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Safe Cleaning: Slow and Steady Wins the Race
Home & you Health
Safe Cleaning: Slow and Steady Wins the Race
Spring isn't just about flowers and rain showers, but it's also about decluttering our homes and embracing the good ole' tradition of summer cleaning.Unfortunately, due to the labor intensive duties that go into many of our spring cleaning rituals, we run a high risk for injuries, especially if the proper safety precautions aren't taken.
Mind Mind
Spend Your Time with Like-Minded People
According to U.S. News, approximately 80% of resolutions fail by the second week in February. Why? Because dramatic, and immediate changes are not sustainable long-term. So this year, make 2019 not a year of resolutions or diets but one of the incremental changes to instill habits that create real long-lasting results. Here are 6 tips:
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Drowsy After Another Restless Night? Try These 5 Tips For A Good Night’s Sleep
Millions of Americans toss and turn much of the night, unable to fall asleep – or to stay asleep once they finally do drift off.
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Health Mind
Everything is Energy for Balance and Well Being!
Everything is energy…Nikola Tesla stated the same thing himself. Energy reflects upon all that we do. Here we look at some helpful ways you can gain some momentum and improve your energy levels.
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Health Health
Emerging issues of misuse and abuse of OTC loperamide challenge FDA to address a new turn in the opioid addiction crisis, while maintaining access for patients
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Mind Health
How We Heal Kevin Amundson ‘The Truck is How I’m going to Get Through This”
A well-worn pair of cowboy boots, size 13, and a 2003 Chevy Silverado, with a lift kit and mud tires, helped Kevin Amundson of New Prague, MN, heal after a “heart attack of the mind” led him to attempt suicide in September 2014.
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Mind Health
9 Benefits of Mindful Living
With spring upon us, we all feel the desire to go out and enjoy life. It's a time to refresh and start anew. Psychotherapist, author and positive living speaker, Diane Lang, suggests that we start living mindfully this spring. Being mindful means to wake up to everything around you and be aware of all the present experiences.
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Health Wellness
If you love a garden but also worry about the physical strain, or if you are in search of ways to promote a healthier lifestyle, and want combat specific, chronic, health issue, best-selling garden author and speakers Shawna Coronado has good news for you.
Mind Mind
Giving the Final Gift: Eleven Ways to Help a Dying Person Let Go
In our culture, the end of life is seen as a scary and lonely experience. So when a loved one is dying, you may feel afraid, awkward, and unsure of how to comfort them. Here are practical tips for breaking the death taboo and helping your loved one experience the peaceful passing they deserve.
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Mind Health
The five key tips, to help you to start to shift your attitude
While the statement “attitude is everything“ isn’t actually a reality, it’s not that far off base. Today, in this special for Wellness magazine, David Essel offers the five key tips from his new book “Focus!" ...
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Health Mind
3 Ways Stress Takes A Toll On Your Body. Stress awareness month
Did the latest challenge at work bring on a tightening in your stomach? Does constant worry about a loved one’s health make you physically ill yourself? Everyone at some point feels the effects of stress. Not everyone deals with stress in the best way, though.
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Mind Health
The Raisin: Eating Meditation for Better Sex
Studies show that approximately half of all women experience some kind of sexual difficulty at one point in their lives—from lack of interest to problems with orgasm and everything in between. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
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Health Health
Eight Steps You Can Take to Fight Oxidative Stress (the Root Cause of All Disease)
Increased oxidative stress is the source of all illness and leads to cardiovascular disease, arthritis, a variety of cancers, and much more. Here, I reveal the eight steps to help you stop oxidative stress in its tracks.
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Emotional Intelligence | Wellness magazine
You Know You’re Smart, But What About Your Emotional Intelligence?
The commercials on television today talk endlessly about treatments for low this and low that, but unfortunately, we don’t hear much about low Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Here are some symptoms...
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health health
Be Happy: Achieving Work/Life Balance in a Success-Driven World
In today’s society, there is more stress on people to succeed and do more with less. Everyone is hustling for that golden ring opportunity, upon which their future lives will be easier and brighter if they can only grab it. Unfortunately, in the quest to be successful, other things have suffered, such as satisfaction in the victories of daily life, appreciation for simple things.
