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Your most embarrassing health questions

Your most embarrassing health questions

Not to worry, you are not alone in feeling bashful about certain issues you may be experiencing.


Fuel The Fire For Your Health

Fuel The Fire For Your Health

Clarity is a beauty that fixes us in a place we want to be, a vision that we can work toward one step at a time.


Eight Steps You Can Take to Fight Oxidative Stress (the Root Cause of All Disease)

Eight Steps You Can Take to Fight Oxidative Stress (the Root Cause of All Disease)

Here, we reveal the eight steps to help you stop oxidative stress in its tracks.





Our hormones play such a pivotal role in our bodies; they are our ‘chemical messengers’ and we cannot survive without them. They control and coordinate our mood, emotions, metabolism, sleep pattern, and immune system. Here we look at a few tips for better and happier hormonal balance.





What most people fail to realize is that their hydration level directly affects their metabolism.  


Be Happy: Achieving Work/Life Balance in a Success-Driven World

Be Happy: Achieving Work/Life Balance in a Success-Driven World

In today’s society, there is more stress on people to succeed and do more with less.  Everyone is hustling for that golden ring opportunity, upon which their future lives will be easier and brighter if they can only grab it. 


The Surprising Link Between Oral Health and Heart Disease

The Surprising Link Between Oral Health and Heart Disease

Think your teeth are healthy just because they look and feel normal? Think again, says Dr. Thomas Levy. Here, he explains why chronic apical periodontitis, or "CAP"--an infection of the mouth that is often totally symptom-free--puts you at risk for heart attacks and serious diseases. 




Eat Well

Among all fruits, blueberries are one of the richest sources of phenolic compounds, including flavonoids, phenolic acids, and stilbenes, which are known to have biological activity and high antioxidant capacity. They are a promising functional food with respect to vascular health.



  • Health

    Today, the big killers in Western societies are the cancers, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and diabetes, most of which are preventable by diet.  Find  TOP 5 Foods for heart health.

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  • Health

    It is hard to imagine the world without pleasure. Clearly, some pleasures are good for you and some injurious to your health. But sex ...It's what the doctor prescribed.

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  • Health

    Holding on to old emotions, mental and physical clutter ends up making us feel heavy and lethargic…almost too tired to embrace life. Life is essentially about release and renewal; think about what does not serve you and how you can lovingly release it. Practice being here now.

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  • Beauty

    We all struggle with having enough time. Whether that’s time we afford to ourselves or to our other commitments. In essence, we will never have enough time if we don’t actually make the effort to create space in our lives for what we want to achieve. 

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  • Beauty

    We grow into our beauty as we become better versions of ourselves and initiate greater care and kindness toward our body. Here we look at ways to positively support youthful, good-looking skin!

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  • Health

    Stress, feeling lack-luster and fatigue is something that many of us encounter in modern life. Even a self-indulgent bath a few times a week rather than a speedy shower can help rejuvenate us. Here we look at a few ways we can brush up for health and beauty!

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  • Beauty

    With any emerging industry, there are always the questions “Can I make a profit from this?” and “What liabilities are involved?”    A good example is the Wellness Business, which is one of the fastest growing industries on the market today. 

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  • Health

    Fruits are part of a balanced diet and can help us stay healthy. That's why it's so important that we get enough of them. Find your favorite fruits to stay healthy.

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  • Health

    If you’ve ever worked your body to the point of feeling like your muscles are on fire, then you’ve experienced lactic acid build up. How and why it happens... 

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  • Health

    Great nutrition is an integral part of healthy living. Good food, sourced from natures gems provide us with all-important vitamins and minerals that we need to function and flow through life. Find some effective, inexpensive ways to embrace better nutrition...

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  • Health

    Should I be concerned about unsafe practices, or the tattoo ink itself? Before you get a tattoo, consider these key questions  answered by Dr. Linda Katz, M.D., M.P.H., director of FDA’s Office of Cosmetics and Colors.

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  • Health

    Our weight is something that tends to fluctuate amidst our daily routines, working life and leisure activities. Sometimes our weight and overall health get put on the back burner until we randomly jump on a set of scales one day or realize we don’t fit as easily into our clothes.

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  • Health

    Next week is the busiest vacation week of the summer, and beach-goers have another reason to check out a new website if they want to avoid exposing themselves to certain illnesses at their favorite hot spots. Find out what illnesses are going around where you’re headed.

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  • Health

    The only way to start…is to start! We can go beyond our own limiting beliefs and negative habits when we reframe our goals and place our health far higher on our list of priorities. So, let us not wait for a special occasion 

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  • The Link Between Dehydration And Metabolism| Wellness Magazine Spring Wake Up Challenge

    When people are trying to lose weight and shred fat their main goal to long-term weight management should be to raise their metabolism (rate in which your body uses energy).  What most people fail to realize is that their hydration level directly affects their metabolism.

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  • Travel

    Whether traveling for business or pleasure, travel can be challenging for your health. With a bit of planning and consciously making healthy choices over unhealthy ones, you can easily make a difference in how you feel when you return home: guilty or healthy.

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  • Beauty

    Summer is just around the corner, and at this time many of us turn our attention to improving our physical appearance and overall health. It’s a popular time for a detox, trying new products, and giving our body some much-needed care and affection through better nutrition and exercise.

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  • Eat well

    The smallest of changes to how and what we eat can provide us with consistent progress toward better health.  Here are a few healthy snack choices made simple with Gopal’s Health Foods!

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  • Health

    Over the last few decades, nutrition has become more complicated than what it actually should be - here are a few simple ways to fire up your health - Prometheus Wellness!

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  • Health

    Big news! Today experts assert that fats should be an essential part of a woman’s diet. Here are the answers to your most pressing questions. Can fats actually help me drop pounds?


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  • Health

    Everything is energy…Nikola Tesla stated the same thing himself. Energy reflects upon all that we do. Here we look at some helpful ways you can gain some momentum and improve your energy levels. 

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  • Health
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  • Mind

    A well-worn pair of cowboy boots, size 13, and a 2003 Chevy Silverado, with a lift kit and mud tires, helped Kevin Amundson of New Prague, MN, heal after a “heart attack of the mind” led him to attempt suicide in September 2014. 

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  • Health

    It can happen fast. One minute the kids are all playing peacefully outside on a warm, spring day. The next minute a piercing scream reveals that a bee has stung one of them.  It’s a good idea to know what to do – and not do – to treat a bee sting.

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  • Health

    I am about to reveal one of the biggest, closest held secrets about weight loss. Once you learn this important information, unwanted pounds will just melt away and stay away. But, before you read on, you need to put on your thinking cap, because what I am about to say requires a bit of reflection.

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  • Health

    The pollen count is sky-high. You’re sneezing, your eyes are itching, and you feel miserable. Seasonal allergies are real diseases that can interfere with work, school or recreation. 

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  • MIND

    What are the best ways to learn new things quickly? Dr. Sanam Hafeez offers the following 5 ways to learn fast and retain more.

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