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Safe Cleaning: Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Safe Cleaning: Slow and Steady Wins the Race
Home & you

Spring  isn't just about flowers and rain showers, but it's also about decluttering our homes and embracing the good ole' tradition of summer cleaning.Unfortunately, due to the labor intensive duties that go into many of our spring cleaning rituals, we run a high risk for injuries, especially if the proper safety precautions aren't taken.


  • Health

    It’s already 2022, and there’s a good chance many of you still haven’t committed to maintaining a serious daily skincare regimen. Maybe you just...

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  • Health

    It is never too late to make changes that can help to rebalance, repair, and promote wellness from within. We have just come into a new year and it is always...

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  • Health

    Getting older is a tough pill to swallow for many of us. And a lot of the time, we do not feel our age, whether we are 40, 50, or...

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  • Health

    There’s no doubt that life can be chaotic at times and it can be hard to get through the day if you want some tips on how to find calm through stormy days, read on!

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  • Health

    There are no quick fixes in the world of wellness however, there are a few essentials that can really make an impact on improving your mood and health, and an alternative to alcohol is one of them.

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  • Health

    Vitamins and minerals work at a fundamental level to keep us well, balanced and protected. Are you confused or uncertain as to what your body needs to keep well? Read on for some help!

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  • Health

    Are you a smoker? Do you want a far healthier alternative, either for yourself or a loved one? Read on for more…

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  • Health

    There are ways to get more from your day, here’s a little exploration into how you can make things count just a bit more! 

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  • Staying well has never been easier. It can however be a little confusing. Are you on the hunt for new natural remedies to help you stay well? Read on for some insights into the world of wellness!

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  • Health

    Sadly, summer is the season that never seems to last long enough, it seems to come and go just like a dream! However, as seasons change it’s a great time to prepare for fall and stay on target with your wellness goals!

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  • Health

    Good-quality sleep is vital for creating better health. When you get a good night’s sleep, it is not just your physical body that benefits- it is your entire being. Think about it, how awful do you feel mentally and emotionally (as well as physically) when you don’t get enough rest?

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  • Shape

    Determining a style of yoga to engage in comes with a prolific selection of studios or yoga schools. Before you begin, visit several classes in your area to choose which environment and type you’d like to begin your program. Read if you want to learn more...

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  • Health

    Feminine health and hygiene is a sensitive area and many mainstream markets full to the brim with treatments, lotions, creams, and potions rarely satisfied with a successful remedy. Here are some reminders on practices that can benefit you as a wonderful, radiant female! 

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  • Health

    As adults, we should be well-versed in the importance of dental hygiene. It is natural to take advantage of our teeth and gum health when we’re younger, but as with most things, with age comes knowledge! Here are some little reminders of what may taste great, but not be so wonderful for your oral health and hygiene!

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  • Health

    The search for better health means we are continually seeking ways and means to look better and feel better too. As the health and fitness world is a highly aesthetic place, we tend to focus more on what makes us look better outwardly, sometimes at the cost of what benefits us internally. Here are some tips for you!

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  • Travel & Spa

    Today’s average full-time employee will put in well over 2000 hours annually at their jobs. Below is a list of some simple ways to ease those tiring and stressful days we all encounter at work.

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  • Health

    Over the past year or so, our immune system has never been so essential to prevent us from modern-day illnesses. The current pandemic has heavily shifted focus to the strength of our immunity, and rightly so. Luckily, there are numerous immune-boosting remedies, and many of these are... 

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  • Health

    There are many things we can do to help spruce up our inner and outer being and support us better to ride with the changes. And especially as we age, we can practice new ways of doing things and implement fresh health ...

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  • Beauty

    Aging is indeed inevitable, however, the skincare products and skin care regimen you establish can help to shape a younger, fresher looking you.

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  • Health

    January is a long and difficult month to navigate. After the holiday season life seems to fall into a semi-slump and everything feels just that little bit harder when days and nights are colder! January can be a month where motivation may be low but the will to get on track to healthier living should be higher.

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  • Health

    Many people will say that the lack of energy they feel day to day is the reason for not doing the things they truly want to do. After so much time spent on work and family life, it is often the sloppy seconds that remain for the other stuff, such as socializing, leisure activity, and the all-important self-care that we need to function in the modern world. 