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Health Health
How to Reduce Sweating Problems at School - From Kinder Through College Age
From kindergartners to collegiates, students can struggle with disproportionate and random sweating that may drench clothing, ruin academic papers, make playing sports and musical instruments impossible, promote hiding and isolation behaviors, degrade self-esteem, and prompt bullying. Find 9 myths and truths about excessive sweating among students...
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Health Mind
Get Ready, Get Set, Spring into Action
Regardless of where we live, spring seems to being welcomed changes. More daylight, warmth, and greening growth as our earth re-energizes.
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Health Strategic Health
The color of tea. Pick your favorite!
"How many times has this happened to you? You open a new bag of flavored tea, the aroma is wonderful and you can’t wait to try it. You brew it with anticipation, taste it and then come to the big disappointment. It was nothing like you expected.
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Anatomy of Comedy|Wellness magazine Anatomy of Comedy
Anatomy of Comedy
Delivering comedy has two immediate benefits: a natural physiological response experienced by both the sender and the receiver, and a “humanizing” effect ...
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Just relax |Wellness magzine
Just relax | part 1|
If you feel overwhelmed around holidays, you are not alone. With the holidays, we all have a few bittersweet memories that pop up. If only we could turn around stress and negativity to something more productive–easy to say but difficult to do most often.
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A Free Mind is all you need … A Free Mind is all you need …
A Free Mind is all you need …
Concentration is essential for success in every area of life, at work and at home, at school and in college, in sports and in business, for achieving goals and completing tasks. If you wish to improve your life we found the solution. More...
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Just sleep on it | Wellness magazine Just sleep on it | Wellness magazine
Just sleep on it
Frequently, we tell ourselves or someone tells us, “Just sleep on it,” when facing a decision. This choice proves useful, getting us rest, time, and the ability to reconnect with our feelings. We can learn from the wisdom of our dreams.
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Double Power
Many Americans are constantly searching for ways to boost their energy throughout the day, whether to be able to function in the early morning, get over the afternoon slump, or stay awake at night to get more work done.
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Will you help? Five things to do about addiction| Wellness magazine
Will you help? Five things to do about addiction
When you suspect a loved one or friend has a problem with an addiction, you may have seen signs such as mood swings or changes in behavior, friends, and activities. However, did you know family members and friends might unknowingly contribute to the problem?
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BaliSpirit Festival New Venue and Line-up Announced! BaliSpirit Festival New Venue and Line-up Announced!
BaliSpirit Festival New Venue and Line-up Announced!
BaliSpirit Festival has been celebrating life through yoga, global music and dance for nine years! Known as one of the top holistic lifestyle festivals in the world, BaliSpirit Festival can guarantee a truly diverse experience.
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Max Your Mind| Wellness magazine Max Your Mind
Max Your Mind
Have you ever walked into a room and forgotten what you went in there for? Or forgotten your neighbor's son's name, even though they've lived next door for years?
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Top 10 Ways to Free Yourself from Negative Emotion Top 10 Ways to Free Yourself from Negative Emotion
Top 10 Ways to Free Yourself from Negative Emotion
We are all part of the eternal pursuit of happiness. Our happiness dictates the choices we make from the relationships we form, the career path we choose to the lifestyle we lead. But what happens when negative emotions get in the way of our happiness?
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Rosacea: Skin Care Do’s and Don’ts | Wellness magazine
Skin Care Tips to Keep Rosacea Flares at Bay
For people with rosacea, managing the skin condition can be a challenge since what triggers redness and inflammation of the skin in one person may not trigger it in another. Yet doing some detective work can help rosacea sufferers discover quick and easy ways to keep their skin calm.
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“Tossing and Turning, Turning and Tossing”|Wellness magazine
“Tossing and Turning, Turning and Tossing”
“Tossing and Turning, Turning and Tossing” (I tossed and I turned all night). Remember that song? It was written in 1965 and here we are in 2015 with sleep difficulties reaching an epidemic proportion. Women, men and even children are affected by this stressful condition.
