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  • Too Hot To Handle

    If you have never taken a bath using a bath fizzy, you have no idea what you're missing out on. I speak from personal experience when I say I’m a natural born lover of showers, but this is nothing...

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  • Get rid of your dark circle |Wellness magazine

    Dark circle are the most common skin problem that occurs around or under the eyes. With age the skin around the eyes becomes very thin and delicate . 

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  • Dry eyes and acne, is there a connection?

    For as long as humans have existed, the issue of dry eye has been a persistent problem, even if there were no formal hieroglyphics or papyrus writings about dry eyes from ancient history.  But we don’t need to turn back history too far to appreciate the dry eye paradox and acne connection.

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  • Will your travel to Medi-Spa will be better and healthier in 2016?

    Spas are defined as establishments that promote wellness through the provision of therapeutic and other professional services aimed at renewing the body, mind, and spirit. Will your travel to Medi-Spa will be better and healthier in 2016? Let's see...

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  • Feed your skin before you go to sleep

    You know that you need to nourish your skin to keep it as healthy and beautiful as possible. But you probably don’t know that you are not getting enough of the right nutrients from the foods you eat or vitamin water you just bought in your local Walgreens. 

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  • Essential Oils for Headache, Migraine and PMS relief

    At any one time, there are tens of thousands  of people suffering from the dreaded headache. Headaches can be mild and annoying… or debilitating  that knocks you off your feet for hours, even days. 

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  • Refresh Your Skin | Wellness magazine

    We all know that taking care of your skin is important but that’s sometimes easier said than done. Here are the top three products that, in the long run, will preserve the youthfulness of your skin.

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  • Smart Beauty: Looking for Vitamin C | Wellness magazine

    When you drink water with lemon, eat kiwi for lunch or take your multivitamins, you are probably looking for a magic vitamin, which makes you look healthier and younger.

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  • Stress and acne |Wellness magazine

    Stress is considered one of the main culprits when it comes to acne, especially in adults. This happens because, when your body is stressed...

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  • Beautiful New You

    In the New Year, every woman is looking for a new magical plan, which will help her to be even more beautiful. We have asked our experts and they have spoken...

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  • How to choose an effective cream to combat aging

    If you are serious about taking care of your skin to help slow down the aging process, there are several ingredients that you will continually see appearing in a good anti-wrinkle cream, age defying serum or anti-aging moisturizer.

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  • Say goodbye to aging skin

    Lifestyle and aging as well as diet and nutrition, influence the beauty of your skin. To help your skin stay healthy and beautiful, make sure you eat food loaded with Vitamin C and in the same time apply skincare rich in the same skin nutrients. 

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  • How prevent hair loss or breakage. What else you need to know. | Wellness magazine

    How you style your hair, along with the styling tools you use, can cause significant hair damage. This damage can cause your hair to look brittle, frizzy and lackluster or even fall out. The good news is that you can prevent damage by following tips from dermatologists.

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  • The best reasons to go to the Spa | Wellness magzine

    “Exercises, healthy food, relaxing and good sleep are the fundaments of a healthy lifestyle” – this statement most of us have heard on more than one occasion. In our opinion all of that sounds fantastic but is missing one vital thing, two hours a week at the Spa! Read on to find out why.

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  • According to Cleveland Clinic dermatologist, the weather has a direct effect on your skin. In the cold wintertime, the air dries out and so does your skin. Autumn is the time to makes some changes to your daily beauty routine and prepares the skin before...

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  • The story behind Cooke Tavern Soup

    Open a package of your favorite dry soup mix and you’ll discover extra time and plenty of ideas for flavorful, super quick, healthy meals. 

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  • French women know best | Wellness magazine

    No one diet or product can reverse time, but lifestyle habits may help slow the aging process and support a healthy skin glow.  We have asked Kathy Heshelow, founder of Sublime Beauty® and Sublime Beauty NATURALS® about her secrets for gorgeous skin. 

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  • A younger version of yourself | Wellness magazine

    It’s all very well rejuvenating your body with exercise, diet, and supplements to feel and function as a younger version of yourself, but if you fail to treat the biggest organ – your skin – you’re doing yourself (and your skin!) a disservice.

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  • 5 huge acne MYTHS you need to stop believing | Wellness magazine

    The healthier life you live the better you look. Clear up these big acne myths ASAP for more healthy and beautiful skin.

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  • Goat Milk Beauty | Wellness magazine

    Looking for a natural way to smooth, hydrate, and exfoliate fall and winter skin? Here’s an idea: coddle yourself with milk – goat’s milk. This favorable elixir is among the Who’s Who in beauty history. It has been reported that Cleopatra soaked in goat’s milk baths to soften her skin. 

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