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  • Health

    We have just gotten past what is aptly titled “Blue Monday”, a day around the third week in January when the winter blues kick in! Yes, January can be a tough month, especially if you are trying to get healthy and find the motivation to just do better with looking after yourself through the year. 

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  • Health

    A great smile is highly attractive. It draws people into the very essence of who you are and what makes you smile! And a great smile is something we can all strive for. 

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  • Health

    2021 is just around the corner! There is no better time to start making healthy moves toward a better you… start now and you will not regret it!  Here are some great tips to help you make substantial changes from now and into 2021!


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  • Health

    Wintertime after the holiday season can be a good time for a natural detox. Even if you generally eat well and look after yourself; a healthy cleanse can help the body to reset and rejuvenate. A detox doesn’t need to feel like a punishment or feel overly restrictive. You can delight in detox when you do it in a way that suits you! 

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  • Health

    The year 2020 has pushed the boundary on our thoughts, behaviors, and actions surrounding cleanliness and personal hygiene. Throughout the pandemic, the focus and importance placed on sanitizing have forced us into adapting new behaviors and rituals that we may have taken for granted previously. 

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  • Health

    There are many ways to start the morning in the right way. What if you made that morning cup with your breakfast super-healthy and just as tasty? It can be done when you make it a Matcha morning! 

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  • Health

    Creating a healthy balance begins with moving your well-being higher up the to-do-list of life. This includes your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Here are some tips to help you create a healthier balance...

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  • Health

    The summer sun energizes us but as winter creeps in, we may begin to feel the effects of a not so healthy body. One that is tired, fatigued, and struggling to meet the day head-on. Wintertime can affect us not just physically but mentally and emotionally too.

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  • Health

    One of the most apparent reasons for embracing a health regimen is the desire for greater, longer-lasting energy. We cannot be everything to everyone and everything all the time. However, we can create more energy for life by looking after ourselves just a little more

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  • Health

    Mental health, matters. Naturally, as human beings, we spend much of our time thinking about our physical bodies. How we can look better, build our immunity, improve our digestive function…the list goes on.

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  • Health

    Inspiring super health is a journey you undertake; quick fixes are not designed to stand the test of time, therefore, long-term planning, preparation, and action are required to keep you at your best.  And you may say…” It’s too late”, or “I’m too old for this”- and this is not true!


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  • Health

    Your skin is as unique as you are, for that purpose you must treat it just as uniquely. You need to feel comfortable and happy in your skin. Creating better-looking skin builds your confidence; your skin is the first thing that anyone notices when they look at you. 

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  • Health

    We cannot take our “brain age” back in time, but we can do our utmost to improve our existing brain function and maintain a good level of brain health. So how can we best support our brain in both the short- and long-term?

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  • Health

    Working toward wellness is a journey. Wellness is not achieved overnight; it requires effort, support, and commitment. The great beauty is that there are many things that we can do to improve how we feel and look, after all, life is short and so it must be lived to its full capacity. And that can only be done through maintaining a healthy mind, body, and spirit.

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  • Health

    Health encompasses our whole body and being. It is not just what we eat; it is also what we think and what we feel. Here are two products to help you on the journey to smarter health! 

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  • Health

    Taking care of your brain is crucial for living a longer, happier, and healthier life. The more we can protect, nourish, and preserve our mind, the better off we will be in the short- and long-term.

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  • Health

    Many of us are stressed and overwhelmed by daily life and yet we continually miss or ignore the signs and symptoms of declining mental health. Mushrooms have been used as medicine for mental and physical well-being for many years.

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  • Health

    Despite the health and safety benefits of social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are suffering from the pain of extreme loneliness after months of isolation in their homes. Here Dr. Joel Salinas breaks down how to easily spot, measure, manage, and ultimately overcome loneliness to protect the mental health of you and your loved ones.

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  • Health

    Looking after your brain is not easy. But several foods are well-documented as being “brain boosters”. What are they? Here are a few to ensure you are adding to your daily diet, they are quintessential brain foods. 

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  • Health

    Busy ER physician Ara Suppiah, MD describes what you should be doing at home to help your immune system be super vigilant. Dr. Ara also cautions about one specific type of exercise that can temporarily stun the immune system.

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  • Health

    With so much talk about the Coronavirus, mental health experts warn it can take a toll on our mental health and well-being, and really bother young children that don’t fully understand what is going on. How can you best deal with all the attention around the Coronavirus and not let it impact you emotionally?

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