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  • Health

    Sleep is an absolute necessity to sustain life and yet we frequently take it for granted. We think nothing of skipping a few hours here and there and apply very little focus on establishing a healthy bedtime routine to ensure a good night’s sleep is achieved. 

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  • Health

    Wouldn’t it be great to grow older and yet still maintain a certain level of health and wellbeing that means you are still able to do what you want to do or did when you were younger?  Getting older is not a reason to give up on what has kept you well through your life...

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  • Health

    As more people flock to the gym for their New Year’s resolutions, dermatologists from the American Academy of Dermatology are offering words of caution for gym members. While working out has many benefits, including weight control, disease prevention, and even mood improvement, germs can thrive at the gym. 

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  • Health

    January is a long and difficult month to navigate. After the holiday season life seems to fall into a semi-slump and everything feels just that little bit harder when days and nights are colder! January can be a month where motivation may be low but the will to get on track to healthier living should be higher.

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  • Health

    Many people will say that the lack of energy they feel day to day is the reason for not doing the things they truly want to do. After so much time spent on work and family life, it is often the sloppy seconds that remain for the other stuff, such as socializing, leisure activity, and the all-important self-care that we need to function in the modern world. 

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  • Health

    We have just gotten past what is aptly titled “Blue Monday”, a day around the third week in January when the winter blues kick in! Yes, January can be a tough month, especially if you are trying to get healthy and find the motivation to just do better with looking after yourself through the year. 

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  • Health

    None of us are immune to difficulty, stress, and anxiety. At some point in our lives, we will all come across a time of disharmony and discontent- that is a given. So how do we live (or cope) with anxiety, stress, and those undeniable downtimes? 

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  • Health

    This year has been a tricky one to handle from many perspectives. However, what 2020 has taught many of us is that health is truly valuable, without it, everything suffers. 

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  • Health

    Your skin is as unique as you are, for that purpose you must treat it just as uniquely. You need to feel comfortable and happy in your skin. Creating better-looking skin builds your confidence; your skin is the first thing that anyone notices when they look at you. 

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  • Health

    In a world that is so full of things to do or be done, it pays to remember the beauty of introducing some calm time into your daily life. Creating calm in your world is just as important to wellbeing as eating well and staying active.

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  • Health

    Health encompasses our whole body and being. It is not just what we eat; it is also what we think and what we feel. Here are two products to help you on the journey to smarter health! 

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  • Health

    Increasingly, people are turning toward their gut health to improve their immune function. And this is a very good thing! For without adequate digestion and absorption, and balancing out of good vs the bad bacteria in our gut, overall health is inclined to suffer to some extent.

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  • Health

    Perhaps the herbal medicinal world is so vast that it ends up overwhelming us when we are on the lookout for health support. However, the fact that plant medicines are aplenty should not confuse us but inspire us! 

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  • Health

    Sometimes what we need is just to strip things back to basics and rediscover the purpose of why we do what we do. This also helps to improve motivation and mental clarity which set the foundation of working toward your goals- health or otherwise.

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  • Health

    Usually, inflammation is helpful. It is the body’s way of protecting itself from injury or infection. However, when inflammation becomes prolonged and persists, it can become damaging and destructive to the body’s tissues. Find the way how to reduce inflammation...

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  • Health

    Taking care of your brain is crucial for living a longer, happier, and healthier life. The more we can protect, nourish, and preserve our mind, the better off we will be in the short- and long-term.

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  • Health

    Our immune system is always in need of support; seasons may come and go but anytime is a great time to improve your health and vitality through immune support!  Vitamin C offers strong support for the immune system. Find the Importance of Vitamin C...

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  • Health

    Many of us are stressed and overwhelmed by daily life and yet we continually miss or ignore the signs and symptoms of declining mental health. Mushrooms have been used as medicine for mental and physical well-being for many years.

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  • Mind

    In this time of social distancing, isolation, and quarantining, we need our friends more than ever. But exactly who are our friends? Are they the 148 people who liked our last IG post? Or the 15 who shared today's FB post with all of their “friends?”

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  • Health

    Despite the health and safety benefits of social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are suffering from the pain of extreme loneliness after months of isolation in their homes. Here Dr. Joel Salinas breaks down how to easily spot, measure, manage, and ultimately overcome loneliness to protect the mental health of you and your loved ones.

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  • Health

    An investment in your health is one of the single most important decisions you can make to improve your life. Everything requires some sort of concerted and committed effort to grow and by investing in your health you are setting yourself up for a better way of life, short term, and long term.

