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  • Travel & Spa

    A cruise can be a fun, relaxing way to spend a vacation, but any vacation spent with the flu is no vacation at all. Since a large number of people can come into close contact with one another on cruise ships, respiratory viruses, including flu, have the potential to spread easily on cruises.

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  • Health

    Health and wellness is the cohesion of a good nutritional emphasis on our diet, movement and exercise, as well as restoration, relaxation, and of course…sleep! When any of these elements of health and well-being fall short- we are challenged to level them back up to balance.

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    This post-Thanksgiving period between now and the New Year is when even average people tend to binge drink. What many people don’t realize is that drinking alcohol in excess can have a negative impact on your appearance. Alcohol dehydrates your body including the skin- your body’s largest organ. Here some tips to avoid a “skin hangover” include…

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  • One banana a day!| Wellness magazine

    According to the latest Japanese Scientific Research, a full ripe banana with dark patches on the yellow skin produces a substance called TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor), which has the ability to combat abnormal cells...

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  • Eat Well

    It's easy to eat your way to an alarmingly high cholesterol level. The reverse is true too — changing what you eat can lower your cholesterol and improve the armada of fats floating through your bloodstream.

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  • Health

    Health isn’t limited to what we eat or physically do; health encompasses the broader mechanics of our daily lives. For instance, hygiene doesn’t first spring to mind when we think of our health, and yet our body and oral hygiene is vital for our well-being.

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  • Family Health

    Stretching is an excellent thing you can do for your health. These simple, yet effective moves can help you limber up for sports, improve your 

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  • Health

    If you’ve ever worked your body to the point of feeling like your muscles are on fire, then you’ve experienced lactic acid build up. How and why it happens... 

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  • Health

    Cuts from a sharp knife or a piece of glass are very common. To treat a minor cut, Dr. Ferris recommends the following tips...

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  • Health

    The only way to start…is to start! We can go beyond our own limiting beliefs and negative habits when we reframe our goals and place our health far higher on our list of priorities. So, let us not wait for a special occasion 

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  • Health

    It can happen fast. One minute the kids are all playing peacefully outside on a warm, spring day. The next minute a piercing scream reveals that a bee has stung one of them.  It’s a good idea to know what to do – and not do – to treat a bee sting.

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  • Mind

    While the statement “attitude is everything“ isn’t actually a reality, it’s not that far off base. Today, in this special for Wellness magazine, David Essel offers the five key tips from his new book “Focus!" ...

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  • Health

    Each time the American people think the nation’s opioid crisis can’t get any worse – it gets worse

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  • Health

    Antibiotic-resistant germs can spread like wildfire. More than 23,000 Americans die each year from infections caused by germs resistant to antibiotics.

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  • Health

    Did the latest challenge at work bring on a tightening in your stomach? Does constant worry about a loved one’s health make you physically ill yourself? Everyone at some point feels the effects of stress. Not everyone deals with stress in the best way, though.

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  • Health

    Increased oxidative stress is the source of all illness and leads to cardiovascular disease, arthritis, a variety of cancers, and much more. Here, I reveal the eight steps to help you stop oxidative stress in its tracks.

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  • Recipes for cooking with Olives |Wellness magazine Wellness magazine

    You can easily prepare Carlo Cavallo’s elegant and flavorful lamb lion dish to impress any dinner crowd. This winning recipe will have guests asking for more.

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  • Health

    Golf is generally considered a low-risk injury sport. The statistics, however, reveal that injuries in golf are not as rare as commonly thought. Furthermore, the severity of an injury is often underestimated as well.

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  • Health

    Water is our essential source of hydration and our body is comprised of over 70% water. With that in mind, it’s vital to find your healthy source of regenerating your energy and ...

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  • Health

    Amid the influx of diet-minded smartphone apps that help users boost their nutritional health and weight-loss success, below are a few notables that can help folks realize pound-shedding success this New Year.

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  • Shape

    Pilates was inspired by children’s flexibility, strength and ease of movement to study the phases of child development in which infants develop muscle control and core stability. Joseph Pilates used this knowledge as a basis to design and sequence his exercise program in a manner that parallels a child’s motor development.

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  • Health

    Your knee aches from time to time. Or maybe your fingers don't seem as nimble as they used to be. Is it osteoarthritis?

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  • Better Nutrition, Better Healing

    Do your knees or hips hurt? If you are like most people, sooner or later you will face a knee or hip problem — if you haven't already. 

