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  • Health

    We all want to work on our health so that we can live fuller and longer lives. There are many natural remedies that can potentially support us to do this. Getting to know your body is the first step to figuring out what works well for you. 

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  • Health

    We witness many changes from winter through to spring. It is a time of rebirth and transformation. It’s beautiful and poignant, and far more relevant than we give it credit for. 

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  • Drop that sugar |Wellness magazine

    When you think of addiction, various illegal and harmful substances probably spring to mind…but not sugar. Yes, you know that candy, and your other favorite sweet treats aren’t the healthiest options—and sure, you may feel the urge to satisfy a craving once in awhile—but there’s no way that sugar can totally hijack your life…right? Wrong.

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  • Health

    Cold and flu season are upon us, that time of year when body aches, fever, chills, and nasal congestion combine and can stop you in your tracks, leaving you bedridden for days.  To feel better and get back on your feet,  Dr. Suhyun An recommends numerous natural cold and flu remedies to alleviate your symptoms...

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  • Health

    Last year’s flu season was historically bad, and the 2019-20 season is off to an even worse start. The CDC estimates that so far this season there have been at least 4.6 million flu illnesses, 39,000 hospitalizations and 2,100 deaths from the flu. 

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  • Shape

    Your wellness does not only depend on your physical shape, it is also indicated by your mind’s condition. We’ll take care of your mind and make you not only look better, but also feel great. We have  attached  PDF version’s of our program for your convenience. Let ‘s start.        

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  • Health

    For centuries we have all pondered and explored the secrets to super-looking skin. And the answers aren’t as far out of reach as they may sometimes seem! Modern times have exposed our skin to greater toxicity and pollutants, this has led to a continued increase in those of us that have a skin condition or nagging complaint with our skin.

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  • Health

    Activated Charcoal is a recent wonder in the health world for many reasons. It’s not charcoal as we know it… activated charcoal is special because it can attract many toxins that can be harmful to well being.

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  • Health

    Particularly during winter or party season, some extra love and care toward your gut and digestive system can make a big difference to how you look and how you feel. Here are a few ways to take care of your digestive health this winter and beyond!

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  • Health

    We are turning to tea more than ever at this time and thankfully we are spoilt for choice when we do! For centuries, ancient civilizations drank tea for its health and medicinal purposes as well as a chance to take a much-needed rest and switch off. And they were right to do so.

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  • Health

    We all need a bit of a jump-start toward our health and well-being goals at some point. As cold season sets in, we may feel less motivated to hit the gym or maintain our healthy nutritional habits- but this is a common mistake!

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  • Health

    Balance is essential. When we regularly fall out of balance with our nutrition, exercise, and time to rest, the body cannot cope! Healthy living is a way of life and it is something you need to focus on each day for the best benefits. Thankfully, we have many natural sources of food that are often down-played.

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  • Health

    No one wants to be older. Naturally, we want to maintain our youth and preserve our appearance, and yet, the aging process is nature’s fundamental promise to us all. Here are some ways you can re-frame and re-set to shift your focus toward better health and longevity!

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  • Health

    You are what you eat- yes, it’s a cliché but a very true one! What you eat as well as what you use on your skin can impact its appearance overall. Here are some foods and natural products that are noted as being highly beneficial for your skin.

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  • Health

    During winter, the urge to feel warm and comfortable can be highly tempting! Cold nights and darker days inevitably drain our energy. Of course, our bodies need time to rest a little and adapt to seasonal changes in the climate, but we should not get complacent with our health.

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  • Health

    Nowadays, staying healthy has never been easier. Sometimes it feels like a long road, but you are never alone on it! That is the thing about health and well being- it is a constant striving forward. And we can only move forward by arming ourselves with better knowledge and an open mind as to what supports our health as individuals

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  • Health

    Health and well being takes on new meaning with the arrival of motherhood. You not only have yourself to consider but also your newest family addition. And mums-to-be are not exempt from these nutritional concerns either; if anything, a newfound interest in the diet is formed.

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  • Health

    We all have different lifestyles and needs. Sometimes people with existing conditions or dietary limits (such as Veganism ) may struggle a little more to find what they need- but it is out there! Regardless of our status, there are some things that our bodies need- no matter what.

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  • Health

    Nature is infused with many plants, spices, and herbs for health and healing. Often, herbal and plant remedies are not the first thing we opt for, and yet they can have astounding benefits to our well being over time.

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  • Beauty

    Your skin is always worthy of some love and extra care. Even more so through winter as the cold sets in which can deplete your complexion and leave your skin feeling dryer. There are many ways to take care of your skin; naturally...

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    Many fitness enthusiasts find it difficult to follow their normal exercise plan while traveling to see family or friends for the winter holidays. Alex Vitale offers the following tips for putting together an exercise program that travels with you.

