recreation and wellness centers are improving student life.
- 4 ways to eat your way to lower cholesterol
- Pilates, a good foundation for kids
- Powerful Super-Foods for your Heart Health
- Research on Heart Disease in Women
- Detox part 2: How to Keep Up Your Hard Work After Vacation!
- Tonic Herbs and Radiant Health
- The Amazing Benefits of Honey
- Fuelling Your Workouts for Wellness
- How To Consume More Water By EATING It
- Becoming a Better you for Better Health
- Fresh Produce: Selecting and Serving it Safely
- Grapefruit Juice and Some Drugs Don't Mix
- Safe Food Handling: What You Need to Know
- The science of detox
- Happier Hormones for a Healthier You
- Kick Start your Mornings
- 3 Ways to Boost Your Immunity to Feel Great
- Three Reminders for the Essentials of Life
- Get Ready, Get Set, Spring into Action
- Healthy - First and Foremost
- How to Take the Pain Out of Cleaning. 6 easy tips to get the job done without injury
- The color of tea. Pick your favorite!
- Accelerate Your Metabolism!
- Stress & hormones
- A quality approach to your health
- Mighty Mineral- The Strength of Iron
- Maximize your longevity… Now!
- Blemish Free- Natural Skin Care
- Total Support for You and Candida
- The Inner You and Your Timeless Beauty
- How to defend your skin
- The True Power of Coffee in 3
- 3 Simple tips for Healthy Skin Each Day
- How to stay healthy from the inside- a peek at how fiber can help!
- “How to utilise your fat burning potential!”
- 3 Simple and Essential Skin Care Tips!
Mind Mind
In light of current events, many would consider a perpetually optimistic person as deranged or living in the world of absurdity. However, leading life as a pessimist does not appear to be a viable option if one intends to gain a deeper, below the surface, understanding of life.
Reducing Anxiety and Depression With Garden and Green Activities
Health Mind
Reducing Anxiety and Depression With Garden and Green Activities
Gardening, when done wisely and with your particular physical concerns in mind, is incredibly good for your health. Shawna Coronado teaches how gardening can change your life for better.
Can’t motivate yourself to stick to your resolution? The problem may not be with you, but your choice of goals. As with a pair of glasses, some resolutions fit you while others don’t.
Mind Mind Over Matter
Our hormones play such a pivotal role in our bodies; they are our ‘chemical messengers’ and we cannot survive without them. They control and coordinate our mood, emotions, metabolism, sleep pattern, and immune system. Here we look at a few tips for better and happier hormonal balance.
Troubled Teens: 5 Ways Adults Can Connect and Empower Them
Mind Health
Troubled Teens: 5 Ways Adults Can Connect and Empower Them
The statistics suggest that a disturbing percentage of America’s teenagers are in crisis.
Mind Health
Delivering comedy has two immediate benefits: a natural physiological response experienced by both the sender and the receiver, and a “humanizing” effect that creates a connection between the speaker and the audience.
Mind Health
Many Americans are constantly searching for ways to boost their energy throughout the day, whether to be able to function in the early morning, get over the afternoon slump, or stay awake at night to get more work done.
Stay cool and calm
Mind Health
Stay cool and calm
Think of a stressful situation: a fear of heights, gridlock traffic, public speaking, a busy schedule, the options are endless. Most people turn to caffeine to help them get through these situations, however, that is often the worst thing you can do. When you allow yourself to relax and focus on the task at hand you’re entering a “flow state,” we call this The Power Of Calm. And, maybe is all you need?
Health Health
Emerging issues of misuse and abuse of OTC loperamide challenge FDA to address a new turn in the opioid addiction crisis, while maintaining access for patients
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Mind Health
How We Heal Kevin Amundson ‘The Truck is How I’m going to Get Through This”
A well-worn pair of cowboy boots, size 13, and a 2003 Chevy Silverado, with a lift kit and mud tires, helped Kevin Amundson of New Prague, MN, heal after a “heart attack of the mind” led him to attempt suicide in September 2014.
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Health Family Health
Bee Prepared: How to Treat a Bee Sting
It can happen fast. One minute the kids are all playing peacefully outside on a warm, spring day. The next minute a piercing scream reveals that a bee has stung one of them. It’s a good idea to know what to do – and not do – to treat a bee sting.
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Health Eat well
Keep it off!
I am about to reveal one of the biggest, closest held secrets about weight loss. Once you learn this important information, unwanted pounds will just melt away and stay away. But, before you read on, you need to put on your thinking cap, because what I am about to say requires a bit of reflection.
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How to Whiten Your Teeth Naturally How to Whiten Your Teeth Naturally
How to Whiten Your Teeth Naturally
If coffee, cigarettes, and food have left their mark on your teeth, you’re not alone. Plenty of people would try anything to get back their pearly whites.
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Health Wellness
If you love a garden but also worry about the physical strain, or if you are in search of ways to promote a healthier lifestyle, and want combat specific, chronic, health issue, best-selling garden author and speakers Shawna Coronado has good news for you.
5 ways to de-stress and help your heart
April is National Stress Awareness Month . Learn 5 ways to de-stress and help your heart
Stress doesn’t have to ruin your life or your health. Constant stress — whether from a traffic-choked daily commute, unhappy marriage, or heavy workload — can have real physical effects on the body.