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  • Beauty & Soprt

    Athlete and supermodel set to launch the Adidas Fall/Winter 2016 Collection campaign. New campaign showcase a collection fusing cutting-edge 

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  • Family Health

    Analyzing data from 58,000 heart stress tests, Johns Hopkins cardiologists report they have developed a formula that estimates one’s risk of dying.

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  • Family Health

    Spring has finally arrived here, with sunny skies and blooming flowers. The change in temperatures for some, however, may be causing orthopedic conditions like arthritis to flare up. For sufferers of joint and muscle pain, and anyone who is interested in improving their overall health moving into the summer months, the orthopedic specialists some helpful tips.

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  • Magnesium and Testosterone: Get The Facts

    Does Mg really boost testosterone levels and improve athletic performance?

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  •  Jennifer Lopez

    Jennifer Lopez invites women across the country to join her in “BE THE GIRL” weight loss challenge. Are you ready for this?

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  • Too Hot To Handle

    If you have never taken a bath using a bath fizzy, you have no idea what you're missing out on. I speak from personal experience when I say I’m a natural born lover of showers, but this is nothing...

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  • How exercises and supplements help arthritis

    Arthritis doesn't have to keep you from enjoying life. Learn the latest on the new exercise routine, supplementation and treatments for living well with arthritis.

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  • Six tips for safe strength training | Wellness magazine

    Strength training isn't just for bodybuilders. Like aerobic exercise, it's important for everybody, and it should be a part of any comprehensive exercise program. 

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  • Clean Start. Taste. Real. Performance.

    Bust your body’s natural performance with these quick nutrients–rich mixes and find the story behind those healthy drink and delicious cookies at Skratch Labs

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  •  The World’s Most Fitness Friendly Vacations |Wellness magazine

    Even fitness junkies sometimes find it difficult to follow their workout routine while traveling for business or pleasure. After all, exercising in a new environment can be a challenge. 

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  • Back pain managed 5 principles of stretching

    People can be classified into two categories: those who have back pain and those who will get back pain. But according to Kristian Berg, author of the  Prescriptive Stretching, the inevitability of back pain can be avoided with stretching.

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  • I often think that running is one of the best ways to see a new place. You can explore quickly, dashing between spot to spot, and get your bearings. It’s good for you and the environment – the sort of ultimate slow travel.

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  • Core workout can cause muscle sorenes | Wellness magazine

    Many popular workouts that aim to strengthen your arms, legs, and abs give short shrift to many of the muscles that form your body's core (the group of muscles that form the sturdy central link connecting your upper and lower body).  

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  • What do I look for when choosing a yoga class ?| Wellness magazine

    Think about what you hope to gain from your yoga class. Do you want a vigorous practice that builds strength? Would you prefer a gentle, restorative practice to help you relax ?

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  • You never want to do the same exercises, reps, and sets for each workout.  Shock your muscles into growing and adapting to new stimuli.  Switch up your routines, number of sets and reps for each session.

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  • The biggest problem with most current exercise programs is that they are not based on a person's unique body shape, size, physiological response, and, most important, current level of fitness. To get the most out of a program you need to make your effort individualized, and the easiest way to do that is to track your cardiac response to your body's movement of choice.

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  • "14 DAYS WELLNESS SPRING WAKE UP CHALLENGE." | Wellness magazine

    Another diet and a new training routine gave no expected effect? Here is something new: we’ll not only show you the ways to lose some inches around your waist, but we’ll also teach you how to love your new lifestyle and remain happy, healthy and fit for good. STAY WITH US! WE ARE READY TO SHOW YOU THE NEW WAY TO A BETTER LIFE.

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  • Michael Johnson | Wellness Magazine

    "I have always enjoyed motivating people and the Motiv8 app allows me to do just that through a medium that people can use at anytime and when I am not there with them.  It is the perfect way to track your fitness, set fitness goals, and stay motivated to train"  Read more about two recently published smartphone apps from Olympic legend Michael Johnson.

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  • Your genetic disposition plays the leading role in creating the basic shape of your body.

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  • Walking may save your life! A recent study indicated that veterans who walked for exercise on a daily basis had a 50 – 70 percent lower mortality rate than those who didn’t.

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  • All you need is a chair to get beautiful legs like a ballerina. using a chair for balance, perform repetitions of various pliés, relives, and arabesques.

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  • Design your own personal physical activity program based on movement you enjoy, and schedule it into your week.

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