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In light of current events, many would consider a perpetually optimistic person as deranged or living in the world of absurdity. However, leading life as a pessimist does not appear to be a viable option if one intends to gain a deeper, below the surface, understanding of life.


Reducing Anxiety and Depression With Garden and Green Activities

Reducing Anxiety and Depression With Garden and Green Activities

Gardening, when done wisely and with your particular physical concerns in mind, is incredibly good for your health. Shawna Coronado teaches how gardening can change your life for better.




Can’t motivate yourself to stick to your resolution? The problem may not be with you, but your choice of goals. As with a pair of glasses, some resolutions fit you while others don’t.




Our hormones play such a pivotal role in our bodies; they are our ‘chemical messengers’ and we cannot survive without them. They control and coordinate our mood, emotions, metabolism, sleep pattern, and immune system. Here we look at a few tips for better and happier hormonal balance.



Troubled Teens: 5 Ways Adults Can Connect and Empower Them

Troubled Teens: 5 Ways Adults Can Connect and Empower Them

The statistics suggest that a disturbing percentage of America’s teenagers are in crisis.





Delivering comedy has two immediate benefits: a natural physiological response experienced by both the sender and the receiver, and a “humanizing” effect that creates a connection between the speaker and the audience.




Many Americans are constantly searching for ways to boost their energy throughout the day, whether to be able to function in the early morning, get over the afternoon slump, or stay awake at night to get more work done.  




The word yoga comes from the Sanskirit word "yul" which means, " to bind, join, attach as well as union, to direct and concentrate one's attention, to use and apply"




Stay cool and calm

Stay cool and calm

Think of a stressful situation: a fear of heights, gridlock traffic, public speaking, a busy schedule, the options are endless. Most people turn to caffeine to help them get through these situations, however, that is often the worst thing you can do. When you allow yourself to relax and focus on the task at hand you’re entering a “flow state,” we call this The Power Of Calm. And, maybe is all you need?



  • Travel Diet Destroyers |Wellness magazine |Photo Credit:iStockPhoto.

    Before you hit the road on that holiday vacation or business trip with a mindset of maintaining a healthy diet regimen, beware! What you “think” you know about healthy food choices can hurt you. Eating healthfully can be extra-challenging when you are out and about, whether traveling remotely, in transit from point A to point B, or dining out locally.

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  • A first-of-its-kind APP ‘Kids Making Healthy Choices’ |Wellness mag

    One-of-a-kind APP based on an award-winning book bundles a relatable and inspirational illustrated children’s story and fun games with caregiver/educator information tools, resources and recipes to foster fit, weight-wise kids

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  • What do I look for when choosing a yoga class ?| Wellness magazine

    Think about what you hope to gain from your yoga class. Do you want a vigorous practice that builds strength? Would you prefer a gentle, restorative practice to help you relax ?

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  • 5 Digital Resources Fostering Fit Kids | Wellness magazine

    Childhood obesity is a growing epidemic around the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that, globally, 22 million kids under the age of 5 are overweight, and the statistics are equally frightening for adolescents, tweens and teens. While you have heard much about “childhood obesity,”  how much do you really know?

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  • The power of natural crystals | Wellness magazine

    The idea for alternative medicine leads us back centuries to those who sought ways to resolve medical power for which today we may simply consume over the counter medicines and not think twice of doing so. However, there are some, who believe that the power of crystals may be greater than most choose to explore. To support our theory we reached out to Dr. Howard Wolin.

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  • Dr.Jacqueline Del Rosario| Wellness magazine

    Despite conventional wisdom further bolstered with compelling new research revealing the importance of intimacy in fostering relationship happiness and longevity, millions upon millions of couples struggle to keep the relationship flame lit.

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  • Diet and nutrition, as well as lifestyle and aging, influence the beauty of our skin. We have asked Dr. Linda Miles L. Ac., D.O.M., Vice President of derma e® Natural Bodycare, how to help our skin stay healthy looking and beautiful day after day.

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  • How One Summer Can Dramatically Change Your Life

    Summer is a happy time of year and is the perfect time to refresh, relax and take small steps to become more balanced all year round. Find 10 small changes you can do this summer that will make a HUGE difference in your life.  

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  • Coffee, Roses, Lemon Water and 7 more homemade natural secrets for dark circles | Wellness magazine

    Some of the best remedies on how to get rid of dark circles lie in our kitchen. Here are 10 the best homemade treatments for dark circles. You can pick one or you will try all of them and find which one will be good for you.

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  • Making Carrot Juice for good health

    Making up a glass of carrot juice is easy and drinking it regularly is great for your energy levels.

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  • "14 DAYS WELLNESS SPRING WAKE UP CHALLENGE." | Wellness magazine

    Another diet and a new training routine gave no expected effect? Here is something new: we’ll not only show you the ways to lose some inches around your waist, but we’ll also teach you how to love your new lifestyle and remain happy, healthy and fit for good. STAY WITH US! WE ARE READY TO SHOW YOU THE NEW WAY TO A BETTER LIFE.

