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Your most embarrassing health questions

Your most embarrassing health questions

Not to worry, you are not alone in feeling bashful about certain issues you may be experiencing.


Fuel The Fire For Your Health

Fuel The Fire For Your Health

Clarity is a beauty that fixes us in a place we want to be, a vision that we can work toward one step at a time.


Eight Steps You Can Take to Fight Oxidative Stress (the Root Cause of All Disease)

Eight Steps You Can Take to Fight Oxidative Stress (the Root Cause of All Disease)

Here, we reveal the eight steps to help you stop oxidative stress in its tracks.





Our hormones play such a pivotal role in our bodies; they are our ‘chemical messengers’ and we cannot survive without them. They control and coordinate our mood, emotions, metabolism, sleep pattern, and immune system. Here we look at a few tips for better and happier hormonal balance.





What most people fail to realize is that their hydration level directly affects their metabolism.  


Be Happy: Achieving Work/Life Balance in a Success-Driven World

Be Happy: Achieving Work/Life Balance in a Success-Driven World

In today’s society, there is more stress on people to succeed and do more with less.  Everyone is hustling for that golden ring opportunity, upon which their future lives will be easier and brighter if they can only grab it. 


The Surprising Link Between Oral Health and Heart Disease

The Surprising Link Between Oral Health and Heart Disease

Think your teeth are healthy just because they look and feel normal? Think again, says Dr. Thomas Levy. Here, he explains why chronic apical periodontitis, or "CAP"--an infection of the mouth that is often totally symptom-free--puts you at risk for heart attacks and serious diseases. 




Eat Well

Among all fruits, blueberries are one of the richest sources of phenolic compounds, including flavonoids, phenolic acids, and stilbenes, which are known to have biological activity and high antioxidant capacity. They are a promising functional food with respect to vascular health.



  •  Many of us are deficient or lacking in vital nutrients that the body needs to sustain health and wellbeing- and we aren’t aware of what’s missing until we start to feel the effects of debilitated health. 


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  • Health

    Oral healthcare is not just better for you, it’s better for everyone you come into contact with. Fresh breath, clean teeth, and a nice smile can do wonders for your self-esteem and it means you don’t need to constantly be covering your mouth during conversation!

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  • Beauty

    By this point, we should all be well-versed in the negative effects of chemically-laden or enhanced beauty products. It’s important to bear in mind that anything that passes through your skin, scalp, and overall body is then transported into your bloodstream. Women should not have to pay with their health for their beauty!

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  • Health

    Good-quality sleep is vital for creating better health. When you get a good night’s sleep, it is not just your physical body that benefits- it is your entire being. Think about it, how awful do you feel mentally and emotionally (as well as physically) when you don’t get enough rest?

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  • Health

    As we age, much of our health begins to waver and deteriorate. This includes our dental and oral health. With the cost of dental care rising, we should be doing all we can to preserve our teeth, our oral health, and of course our smiles.

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  • Shape

    Determining a style of yoga to engage in comes with a prolific selection of studios or yoga schools. Before you begin, visit several classes in your area to choose which environment and type you’d like to begin your program. Read if you want to learn more...

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  • Health

    As the temperatures rise and we prepare to kick off the 4 of July party and the backyard entertaining season, the bug experts from SC Johnson offer these helpful tips to help you enjoy summer entertaining and stay protected from the mosquitoes. 

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  • Health

    Establishing a solid regimen for health and wellbeing lines the path to longevity. However, we don’t just want to live longer, we want to be healthier and happier for as long as we can be. So what are the keys to longevity?

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  • Health

    Since ancient times, skincare has been at the heart of beauty and looking good. There is a wealth of information nowadays on how to best take care of your skin, alongside this...

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  • Health

    Perhaps, during stay-at-home orders, you may have put on weight, or just generally not eaten as well as you would have liked. The fact that gyms and leisure facilities were closed probably didn’t help matters either. There are a number of reasons why you may want to renew your health and fitness agenda, whatever they may be, having a good cleanse is a good place to start. 

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  • Health

    As we age, much of our health begins to waver and deteriorate. This includes our dental and oral health. With the cost of dental care rising, we should be doing all we can to preserve our teeth, our oral health, and of course our smile.

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  • Health

    A normal start to the day generally begins with a coffee or tea for many of us. Is coffee the no.1 go-to beverage for that kick-start to the day ?

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  • Supporting your health and well-being is something that we all know we should do, and frequently have the right intention toward, but it’s not always something we stick to or maybe truly understand.

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  • Health

    Keeping yourself healthy is a show of love and dedication to your wellbeing. It also means that as well as valuing yourself, you value the people around you that love and care for you and want to see you prosper in all aspects of life.

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  • Health

    Is Astaxanthin a powerful antioxidant that offers 7 ways to protect your health?

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  • Health

    Heart health is always a major factor in wellbeing goals, there are many statistics, facts, and figures on the deterioration of heart health across the USA and none of them are pleasing or encouraging! 

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  • Health

    Springtime is undoubtedly one of the best seasons for rebirth, renewal, and inspiring new beginnings. In all aspects of life, there is a high degree of hope that is birthed as flowers begin to flourish; trees regain their color, and the skies open up to more sunny days.

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  • Health

    Feminine health and hygiene is a sensitive area and many mainstream markets full to the brim with treatments, lotions, creams, and potions rarely satisfied with a successful remedy. Here are some reminders on practices that can benefit you as a wonderful, radiant female! 

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  • Health

    As adults, we should be well-versed in the importance of dental hygiene. It is natural to take advantage of our teeth and gum health when we’re younger, but as with most things, with age comes knowledge! Here are some little reminders of what may taste great, but not be so wonderful for your oral health and hygiene!

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  • Health

    Inflammation impacts our health in many ways. It not only affects our bodily functions and processes but also how we look and ultimately feel. Inflammation within the body has been linked to many modern-day chronic conditions and diseases, as well as causing issues with muscle and joint tissue as well as bones. 

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  • Health

    Spring signals a natural re-start. It is a time when everything just begins to look better, and the world around us heralds the first signs of summer days and nights ahead. Springtime inspires us...

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  • Health

    As we head into spring, it is an opportune time to start fresh with your health regimen and clarify your health goals along the way.

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  • Health

    The search for better health means we are continually seeking ways and means to look better and feel better too. As the health and fitness world is a highly aesthetic place, we tend to focus more on what makes us look better outwardly, sometimes at the cost of what benefits us internally. Here are some tips for you!

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  • Health

    Greens don’t tend to be very exciting; many of us may recall being told to “eat our greens” as youngsters, at best we may have shoved and “shimmied” the green stuff around the plate so it at least looked like we had tried some…!

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  • Health

    Sleep is an absolute necessity to sustain life and yet we frequently take it for granted. We think nothing of skipping a few hours here and there and apply very little focus on establishing a healthy bedtime routine to ensure a good night’s sleep is achieved. 

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  • Beauty

    Hygiene has taken on a whole new perspective since the Covid-19 pandemic began. Our cleaning and hygiene routines have been scrutinized and changed for the better considering the modern world that we live in.

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  • Beauty

    Spring is not too far away, and there is no better time for a new beginning than springtime. Whether it’s a new health goal you have, or a fresh self-care routine, the lightness of spring is a motivating factor to help get you started! Here are a few tips to help you with natural skin care and inspired self-care choices!

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