Home & You
- Have Faith in the Power of Mushrooms
- The Science-Based Health Benefits of a Vegan Diet
- A discovery from 400 years ago that’s still used today
- Easy way to end or reduce joint pain while boosting your energy levels!
- The Biggest Organ You Have
- What Is Your Immune System?
- The Harm From Mosquitos and Ticks
- What Does Magnesium Do For You?
- Join The Wheatgrass Craze
- History of Multivitamins
- Set a plan, get your sleep, and lose weight!?
- Keep your mind sharp with natural choices
- Are you missing something essential?
- Revitalize Your Health. Increase Your Energy, Stamina, and Focus
- So many options in a world of choices
- Increase your energy and heal your body with FullerLifeC60
- Give Your Skin the Moisture Boost it Needs
- Strengthen the bonds that really matter!
- The Alpha and The Omega
- Employees Stuck in “Lower Brain”? Try One of These Eight Mood Shifters.
- New & Notable at the 2023 South Beach Wine & Food Festival
- New ADICROSS built with nature in mind.
- The One Solution to Better Sleep in the New Year
- Make sure all systems are ready to go
- Clean and detoxify your body for optimum health
- Don’t react to your health. Protect it.
- This Winter’s Dry Skin Solution You’ve Been Looking For
- How Your Gut Controls Your Health
- Health and well-being from the ages, for the ages.
- Better sleep, for a better you
- Almost enough isn’t enough
- How to thrive in a stressful environment
- Timeless issues and ancient remedies
- Tips for dealing with the changes, challenges, and opportunities of family gatherings
- The Pursuit of the Perfect Morning
- Smart ways to boost your brain and improve your memory
- You can rise AND shine!
- Reduce Your Risk For Cardiovascular Diseases, Memory Loss & Aging
- Explore These Natural Remedies From Our Ancestors!
- Live Your Best Life With Collagen!
- 7 Tactics to Help You Maintain Your Body.
- The 2 Powers of Positivity on Health
- 5 Key Steps To Reduce Stress & Improve Your Immune System
- Reducing Anxiety and Depression With Garden and Green Activities
- 3 Changes for a Better day, Each Day!
Safe Cleaning: Slow and Steady Wins the Race
Home & you Health
Safe Cleaning: Slow and Steady Wins the Race
Spring isn't just about flowers and rain showers, but it's also about decluttering our homes and embracing the good ole' tradition of summer cleaning.Unfortunately, due to the labor intensive duties that go into many of our spring cleaning rituals, we run a high risk for injuries, especially if the proper safety precautions aren't taken.
Health Health
So many options in a world of choices
Becoming overloaded can be a severe problem. And it's all too easy in the current world we live in. There are almost unlimited options for anything and everything.
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Health Health
Increase your energy and heal your body with FullerLifeC60
Harold was proud of where he was. For several months he's taken to the challenge of improving the way his body feels. And with this challenge, he has decided to do it as naturally as possible, doing so he came across Carbon C60 from FullerLifeC60
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Health Health
Sleep Deeply to Rejuvenate Your Mind and Soul!
Stress, poor sleep, brain fog, and anxiety all have one thing in common - they’re not happening at random, and are linked to something else going on inside your body.
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Health Health
Give Your Skin the Moisture Boost it Needs
Dishwashing, snow shoveling, and other heavy labor - it’s no wonder the skin on our hands gets dryer than our arms and other parts of the body. Like the skin on our faces...
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Employees Stuck in “Lower Brain”? Try One of These Eight Mood Shifters.
Employees Stuck in “Lower Brain”? Try One of These Eight Mood Shifters. A neuroscience expert says when leaders take these deceptively simple actions, it dramatically shifts how employees think, feel, and perform.
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Travel Food
New & Notable at the 2023 South Beach Wine & Food Festival
If you were to put just one South Florida event on your calendar per year, it should indubitably be the Food Network South Beach Wine & Food Festival presented by Capital One (SOBEWFF). With ticket sales now underway for its 22nd annual installment taking place February 23-26, 2023, it is definitely the hottest—tastiest—ticket in town!
