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Alternative Remedies for Immune Support and Vitality/ 495

  • Health

    Think your teeth are healthy just because they look and feel normal? Think again, says Dr. Thomas Levy. Here, he explains why chronic apical periodontitis, or "CAP"--an infection of the mouth that is often totally symptom-free--puts you at risk for heart attacks and serious diseases. 

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  • Health

    Let’s be honest, staying healthy isn’t always easy in your pocket. As important as we may know that health is our true wealth, it can sometimes be a costly exercise. 

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  • Health

    Something new! Trying something new, even if it's the smallest thing can help to inspire change. As a supplement company, Super Naturals Health can't help you to drink more water or exercise more but they can help you to sleep better and balance your gut! Find how...

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  • Health

    Yes, a fresh decade has begun, the spring is just on the corner but we don’t need to wait for any occasion or special event to begin making changes to our health regimen. If you are well-tuned to your body and sense of well-being, then taking action when you aren’t feeling your best is paramount to improving your health. And if you are generally feeling OK, imagine what it would be like to feel GREAT! And it’s not as hard as it may seem.

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  • Remember to Have Fun!| Wellness magazine

    Phil, a manager at a tech firm, prides himself on his commitment to his career. He counts rigorous self-discipline as one of his strengths, and expects the same of his subordinates, privately frowning on such “nonsense” in the workplace as birthday cakes and office parties. Phil goes on vacation once a year, only because...

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  • Health

    adidas will introduce PRIMEBLUE and PRIMEGREEN, two new sustainable technologies that contain 100% recycled polyester



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  • Health

    Are You Ready to Retrain Your Brainwaves?

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  • Health

    Leveling up your health… sounds simple, doesn’t it?! Yet it’s not always quite so straightforward because change is uncomfortable and can be downright hard at times. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be done, you just need to work at it! 

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  • Health

    Cold and flu season are upon us, that time of year when body aches, fever, chills, and nasal congestion combine and can stop you in your tracks, leaving you bedridden for days.  To feel better and get back on your feet,  Dr. Suhyun An recommends numerous natural cold and flu remedies to alleviate your symptoms...

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  • Health

    Party season brings along with it the temptation of alcohol and perhaps drinking a little more than what we normally would do! And this isn’t a massive problem as long as you are careful and mindful of what your limitations with alcohol are. Find how to look after yourself on a night out ...

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  • Health

    Sleep is incredibly important, not just for the health benefits of adequate rest, but also for the beauty benefits. Whilst we sleep, our body remains hard at work resting, regenerating, and restoring. From all aspects, physical, mental and emotional- sleep is its reward!

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  • Health

    Great skincare is not something to buy into to look good for a particular occasion. Great skincare is an investment in your health and beauty all year round. In particular, during winter, your skin may be prone to drying out and looking dull but the best way to prevent this is simply- investing in your skin!

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  • Travel

    The secret is out: Cuba is the world’s sexiest, most magnetic travel destination. Discover Cuba’s Best Places for Women.

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  • Health

    The solution to overeating and belly fat is shockingly simple. Traditional methods focus on the thinking brain – knowing what to eat, tracking calories, recording food. It's so tiresome, and it seldom works. Why? We are focusing on the wrong brain. 

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  • Health

    Treating acne when it first appears can reduce severity, scarring and acne-related anxiety

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  • Mind

    Comedian Jessica Holmes had a great career and a happy family so it seemed a bit strange that suddenly she couldn’t get off the couch... #MentalHealthAwarenessDay

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  • Oral diseases affect almost half the global population, and recent research indicates they persist because oral health has not been prioritized as much as traditional healthcare.

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  • Health

    What “Health” Means for You. Health means different things to different people. For some, health is being able to run for a bus without falling to a heap halfway there. For others, health is being around for their family as they grow older. Ask yourself what your health or what being healthy means to you and then build your life around that.

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  • Health

    Health is not just what you do when you are up and about, it’s also about the quality and quantity of your sleep. Particularly nowadays where we are far busier and pushed for time, we need to look at our sleep routine and make changes where required.

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  • Health

    What stops or hinders people from working on their health and fitness goals? Time and effort is often a big factor when it comes to improving our well being. Where’s the time to fit everything in your day?!

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