Bee prepared: how to treat a bee sting
Health and Harmony Begin Within
A Healthier Heart for a Happier You!
Show mom your love
Raising Standards to Reach Quality Health
Think before you ink : Are tattoos safe?
How to fight with pain!
Live longer, here is how.
Wellness while you work
Is it really mind over matter?
- Alleradd-Unleash Your Mind
- Reduce inflammation naturally!
- The healthy pleasures of Coconut Oil
- Family Time To Your Health
- Feminine Hygiene Goes Green
- Secret Island Herb That Fights Anxiety, Stress & Panic Attacks
- How to Create Smile-Friendly Drinks
- Lower the Anxiety Associated With Change: Recognizing the Positives and Eliminating the Negatives
- Curcumin May Protect Premature Infants' Lungs
- Cinnamon Surprising super spice:
- Learn about dairy cows and milk that goes anywhere, anytime!
- Beer, Thirst Quenching AND Cholesterol Lowering
- Coffee is it good for you. Acid free coffee even better!
- Texting for Health
- Help your body be healthy again {part 4} The power of Kona Coffee
- Understand your super foods { part 2} Spirulina - The Amazing Superfood You've Never Heard Of
- 5 wellness tips for perfect health
- Help your body be healthy again {Part 3 - Antioxidants} The color of health
- Help your body be healthy again {Part 2}
- Healthy Snacking With the Power of Peanut Butter
- Organic Migraine Relief
- Help your body be healthy again {Part 1 Energy}
- The secret of Herbal Medicine
- The power of magnesium
- Traveling Abroad? Make Sure Plans Include Trip to the Doctor
- Beat the blues with banana
- The Effects of Cocoa on Heart Health
- Nature's Purifying Essentials
- Fish Oil May Reduce the Risk for Colorectal Cancer
- Sex... It’s What the Doctor Prescribed
Your most embarrassing health questions
Health Mind
Your most embarrassing health questions
Not to worry, you are not alone in feeling bashful about certain issues you may be experiencing.
Fuel The Fire For Your Health
Health Health
Fuel The Fire For Your Health
Clarity is a beauty that fixes us in a place we want to be, a vision that we can work toward one step at a time.
Eight Steps You Can Take to Fight Oxidative Stress (the Root Cause of All Disease)
Eight Steps You Can Take to Fight Oxidative Stress (the Root Cause of All Disease)
Here, we reveal the eight steps to help you stop oxidative stress in its tracks.
Mind Mind Over Matter
Our hormones play such a pivotal role in our bodies; they are our ‘chemical messengers’ and we cannot survive without them. They control and coordinate our mood, emotions, metabolism, sleep pattern, and immune system. Here we look at a few tips for better and happier hormonal balance.
Shape Shape
What most people fail to realize is that their hydration level directly affects their metabolism.
Be Happy: Achieving Work/Life Balance in a Success-Driven World
Health Trending News
Be Happy: Achieving Work/Life Balance in a Success-Driven World
In today’s society, there is more stress on people to succeed and do more with less. Everyone is hustling for that golden ring opportunity, upon which their future lives will be easier and brighter if they can only grab it.
The Surprising Link Between Oral Health and Heart Disease
Health Eat well
The Surprising Link Between Oral Health and Heart Disease
Think your teeth are healthy just because they look and feel normal? Think again, says Dr. Thomas Levy. Here, he explains why chronic apical periodontitis, or "CAP"--an infection of the mouth that is often totally symptom-free--puts you at risk for heart attacks and serious diseases.
Eat Well Health
Among all fruits, blueberries are one of the richest sources of phenolic compounds, including flavonoids, phenolic acids, and stilbenes, which are known to have biological activity and high antioxidant capacity. They are a promising functional food with respect to vascular health.
Beauty Beauty
How To Get Ready For The Summer Glow
Find what charcoal can do for your summer beauty glow. Here’s a reminder of what activated charcoal is.
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There are many ways that we can support our body better when we decide to make that journey to well being then we really can open up a whole new world for ourselves or way of life at the very least. Here are some ways that you can encourage better health, balance, and anti-aging!
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HEALTH Eat well
Digestive discomfort is something we may all suffer with from time to time, and of course, this includes our children too. Here are a few other ways to increase digestive support for you and your family.
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Health Mind
WHATEVER YOU DO, DO IT WITH FOCUS! Inspiring a Healthier Mind - Working Smarter!
Success should not come with the price tag of our health upon it, and so we need to be more mindful of how we go about being successful. Essentially, we should be seeking out ways to work smarter- and not always harder!
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Beauty health
As the weather warms and we inadvertently expose more of our skin, we need to be mindful to our skin needs and focus on hydration, protection, and balance.
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Health Health
Food is our greatest tool, our biggest resource for nourishment, healing, and ultimately living a healthier life. When we eat well, we generally feel and look better for it, and when we don’t- we often feel sluggish, more prone to colds, aches and pains, and risk many other inflammatory issues.
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Mind Health
A more pleasant travel experience is now a reality — starting with overall well-being of passengers.
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Health Diet
Why Intermittent Fasting Isn’t a Level Playing Field
Americans are obsessed with diet and exercise crazes. And why wouldn’t they be? Many of us are at least “overfat,” and there is nothing wrong with wanting to look and feel better or have a flatter tummy or firmer biceps.
