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    In a world filled with challenges, there are tales of hope that shine like beacons of light...

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  • Health

    Two Greek words, spao (to pull out, to split) and ageiro (to gather, to tie, to unite), are concealed in the term spagyric. Every real alchemical operation is built on these two principles, which is why the oft-quoted adage "Solve et coagula, et habebis magisterium" (Dissolve and bind, and you will have the magistery) was coined...

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  • Health

    A diet heavy in sugar, fat, and processed foods has dramatically exacerbated the prevalence of obesity and chronic disease in America. Americans consume less fruit and vegetables than is advised each day, and the typical American also consumes over 200 pounds of red meat and poultry annually.

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  • Health

    You constantly hear that antioxidants are essential to staying healthy and avoiding sickness. This constant talk should be the case because antioxidants boost one’s immune system and can also act as a superhero to the body...

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  • Health

    Summertime has almost begun for the northern hemisphere! That means that the bugs are out. While we can appreciate bugs for their contributions to nature, there’s no doubt that they can also be an extreme nuisance...

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  • Health

    When caring for one’s health, the word mushroom may not exactly come to mind. This factor is indeed a shame because it should be. Mushrooms are more than just something you see in your backyard or put on your pizza...

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  • Health

    A vegan diet, which means excluding all animal products from one’s diet, which includes all meats and dairy (milk, cheese, butter) has gained significant popularity in recent years. Years ago many vegans' reasons for only eating a plant-based diet, had to do with the ethical (killing animals) and environmental reasoning of how our foods were produced.

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  • Health

    It seemed like there was no end in sight. Henry Wicker looked up at the bright blue and cloudless sky. He took a deep breath and let out a long sigh. The cloudless sky, typically welcomed this time of year, was foreboding of more trouble.

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  • Health

    Now, this may sound like a bold claim. However, make no mistake - there is such a product - and it's changing lives. The research is there, the testimonials are astounding, and the product is safe and effective.

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    Linda stared out at the setting sun. The last rays of light were falling on her day, which could only be described as – “frustrating.” She pondered over the events of the previous twelve hours and wasn’t pleased.

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  • Health

    Becoming overloaded can be a severe problem. And it's all too easy in the current world we live in. There are almost unlimited options for anything and everything.

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  • Health

    Harold was proud of where he was. For several months he's taken to the challenge of improving the way his body feels. And with this challenge, he has decided to do it as naturally as possible, doing so he came across Carbon C60 from FullerLifeC60

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  • Health

    Stress, poor sleep, brain fog, and anxiety all have one thing in common - they’re not happening at random, and are linked to something else going on inside your body.

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  • Health

    Dishwashing, snow shoveling, and other heavy labor - it’s no wonder the skin on our hands gets dryer than our arms and other parts of the body. Like the skin on our faces...

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  • MIND

    Employees Stuck in “Lower Brain”? Try One of These Eight Mood Shifters. A neuroscience expert says when leaders take these deceptively simple actions, it dramatically shifts how employees think, feel, and perform.

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  • Travel

    If you were to put just one South Florida event on your calendar per year, it should indubitably be the Food Network South Beach Wine & Food Festival presented by Capital One (SOBEWFF). With ticket sales now underway for its  22nd annual installment taking place February 23-26, 2023, it is definitely the hottest—tastiest—ticket in town!

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  • Health

    Jessica looked out at the darkening sky. It was early on a summer day, and the air was still cool. Perfect for Jessica’s morning jog.

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  • Health

    Rebecca noticed her energy levels were not up to par for the last few months. She was becoming fatigued while performing the most normal of tasks, like sweeping the floor and unloading the dishwasher.

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  • Health

    It goes without saying that winter months are not kind to our skin. Anyone with already dry skin can agree that the reduced moisture in the outdoor air combined with dry indoor heat due to furnaces and central air makes our skin even drier and flakier.

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  • The expression "I have a gut feeling" is more than just a turn of phrase. Your gut is, in fact, a second brain. It's called the enteric nervous system, or the ENS. In the last 15 years or so, scientists...

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