7 Success Lessons Learned from Cancer |Wellness magazine
7 Success Lessons Learned from Cancer
I never set out to be a “survivor.” My life's aspirations were pretty basic: become successful professionally, marry my soul mate, have two beautiful children and perhaps even retire early. Getting cancer certainly wasn’t on the list.
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6 Ways ‘Silent Agreements’ | Wellness magazine
Relationship Reality Check: 6 Ways ‘Silent Agreements’ Are Undermining Your Life
If you have engaged in relationships of any kind, you have experienced and likely battled against “silent agreements.” While most have never used or even heard of this term...
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Is it really "mind over matter"|Wellness magazine
Is it really "mind over matter"? | Just Relax Part #2
Intellectually, we know that every day is a good day and we should be happy and feel good. We are well acquainted with saying” the glass is half full rather than empty”. However, emotionally many of us just don’t feel that way. The fallowing are specific suggestions to help us FEEL GOOD.
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Balispirti Festival | Wellness magazine
The 8th Bali Spirit Festival
The 8th BaliSpirit Festival: A Global Celebration of Yoga, Dance and Music. Save the Date! 31st March-5th April 2015
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Therapeutic Benefits of Cruising |Wellness magaizne
Therapeutic Benefits of Cruising
When planning your next vacation getaway – not the obligatory visits to family and work-related locations – research months in advance for choosing a cruise line with an itinerary that visits a part of the world you’d like to explore.
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The power of natural crystals | Wellness magazine
The power of natural crystals
The idea for alternative medicine leads us back centuries to those who sought ways to resolve medical power for which today we may simply consume over the counter medicines and not think twice of doing so. However, there are some, who believe that the power of crystals may be greater than most choose to explore. To support our theory we reached out to Dr. Howard Wolin.
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Dr.Jacqueline Del Rosario| Wellness magazine
From Fizzle to Sizzle: How to Reignite Your Relationship
Despite conventional wisdom further bolstered with compelling new research revealing the importance of intimacy in fostering relationship happiness and longevity, millions upon millions of couples struggle to keep the relationship flame lit.
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How One Summer Can Dramatically Change Your Life
How One Summer Can Dramatically Change Your Life
Summer is a happy time of year and is the perfect time to refresh, relax and take small steps to become more balanced all year round. Find 10 small changes you can do this summer that will make a HUGE difference in your life.
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Eight Steps to a Happy Life |Wellness magazine
Eight Steps to a Happy Life - Making the Commitment to Choose Happiness
We make happiness harder than it has to be. If we keep trying to find it or searching for it too long, all we will find is frustration. We can choose happiness by making the commitment to ourselves to choose happiness. We need to realize all changes take time and hard work. Are you willing to do the work? If you are you can live a happier life.
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Another diet and a new training routine gave no expected effect? Here is something new: we’ll not only show you the ways to lose some inches around your waist, but we’ll also teach you how to love your new lifestyle and remain happy, healthy and fit for good. STAY WITH US! WE ARE READY TO SHOW YOU THE NEW WAY TO A BETTER LIFE.
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Eye health may be related to brain health! | Wellness magazine
Eye health may be related to brain health!
According to a study, researchers showed that people with minimal eye damage due to weak or damaged blood vessels caused by vascular disease have a higher risk for memory problems.
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Valentine’s Day tips to keep your relationship healthy
Tips to keep your relationship healthy
Ah, romance can be a balancing act, especially if you live with your partner. Find a few easy tips, how to make your relationship with your partner work better.
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Keep Your Mind in Good Working Order|Wellness magazine
Keep Your Mind in Good Working Order
On New Year’s Eve, mass of people are inspired to make healthy resolutions that quickly wind up on the slippery slope towards trouble. With patience and commitment, you can turn your wellness dreams into reality. Here, find 7 New Year wellness tips how to keep your mind in good working order.
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UNLEASH YOUR MIND | Wellness magazine
Alleradd-Unleash Your Mind
Many Americans are constantly searching for ways to boost their energy throughout the day, whether to be able to function in the early morning, or stay awake at night to get more work done. For those looking for a product that promotes elevated focus, memory enhancement and mental drive we have a safe, healthy and effective alternative.
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