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Mind Mind
Giving the Final Gift: Eleven Ways to Help a Dying Person Let Go
In our culture, the end of life is seen as a scary and lonely experience. So when a loved one is dying, you may feel afraid, awkward, and unsure of how to comfort them. Here are practical tips for breaking the death taboo and helping your loved one experience the peaceful passing they deserve.
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Beauty Travel & Spa
Top spa procedures - What's hot and what can scorch you?
These are exciting times in the wellness and spa industries. There are many procedures people seek out. Before offering them in the spa, research how effective they are and what the risk of liability to the business is.
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Mind Health
The Raisin: Eating Meditation for Better Sex
Studies show that approximately half of all women experience some kind of sexual difficulty at one point in their lives—from lack of interest to problems with orgasm and everything in between. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
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Health Health
Health and Harmony Begin Within
The gut and digestive system are our power-center of health and harmony. Eating foods that enhance the performance of our systems, means that we will absorb more nutrients from what we consume. Here are a few points to be aware of...
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Feet, how important are they?|Wellness magazine feet, how important are they?|Wellness magazine
Feet, how important are they? "part 1"
Seventy-five percent of Americans will experience foot pain. The foot contains 26 bones, 133 joints, 107 ligaments, and 19 muscles. The average wear and tear on a foot is equivalent is the distance a person covers in a lifetime, which is about 115,000 miles...
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Health Health
Inspiring a Great Smile for Youthful Beauty / 417
Having healthy, white teeth and a super smile simply requires a focus and tender loving care. Here are some ways you can create a more youthful and vibrant appearance through whiter and happier gums and teeth!
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Health Health
Your Health is as Sweet as Honey. The Secret of Manuka Honey!
Genuine Manuka honey is widely recognized and used for health and wellness and has compounds and characteristics that set it apart from other types of honey…making it unique! Find why...
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health health
A Healthier Heart for a Happier You
Having a healthy heart and cardiovascular system is a great motivator for all the physical activity we undertake. We need to be accountable for what we eat, do, and how we live. Here, we help get to the heart of the matter!
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Health Health
Influenza, Epidemics and the Global Village
We interact with other people around the world. As a result, illnesses like the flu are now being granted a larger global range. However, to ensure we don’t have another pandemic like the 1918 flu, there are simple steps to take now.
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Health Eat well
Take Care with Cranberries
Cranberries may help reduce the number of cold and flu symptoms
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Recipes for cooking with Olives |Wellness magazine Wellness magazine
Recipes for cooking with Olives
You can easily prepare Carlo Cavallo’s elegant and flavorful lamb lion dish to impress any dinner crowd. This winning recipe will have guests asking for more.
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Health Eat well
Hydrate and Regenerate for Vitality and Health
Water is our essential source of hydration and our body is comprised of over 70% water. With that in mind, it’s vital to find your healthy source of regenerating your energy and ...
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Emotional Intelligence | Wellness magazine
You Know You’re Smart, But What About Your Emotional Intelligence?
The commercials on television today talk endlessly about treatments for low this and low that, but unfortunately, we don’t hear much about low Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Here are some symptoms...
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Health Eat well
Food Fight: 7 Diet Apps for Slimdown Success This New Year
Amid the influx of diet-minded smartphone apps that help users boost their nutritional health and weight-loss success, below are a few notables that can help folks realize pound-shedding success this New Year.
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Health health
Welcome to peak flu season
Is It a Cold or the Flu? Well, just how sick are you? Sometimes, the symptoms can be similar. Below are some of the symptoms of a cold versus the flu.
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Eat well Health
Resolve to be food safe in 2018
The start of a new year offers the opportunity to reflect and consider what you can do to make your life happier and healthier. Resolve to be food safe in 2018 and reduce your risk of food poisoning...
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Health Health
A few ways to improve your heart health
Our beloved heart beats thousands of times per day, continuously pumping nutrient rich blood around our body. Physically, our heart works extremely hard, yet perhaps because it is not visible to us, we often take it for granted. We trust...
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health health
Managing a Healthy Gut for Total Health
The condition of our gut has been shown in various studies to directly influence our mental and emotional health. Our gut is like our second brain and impacts our nervous system. Here we look at some more helpful information to help you stay healthy.
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Health Health
What Are Probiotics? Your Comprehensive Guide to Gut Health
According to digestive experts, our optimal gut flora balance should be about 85 percent “good/friendly” bacteria” and 15 percent “bad/other”. Without enough good bacteria, your gut microorganisms become imbalanced, and your system can become a breeding ground for bad bacteria. Find what probiotic supplement is right for you?
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Health Eat well
Refrigerator Thermometers: Cold Facts about Food Safety
Every year the holiday season brings lots of food and lots of leftovers, which need to be refrigerated. Chilling stored foods to proper temperatures is one of the best ways to slow the growth of dangerous bacteria...
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Beauty Health
Inspiring Natural Living for Better Health
Our health tends to suffer and sometimes collapse under the weight of convenient living. As we struggle to keep up, certain things often take a back seat and more often than not, it is our well being that we shove to last place.
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Health eat well
Balanced gut, clear mind!
Think of the last time you felt sick to your stomach because you were stressed, scared or even excited! We now know that there is a very strong relationship between our digestive system and our brain. The enteric nervous system wraps around all of our digestive systems and it is so complex, big and important that scientists are now calling it the “second brain.”
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health eat well
Olives. Nutritious and delicious
Olives are grown commercially around the globe, but Mediterranean countries produce most of the world’s crop. Since olives are an integral part of the Mediterranean diet, maybe they should play a role in your healthy diet, too.
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