Alternative Remedies for Immune Support and Vitality/ 495
Shape Shape
The Basics of Yoga [Part 1]
Determining a style of yoga to engage in comes with a prolific selection of studios or yoga schools. Before you begin, visit several classes in your area to choose which environment and type you’d like to begin your program. Read if you want to learn more...
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Health Health
Nature’s Best Skincare Remedies
Since ancient times, skincare has been at the heart of beauty and looking good. There is a wealth of information nowadays on how to best take care of your skin, alongside this...
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Health Health
Oral Care Basics With Trusted Health Products!
As we age, much of our health begins to waver and deteriorate. This includes our dental and oral health. With the cost of dental care rising, we should be doing all we can to preserve our teeth, our oral health, and of course our smile.
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Health Health
Springtime Wellness Boost
Spring signals a natural re-start. It is a time when everything just begins to look better, and the world around us heralds the first signs of summer days and nights ahead. Springtime inspires us...
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Health Beauty
The Inner You!
The search for better health means we are continually seeking ways and means to look better and feel better too. As the health and fitness world is a highly aesthetic place, we tend to focus more on what makes us look better outwardly, sometimes at the cost of what benefits us internally. Here are some tips for you!
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Beauty health
Gentle Cleansing Remedies
Hygiene has taken on a whole new perspective since the Covid-19 pandemic began. Our cleaning and hygiene routines have been scrutinized and changed for the better considering the modern world that we live in.
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Beauty Beauty
Skincare Must Have’s in 2021!
Aging is indeed inevitable, however, the skincare products and skin care regimen you establish can help to shape a younger, fresher looking you.
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Health Health
Healthy Teeth for a Super Smile
A great smile is highly attractive. It draws people into the very essence of who you are and what makes you smile! And a great smile is something we can all strive for.
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Health Health
The Magic of Milk
Dairy products form a substantial chunk of our daily nutrition. With so many people now suffering the effects of allergies and intolerances, having alternative options to the usual cow milk is truly a gift.
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Health Health
Herbal remedies for health!
Perhaps the herbal medicinal world is so vast that it ends up overwhelming us when we are on the lookout for health support. However, the fact that plant medicines are aplenty should not confuse us but inspire us!
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Mind Health
Friendship Redefined: Are You Ready to Level Up?
In this time of social distancing, isolation, and quarantining, we need our friends more than ever. But exactly who are our friends? Are they the 148 people who liked our last IG post? Or the 15 who shared today's FB post with all of their “friends?”
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Health Health
The Value of Digestive Health
Digestive Health is Fundamental to Healthy Living. Here are a few ways digestive health helps us toward better health and well-being.
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Health Health
The CAP Connection: The Surprising Link Between Oral Health and Heart Disease
Think your teeth are healthy just because they look and feel normal? Think again, says Dr. Thomas Levy. Here, he explains why chronic apical periodontitis, or "CAP"--an infection of the mouth that is often totally symptom-free--puts you at risk for heart attacks and serious diseases.
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Health Health
Holistic Health Solutions
Let’s be honest, staying healthy isn’t always easy in your pocket. As important as we may know that health is our true wealth, it can sometimes be a costly exercise.
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Health Health
A Super, Natural You
Something new! Trying something new, even if it's the smallest thing can help to inspire change. As a supplement company, Super Naturals Health can't help you to drink more water or exercise more but they can help you to sleep better and balance your gut! Find how...
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Health Health
Health and Vitality- Reset!
Yes, a fresh decade has begun, the spring is just on the corner but we don’t need to wait for any occasion or special event to begin making changes to our health regimen. If you are well-tuned to your body and sense of well-being, then taking action when you aren’t feeling your best is paramount to improving your health. And if you are generally feeling OK, imagine what it would be like to feel GREAT! And it’s not as hard as it may seem.
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Remember to Have Fun!| Wellness magazine
Remember to Have Fun!
Phil, a manager at a tech firm, prides himself on his commitment to his career. He counts rigorous self-discipline as one of his strengths, and expects the same of his subordinates, privately frowning on such “nonsense” in the workplace as birthday cakes and office parties. Phil goes on vacation once a year, only because...
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Health Shape
adidas aims to end plastic waste with innovation and partnerships as the solutions
adidas will introduce PRIMEBLUE and PRIMEGREEN, two new sustainable technologies that contain 100% recycled polyester
Health Mind
How ‘Braintapping’ Can Help Relieve Stress & Fatigue, Among Other Issues
Are You Ready to Retrain Your Brainwaves?
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Health Health
Leveling Up Your Health
Leveling up your health… sounds simple, doesn’t it?! Yet it’s not always quite so straightforward because change is uncomfortable and can be downright hard at times. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be done, you just need to work at it!
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