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  • Health

    Rather than popping pills and painkillers for a headache, wouldn’t it be far gentler on your body to soothe it with a herb or plant remedy that can achieve the desired outcome and potentially aid in restoring the inner balance to prevent further disharmony? 

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  • Health

    When your hormones are out of sync or off-balance, it is challenging to feel like ‘you’! This is why the menopause is a particularly trying time for women- and why the process of menopause is aptly named “The change."

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  • Health

    Anti-aging isn’t just what you put on your skin. Yes, topical creams, serums, gels, and lotions may substantially benefit your complexion and smooth out wrinkles but then what happens to the inside of your body? 

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  • Health

    The entire world has been rocked through recent events surrounding the Coronavirus  COVID-19 and we are quickly realizing that we are not as invincible as we think we are. Even the healthiest of individuals will be questioning the strength of their immune function at this time. We need to look for effective health solutions. 

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  • Health

    Digestive Health is Fundamental to Healthy Living. Here are a few ways digestive health helps us toward better health and well-being.

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  • Health

    Staying in good health has never been more crucial to our existence. By looking after ourselves we also look after each other and we stay around longer for the people that we love and care about. So how do we go about staying in good health? 

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  • Health

    Right now, many of us are focused on our immune health and this is important given the current outbreak of COVID-19. However, we should not compromise the rest of our well-being by just focusing on one aspect of it.

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  • Get off the couch

    If you are like most people, you have a busy and stressful life. Trying to balance your job and your family and still find time for yourself is hard for many people to do.

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  • Health

    A chemical found in some vaping products can produce a highly toxic gas when heated up...

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  • Health

    A healthy lifestyle is something that is created. It’s all too easy for us to slip into bad or unhealthy habits, but when you start feeling the effects of your bad choices then it is time to go create and bring on some much-needed change.

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  • Beauty

    We all want to look more youthful. It is one of the number one things we strive to preserve…our youth! 

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  • Health

    Let’s be honest, staying healthy isn’t always easy in your pocket. As important as we may know that health is our true wealth, it can sometimes be a costly exercise. 

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  • Health

    Something new! Trying something new, even if it's the smallest thing can help to inspire change. As a supplement company, Super Naturals Health can't help you to drink more water or exercise more but they can help you to sleep better and balance your gut! Find how...

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  • Health

    Putting healthy habits into practice is fundamental to your overall health and sometimes we just need that inspiration to set us on the right path. Inspiration can be found everywhere; be it from friends and family or innovative companies that you hear about, what’s important is recognizing what needs to change so that you can then set a plan into motion!  Here are a few tips to help inspire healthy habits and better total health!

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  • Health

    Coronavirus doesn't like soap! The recent outbreak of Coronavirus (also known as Covid-19) has shaken people and caused us to massively increase our awareness of how we look after ourselves and keep illness at bay.

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  • Health

    Yes, a fresh decade has begun, the spring is just on the corner but we don’t need to wait for any occasion or special event to begin making changes to our health regimen. If you are well-tuned to your body and sense of well-being, then taking action when you aren’t feeling your best is paramount to improving your health. And if you are generally feeling OK, imagine what it would be like to feel GREAT! And it’s not as hard as it may seem.

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  • Health

    We all know how important it is to eat well, stay active, brush our teeth and moisturize our skin, but how well do we take care of our eyes? It should be of no surprise that of all the five senses—taste, hear, touch, see and smell—vision is the one most of us value most, yet we rarely give it the attention it deserves. 

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  • Beauty

    Skincare and cosmetics are just a part of enduring beauty- beauty that lasts always begins from within. Here are some ways you can make a difference and move toward longer lasting beauty! 

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  • Health

    Studies show that green spaces and landscaping contribute to our health, happiness, and intellect. Here are 5 Health Benefits of our Green Spaces

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  • Health

    adidas will introduce PRIMEBLUE and PRIMEGREEN, two new sustainable technologies that contain 100% recycled polyester



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  • Health

    There is a common phrase that states “Home is where the heart is”. And that is so true. Home is a place away from the chaos and any dysfunction of the day, it is a sanctuary, a place where you return to recoup and heal. 

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  • Health

    Getting back to health and inner balance takes time and dedication, particularly after a period of inactivity, an illness, injury, or just finding your feet again after a break. The good news is we can help...

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  • Health

    We only get one body to live in, don’t we?! So we need to treat our body with the care and attention it deserves so it works better for us, day-to-day and long term. 

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  • Health

    If you are constantly on the go and feeling highly stressed and anxious, all that built-up tension steals away your well being because it always catches up to you at some point.  We will learn you "Breathe in wellness" and find calm for well being.

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