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Health Health
Make sure all systems are ready to go
Jessica looked out at the darkening sky. It was early on a summer day, and the air was still cool. Perfect for Jessica’s morning jog.
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Health Health
Clean and detoxify your body for optimum health
Rebecca noticed her energy levels were not up to par for the last few months. She was becoming fatigued while performing the most normal of tasks, like sweeping the floor and unloading the dishwasher.
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Health Health
This Winter’s Dry Skin Solution You’ve Been Looking For
It goes without saying that winter months are not kind to our skin. Anyone with already dry skin can agree that the reduced moisture in the outdoor air combined with dry indoor heat due to furnaces and central air makes our skin even drier and flakier.
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How Your Gut Controls Your Health
The expression "I have a gut feeling" is more than just a turn of phrase. Your gut is, in fact, a second brain. It's called the enteric nervous system, or the ENS. In the last 15 years or so, scientists...
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How to thrive in a stressful environment
For many people, as they age, their body continually sends out warnings that life doesn’t get any easier. Diminishing energy, fatigue, weight gain, poor digestion, and loss of mental focus are just some of the warning signs our body sends out telling us… you’re getting old.
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Health Mind
Tips for dealing with the changes, challenges, and opportunities of family gatherings
With Thanksgiving and other holidays almost here, we have tips on how to make family gatherings into lifetime memories and avoid disaster from Dr. Ken Druck, a best-selling author, and expert on family psychology.
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Health Health
The Pursuit of the Perfect Morning
Envision for a moment, your perfect morning. What it would look like and how you would feel. How would it be different from most of your current mornings?
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Health Health
You can rise AND shine!
You hear it soft and low in the distance. The steady, persistent rhythm starts out low and gradually increases in volume. There is a familiarity to it...
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Health Health
Explore These Natural Remedies From Our Ancestors!
Have you ever wondered why some health remedies are ineffective? According to our evolution, our bodies were not meant to respond to synthetic products or treatments...
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Health Health
How to slow down aging with these smart choices
Aging can cause us to feel sad, scared, and depressed. It can make us lose our confidence and become self-conscious and anxious. Aging can even cause some people to feel ashamed. You might have heard...
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Health Mind
Reducing Anxiety and Depression With Garden and Green Activities
Gardening, when done wisely and with your particular physical concerns in mind, is incredibly good for your health. Shawna Coronado teaches how gardening can change your life for better.
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Health Health
It’s time to give blood pressure monitoring to all pregnant moms
Remote blood pressure (BP) monitoring is a critical tool for reducing poor outcomes in high-risk pregnancies.
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Mind Mind
Maintaining Optimism in the Modern World
In light of current events, many would consider a perpetually optimistic person as deranged or living in the world of absurdity. However, leading life as a pessimist does not appear to be a viable option if one intends to gain a deeper, below the surface, understanding of life.
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Health Health
The Future of Wellness
Lisa Masterson, MD, board-certified OB/GYN, is thrilled to announce the launch of Dr. Pink, a full virtual online platform designed to help achieve personal health and beauty goals.
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Health Health
Prevent Against Dementia by Strengthening Your Learning & Memory
Did you know that we lose approximately 10,000 brain cells a day? That is an astounding...
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Health Beauty
Finally, the Skincare Solution You’ve Been Waiting For
It’s already 2022, and there’s a good chance many of you still haven’t committed to maintaining a serious daily skincare regimen. Maybe you just...
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Health Health
Two Tips to Living a Better Year Ahead
It is never too late to make changes that can help to rebalance, repair, and promote wellness from within. We have just come into a new year and it is always...
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Health Health
Age is just a number
Getting older is a tough pill to swallow for many of us. And a lot of the time, we do not feel our age, whether we are 40, 50, or...
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Health Health
Find Your Calm in Chaos
There’s no doubt that life can be chaotic at times and it can be hard to get through the day if you want some tips on how to find calm through stormy days, read on!
