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Do You Keep Your Heart Healthy?

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Heart health is always a major factor in wellbeing goals, there are many statistics, facts, and figures on the deterioration of heart health across the USA and none of them are pleasing or encouraging! 



Just to put a light on it, here are a few of them from the CDC: 

  • One person dies every 36 seconds from cardiovascular-related disease.

  • Heart disease is the main cause of death in the USA for both men and women.

  • Around 655,000 Americans die every year from heart-related incidents/diseases. This amounts to around 1 in 4 of the population.

These are scary and sobering figures to digest; however, it does highlight the need for a greater focus on better heart and cardiovascular health. This is for both men and women, traditionally, heart disease was thought of as more of a male disease or something that men were more susceptible to, but as the figures above state- this is not the case! 

Women should take as much care with their heart health as men do. So how can you better protect your heart and cardiovascular health? There are many answers because every positive thing that you do for health and wellbeing can be advantageous for your heart. 


Here are just a few of the most basic things you can become more aware of or incorporate in order to improve your heart and cardiovascular function! 


  • Control your food and nutrition. This is particularly in terms of minimizing foods that can increase your levels of cholesterol and heighten blood pressure. Cholesterol clogs the arteries around your heart, there are both “good” and “bad” cholesterols, these are HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein) and LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein). The focus should be on increasing your levels of HDL cholesterol, this should be in the region of 1 or above, LDL around 3 or below, and your total cholesterol around 5. 

  • Exercise! Any activity that gets your heart pumping and your body moving is beneficial for not only your heart health but your brain function too. There are way too many plus sides to exercise! Aim to increase your activity levels to around 20-30 minutes at least 3-5 times per week. Walking is actually one of the best exercises around, it costs nothing and helps to strengthen your bones, joints, and muscles too! 

  • Maintain a healthy weight. Obesity levels are constantly on the rise; managing your weight to a safe and healthy level helps to protect your heart. A BMI (Body Mass Index) calculator can act as a guide to help you manage your weight, however, in very muscular people the BMI calculator is not always an accurate measure as muscle is denser than body fat.



Alongside the above, avoiding smoking (even second-hand smoke), drinking responsibly and in moderation, and managing stress can really help to maintain and manage good heart health. Supplements can assist with nutrition, and The Veggie Doctor has some great ones to choose from. 

The Veggie Doctor is made of many individual brands, each serving customers in different ways, but all with a focus on enhancing people's health, fitness, and beauty. They are committed to helping people live longer, healthier lives. 

“Our mission is to provide the highest quality, custom-formulated, vegan supplements. Every single one of our products is 100% Vegan, CUSTOM FORMULATED, and manufactured using the highest standards. All of our products are vegan because we believe it's more ethical, more sustainable, and healthier for you and the environment. We listen to our customers and have improved our products multiple times because of the feedback we have received over the years. We never stop trying to make our products better!” The Veggie Doctor

The Veggie Doctor has another ground-breaking reformulation that is currently under testing and could be released in 6-12 months but for now, here are two of The Veggie Doctor’s health supplements: Qwell™ (Omega 3 Supplement and Immunoboost™



Qwell™ Vegan Friendly Omega 3 Supplement 

Qwell is the only plant-based Omega-3 supplement with DHA, EPA, and DPA and made without carrageenan. Why is this important? Carrageenan is an additive/preservative that is normally used in foods and supplements to thicken or emulsify. However, there is some evidence that this additive can be quite harmful to health and potentially cause inflammation and toxicity in the body. This is why Qwell™ is Carrageenan-free! 

Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid, this means your body needs it for proper function and health as it cannot be produced by the body. Omega-3 fatty acids such as DHA and EPA are normally rich within oily fish like salmon, mackerel, and tuna. 

  • QWELL™ is formulated to support your heart function, brain and memory, joints, and immune system. It is also a great prenatal source of extremely beneficial Omega-3 for you and your growing baby. 

  • Vegans and Vegetarians may be at risk of not getting enough Omega-3 in their diet, however, vegan-friendly Omega-3 supplements are now more commonplace and Qwell is one of them!

  • An Omega-3 rich supplement is valuable to your health because polluted oceans and other environmental factors mean that fish aren’t as healthy anymore. Fish get fatty acids by eating microalgae; Qwell™ delivers farm-raised non-GMO algae oil to your diet, with nutrients and Vitamin E. 

Take 2 easy to swallow capsules a day for one of the biggest doses of joint supporting omega-3s on the market. Qwell™ is formulated by physicians, vegan friendly, and contains no artificial colors or sweeteners. 


ImmunoBoost™ is an Immune Support Supplement - All Natural & Vegan! 

This Immunity Supplement includes Zinc, Vitamins C and D3, Elderberry Extract, and Magnesium. Your immune system is deserving of extra support all through the year. Even the best nutritionally sound diets may still leave your immune function running below par. Good nutrition alongside supplementation can make all the difference to your immunity. 

ImmunoBoost contains NO animal products, salt, sugar, derivatives, or by-products. This supplement is a natural way to help boost and sustain your immune function for health and wellbeing all year round. 

Here’s a brief overview of the ingredients and the benefits to your health! 

  • Zinc is an essential mineral not stored by the body; it helps to support a healthy cell and immune function

  • Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin (not stored by the body); you need adequate amounts daily for good health, immunity, and great skin! 

  • D3 helps to strengthen musculature and bones and supports a healthy immune system. It also helps to boost mood and improve heart function. Vitamin D3 is known as the “sunshine vitamin”! 

  • Elderberry Extract is packed with vitamins that boost immune function. It has a very high antioxidant value and can help to reduce inflammation within the body. 

  • Magnesium is a vital mineral necessary for muscle and nerve function. It can also help to improve energy levels and mood. 


The Veggie Doctor's IMMUNOBOOST vegan tablets are a trusted dietary supplement. As part of your health regimen, take 1 or 2 of these tablets a day with meals or as your healthcare provider advises. Tablets are easy to swallow!

“Our Immune System Support tablets are formulated by a medical doctor and use clinical doses of safe ingredients. Each tablet contains 500 mg of Vitamin C, 50 mg of magnesium, 15 mg of zinc, 150 mg of elderberry extract, and 1500 IU of Vitamin D3!”- The Veggie Doctor

“We DON'T take private label supplements, slap a sticker on it, and call it a day. We take great pride that Veggie Doctor™ products are custom formulated and manufactured using the highest quality standards”- The Veggie Doctor

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness.

* In partnership with our friends at The Veggie Doctor Photos courtesy of The Veggie Doctor 
* The information available on ewellnessmag.com, including text, graphics, and other materials are for informational purposes only. Reliance on any information in ewellnessmag.com is at the user's own risk. Sponsored product placement may appear in the article. The visitor of this website acknowledges that the information available on or through ewellnessmag.com is not and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Copyright © 2021 Brawo Press, Inc. All rights reserved.

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