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Home&You Home&You
Spring Cleaning: Slow and Steady Wins the Race
Spring isn't just about flowers and rain showers, but it's also about decluttering our homes and embracing the good ole' tradition of spring cleaning.Unfortunately, due to the labor intensive duties that go into many of our spring cleaning rituals...
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health health
Is Your Sleep Problem Tied To The Family Tree? Here Are 3 Diet Tips To Reverse It
It’s estimated that 50-70 million U.S. adults have some type of sleeping disorder. And what you eat or don’t eat may impact how you sleep.
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The CAR of the Future: Speeding Past Cancer
Have you heard about the futuristic ‘CAR’ that might soon be speeding past cancer? No, this is not a new automotive car being released this spring, but instead is something even more exciting. This type of CAR is a cancer therapy that is making headlines and is now on the road to being one of the treatments of the future.
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Health Health
Strategies to Promote Joint Health
Joint pain and discomfort can become a major concern in our lives as we age, with 15 million Americans suffering from severe joint pain as a result of arthritis. It’s therefore extremely important to take joint care seriously from a younger age in order to maximize our health throughout our lives.
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Health Beauty
Holistic Remedies for Higher Health
Many of us are fully aware of what is determined healthy, and what is not. What blocks us from applying that awareness of health is simply our resistance to change. Change often creates a shadow of the unknown upon us, and when we are so comfortable with our habitual patterns it can be tricky to reset and embrace something new...tricky- yes, but not impossible!
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Mind Health
Would you like to learn an easy new way to unplug from technology and tune back into their own “true north”?
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National Study Finds Americans Do Not Know The Facts Or Their Risk For Heart Disease
Just in time for February's Heart Month, a national study reveals that most Americans don't know enough about heart disease, with a staggering 62% failing a Heart Attack IQ quiz. This survey helps provide new insights into knowledge gaps, limited physician guidance, and gender disparities when it comes to heart disease.
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Health Health
Are you dreaming about a beach body? 3 Tips You Need To Know!
How we manage our weight is a key indicator of our on-going health. Establishing an appropriate weight for you as an individual should be what drives you forward. Here are some tips for you!
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Health Mind
Troubled Teens: 5 Ways Adults Can Connect and Empower Them
The statistics suggest that a disturbing percentage of America’s teenagers are in crisis. In a given 24 hours in the U.S.,1,439 teens will attempt suicide, 2,795 teenage girls will become pregnant, 15,006 teens will use drugs for the first time, and 3,506 teens will run away...
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Health health
Building Wellness for Better Living!
Our immune system is something that often suffers when we don’t exercise, sleep or eat well, or support it by nourishing this fundamental process that keeps us alive. Without a solid immune function, we are more prone to illnesses, bugs, viruses, chronic conditions and diseases. Here are some natural remedies, herbs and immune building foods for you to consider!
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Health Eat well
All Natural Solutions for a Slender You!
Whatever the weight loss goals may be, we need to be able to maintain our efforts to reach them. The natural way is always the best way forward, finding what suits you and your lifestyle, and is a sustainable form of action. Find the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar ...
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How to Stay Hydrated
Hydration is vital for life, overall health and well being. Every organ, process, function, and intricate inner system of our human make-up requires water and hydration to do its job. And the type of water makes so much difference too… naturally sourced bottled water is better for you in every respect. Find how to stay hydrated...
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Beauty Health
Stay Inspired for Softer, Radiant Skin
Beauty products are meant to provide you with some kind of remedy or noticeable result...whether it is smoother skin, healthier looking hair, or just adding a fresher glow to your skin tone. Here we look at a few all-natural home remedy treatments that you may like to try!
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Health Beauty
Activated Charcoal - An Alternative Health Cleanse to Rejuvenate
Any time of the year is a great time to review what and how you are doing with your health, beauty and fitness regimen…but the best time to begin is always now- when you feel the urge to look for something new or that you haven’t tried before. Activated charcoal is fast becoming a popular alternative and natural method that can assist you on your wellness journey.
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Beauty Health
The Message of Massage- Healthy Skin for You
There are many benefits to massage that can help you feel better and look better too. So, what’s the simplest way to start incorporating massage into your daily schedule without needing to make an appointment at a parlor or spa? Dry brushing of course!
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Mind Mind
Spend Your Time with Like-Minded People
According to U.S. News, approximately 80% of resolutions fail by the second week in February. Why? Because dramatic, and immediate changes are not sustainable long-term. So this year, make 2019 not a year of resolutions or diets but one of the incremental changes to instill habits that create real long-lasting results. Here are 6 tips:
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How Sugar Affects Your Heart
Valentine’s Day seems like the perfect excuse to eat your favorite delicious treat. There’s nothing quite like enjoying something sweet from your sweetheart, but did you know how devastating for your health it can be if you consume too much sugar?
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Beauty Beauty
The Secrets to Healthy Skin and Beauty
The secrets of beauty, healthy-looking skin, and overall wellbeing is something that we strive to unlock because we all want to look and feel good. Whatever the secrets may be, simplicity and nourishment are what lie at the very heart of our health.
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Health Eat well
Love and Energize Your Body with Maca!
There are many natural foods that can be highly effective in providing us with more energy, endurance, mental acuity, and an elevated mood. Maca roots, for example, is the great energizing option for you! Find why...
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