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  • MIND

    Enjoying oneself on a holiday does not mean abandoning one’s wellness goals. In fact, with wellness travel trending so highly lately, picking a destination that emphasizes wellness is a way to marry vacation and fitness in one.

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  • Health

    The environment you live and work in is just as important as what you put into your body. Bad or poor air quality can be detrimental to your health. 

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  • Health

    We automatically assume that snacks are unhealthy and spoil our subsequent meals- but this is not the case! We need snacks to provide an energy boost throughout the day until our next main meal, especially if we are active and busy. And we find the perfect one...


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  • Health

    Treating acne when it first appears can reduce severity, scarring and acne-related anxiety

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  • Health

    However, the body is not meant to be in a steady or prolonged state of inflammation. Diseases and conditions that are caused by chronic inflammation such as Arthritis, Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease or Stroke, continue to rise as the modern world seems to live in a cycle of unease and imbalance...

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  • Health

    The menopause is not kind to women- that is a fact. As it is an unavoidable and natural part of the aging process, the only thing you can do is do your best to be kind to yourself and guide your way through it with love and compassion.

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  • Health

    Tea is riding on a wave of popularity and with good reason. Tea has become an increasingly versatile and healthy, modern beverage- it is so much more than just the regular tea with milk you may start your day with when you fancy a change from coffee.

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  • Diet

    Best-selling author, chef, television personality and educator Amy Riolo shares tips to help you adopt the Mediterranean-style eating pattern and start enjoying better health.


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  • Health

    What stops or hinders people from working on their health and fitness goals? Time and effort is often a big factor when it comes to improving our well being. Where’s the time to fit everything in your day?!

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  • Health

    With people more health-conscious than ever before, the use of vitamins and dietary supplements has astronomically risen. In fact, the dietary supplements market is astonishingly expected to reach over $349 billion by 2026.

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  • Health

    The wellness economy is now a $4.2 trillion global industry. Yet, the questions that we most often encounter are: ‘What is wellness?’ ‘Why is it growing?’ and ‘What does it really mean?’  

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    As we head into summer, it’s a good time to freshen up your health and wellness routines and refocus your efforts for better results. Doing new things, using new products, and freshening up your living space all enhance your well being in some way. 

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    We all need energy. It is our language, our currency if you like. Without enough energy, we either cut ourselves short of what we need or others ultimately it is often both!

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    Digestive discomfort is something we may all suffer with from time to time, and of course, this includes our children too. Here are a few other ways to increase digestive support for you and your family.

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  • Health

    Success should not come with the price tag of our health upon it, and so we need to be more mindful of how we go about being successful. Essentially, we should be seeking out ways to work smarter- and not always harder!

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  • Health

    Joint pain and discomfort can become a major concern in our lives as we age, with 15 million Americans suffering from severe joint pain as a result of arthritis. It’s therefore extremely important to take joint care seriously from a younger age in order to maximize our health throughout our lives.

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  • Health

    Our immune system is something that often suffers when we don’t exercise, sleep or eat well, or support it by nourishing this fundamental process that keeps us alive. Without a solid immune function, we are more prone to illnesses, bugs, viruses, chronic conditions and diseases. Here are some natural remedies, herbs and immune building foods for you to consider! 

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  • Health

    Whatever the weight loss goals may be, we need to be able to maintain our efforts to reach them. The natural way is always the best way forward, finding what suits you and your lifestyle, and is a sustainable form of action. Find the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar ...

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    Hydration is vital for life, overall health and well being. Every organ, process, function, and intricate inner system of our human make-up requires water and hydration to do its job. And the type of water makes so much difference too… naturally sourced bottled water is better for you in every respect. Find how to stay hydrated...

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  • Mind

    According to U.S. News, approximately 80% of resolutions fail by the second week in February. Why? Because dramatic, and immediate changes are not sustainable long-term. So this year, make 2019 not a year of resolutions or diets but one of the incremental changes to instill habits that create real long-lasting results. Here are 6 tips:

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    Valentine’s Day seems like the perfect excuse to eat your favorite delicious treat. There’s nothing quite like enjoying something sweet from your sweetheart, but did you know how devastating for your health it can be if you consume too much sugar?

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  • Beauty

    The secrets of beauty, healthy-looking skin, and overall wellbeing is something that we strive to unlock because we all want to look and feel good. Whatever the secrets may be, simplicity and nourishment are what lie at the very heart of our health.

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  • Health

    There are many natural foods that can be highly effective in providing us with more energy, endurance, mental acuity, and an elevated mood. Maca roots, for example, is the great energizing option for you! Find why...

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    Many conditions like cancer and diabetes are difficult to talk about with your doctor because of the burden of these diseases and the hardship of the symptoms and treatment. Other ailments are just plain embarrassing. Not to worry, you are not alone in feeling bashful about certain issues you may be experiencing.

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