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  • The wonders of  olive oil | Wellness magazine

    Cleansing the face is the first step in any program. You can make a great facial cleanser by squeezing a lemon and adding a few drops of water. Cleanse the face gently using cotton balls. After cleansing, the facial continues with a good scrub, a mask, and then a moisturizer. All of these can be freshly homemade.

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  • Eye health may be related to brain health! | Wellness magazine

    According to a study, researchers showed that people with minimal eye damage due to weak or damaged blood vessels caused by vascular disease have a higher risk for memory problems.

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  • Valentine’s Day tips to keep your relationship healthy

     Ah, romance can be a balancing act, especially if you live with your partner.  Find a few easy tips, how to make your relationship with your partner work better.

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  • It is time to start blending!  Give your smoothies a delicious boost!|Wellness magazine

    Give your smoothies a healthy and delicious boost with a few easy tips and techniques. Find suggestions on new ingredients to use, how to achieve a perfect texture and more...

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  • How to Create Smile-Friendly Drinks

    Drink to your health' takes on new meaning. Cocktails infused with medicinal ingredients can improve immunity and offer a tasty tonic for your teeth, according to recent studies.* The recipes feature cocktails and non-alcoholic drink recipes using fruits, vegetables, grains, and other 'super-food' ingredients.

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  • The Nutritious Beehive| Wellness magazine

    With bees so much in the news these days, we are all learning more about them and their ways. These little insects are experiencing many problems on a global level. Their numbers are decreasing due to loss of habitat, illnesses, viruses, the increasing use of pesticides, and more.

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  • Health Matters: Activating Wellness in Every Generation Conference | Wellness magazine

    On January 13-15, the Clinton Foundation will host its third annual Health Matters: Activating Wellness in Every Generation Conference at the La Quinta Resort and Club in La Quinta, California. This conference will showcase what leaders from across sectors ...

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  • Quinoa -  Super- Easy Superfood | wellness magazine

    Quinoa has a wonderful texture and a delicious nutty flavor, is quick and easy to work with, and is now inexpensively available in grocery and health food stores. 

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  • Bees vs good prostate health| wellness magazine

    Can bees provide us with the answer to maintaining good health ? Honeybee hive propolis, the resin used by bees to patch up holes in hives contains a compound called caffeic acid phenethyl easter or CAPE. 

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  • Keep Your Mind in Good Working Order|Wellness magazine

    On New Year’s Eve, mass of people are inspired to make healthy resolutions that quickly wind up on the slippery slope towards trouble. With patience and commitment, you can turn your wellness dreams into reality. Here, find 7 New Year wellness tips how to keep your mind in good working order.

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  • Vitamin D | Wellness magazine

    Doctors are learning that vitamin D has many benefits. It may even help to lower the risk for some cancers.

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  • UNLEASH YOUR MIND | Wellness magazine

    Many Americans are constantly searching for ways to boost their energy throughout the day, whether to be able to function in the early morning, or stay awake at night to get more work done. For those looking for a product that promotes elevated focus, memory enhancement and mental drive we have a safe, healthy and effective alternative.

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  • Reduce inflammation naturally!| Wellness magazine

    For centuries, onions have been used to reduce inflammation and heal infections. Onions, like apples and other plant sources, contain a powerful polyphenol called quercetin.

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  • The healthy pleasures of Coconut Oil | Wellness magazine

    Coconuts is useful, practical, and economical - a wonderful gift of the palm world. The coconut palm has been recognized as a top immune booster, anti fungal, antibiotic, antiviral and antibacterial remedy for thousands of years all over the world. Coconut oil has been described as "the healthiest oil on earth."



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  • Family Time To Your Health | Wellness magazine

    “I’m just so busy” is the most common phrase we hear now from parents, kids and really, everyone!  “I have things to do. I don’t have time to talk about feelings. My family knows I love them.” Does this sound familiar?

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  • Feminine Hygiene Goes Green| Wellness magazine

    While not every woman can afford to purchase a hybrid car, more women than ever are aware that their monthly feminine hygiene choice can also create a positive eco-footprint.

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  • Secret Island Herb That Fights Anxiety, Stress & Panic Attacks| Wellness Magazine

    It rips through your body like a buzz saw, tensing every nerve, pushing your adrenal glands into overdrive and robbing precious years from your life. Stress is no joke. Can you help yourself by simply spraying a few mists of natural spray under your tongue, and sooth your stress and anxiety in no time? Yes, you can.

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  • How to Create Smile-Friendly Drinks| Wellness magazine

    Drink to your health' takes on new meaning. Cocktails infused with medicinal ingredients can improve immunity and offer a tasty tonic for your teeth, according to recent studies.

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  • Acid free coffee| Wellness magazine

    Some people aren’t able to drink coffee because it bothers their stomach, but is it really the acid?The high acid amount found in coffee is one the largest contributing factors the high increase of acid related diseases in our society. You may be saying, “I had no idea that there was acid in my coffee!” Most people do not know.

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