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Alternative Remedies for Immune Support and Vitality/ 495

  • Health

    Holding on to old emotions, mental and physical clutter ends up making us feel heavy and lethargic…almost too tired to embrace life. Life is essentially about release and renewal; think about what does not serve you and how you can lovingly release it. Practice being here now.

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  • Beauty

    With any emerging industry, there are always the questions “Can I make a profit from this?” and “What liabilities are involved?”    A good example is the Wellness Business, which is one of the fastest growing industries on the market today. 

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  • Beauty

    Summer is just around the corner, and at this time many of us turn our attention to improving our physical appearance and overall health. It’s a popular time for a detox, trying new products, and giving our body some much-needed care and affection through better nutrition and exercise.

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