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Health Health
Are you looking for “Healthy Fun”?
There are no quick fixes in the world of wellness however, there are a few essentials that can really make an impact on improving your mood and health, and an alternative to alcohol is one of them.
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Health Health
Crucial Vitamins For Your Wellness!
Vitamins and minerals work at a fundamental level to keep us well, balanced and protected. Are you confused or uncertain as to what your body needs to keep well? Read on for some help!
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Health Health
Smart Reasons to Quit Traditional Tobacco
Are you a smoker? Do you want a far healthier alternative, either for yourself or a loved one? Read on for more…
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Health Health
6 Ways to Get More from Your Day
There are ways to get more from your day, here’s a little exploration into how you can make things count just a bit more!
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4 Remedies To Stimulate Wellbeing
Staying well has never been easier. It can however be a little confusing. Are you on the hunt for new natural remedies to help you stay well? Read on for some insights into the world of wellness!
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Health Health
4 Ways to Prolong Your Summer Glow
Sadly, summer is the season that never seems to last long enough, it seems to come and go just like a dream! However, as seasons change it’s a great time to prepare for fall and stay on target with your wellness goals!
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Health Health
Is sleep vital for creating better health?
Good-quality sleep is vital for creating better health. When you get a good night’s sleep, it is not just your physical body that benefits- it is your entire being. Think about it, how awful do you feel mentally and emotionally (as well as physically) when you don’t get enough rest?
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Shape Shape
The Basics of Yoga [Part 1]
Determining a style of yoga to engage in comes with a prolific selection of studios or yoga schools. Before you begin, visit several classes in your area to choose which environment and type you’d like to begin your program. Read if you want to learn more...
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Health Health
Natural Remedies for Female Health
Feminine health and hygiene is a sensitive area and many mainstream markets full to the brim with treatments, lotions, creams, and potions rarely satisfied with a successful remedy. Here are some reminders on practices that can benefit you as a wonderful, radiant female!
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Health Health
Don't let it happen to you!
As adults, we should be well-versed in the importance of dental hygiene. It is natural to take advantage of our teeth and gum health when we’re younger, but as with most things, with age comes knowledge! Here are some little reminders of what may taste great, but not be so wonderful for your oral health and hygiene!
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Health Beauty
The Inner You!
The search for better health means we are continually seeking ways and means to look better and feel better too. As the health and fitness world is a highly aesthetic place, we tend to focus more on what makes us look better outwardly, sometimes at the cost of what benefits us internally. Here are some tips for you!
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Travel & Spa Mind
Wellness while you work
Today’s average full-time employee will put in well over 2000 hours annually at their jobs. Below is a list of some simple ways to ease those tiring and stressful days we all encounter at work.
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Health Health
Immune Boosting Natural Remedies
Over the past year or so, our immune system has never been so essential to prevent us from modern-day illnesses. The current pandemic has heavily shifted focus to the strength of our immunity, and rightly so. Luckily, there are numerous immune-boosting remedies, and many of these are...
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Health Health
Anti-Aging- Turning Back Time
There are many things we can do to help spruce up our inner and outer being and support us better to ride with the changes. And especially as we age, we can practice new ways of doing things and implement fresh health ...
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Beauty Beauty
Skincare Must Have’s in 2021!
Aging is indeed inevitable, however, the skincare products and skin care regimen you establish can help to shape a younger, fresher looking you.
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Health Health
Having a Healthy Edge
January is a long and difficult month to navigate. After the holiday season life seems to fall into a semi-slump and everything feels just that little bit harder when days and nights are colder! January can be a month where motivation may be low but the will to get on track to healthier living should be higher.
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Health Health
Thriving through Energy
Many people will say that the lack of energy they feel day to day is the reason for not doing the things they truly want to do. After so much time spent on work and family life, it is often the sloppy seconds that remain for the other stuff, such as socializing, leisure activity, and the all-important self-care that we need to function in the modern world.
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