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  • Health

    Stress, feeling lack-luster and fatigue is something that many of us encounter in modern life. Even a self-indulgent bath a few times a week rather than a speedy shower can help rejuvenate us. Here we look at a few ways we can brush up for health and beauty!

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  • Beauty

    With any emerging industry, there are always the questions “Can I make a profit from this?” and “What liabilities are involved?”    A good example is the Wellness Business, which is one of the fastest growing industries on the market today. 

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  • Health

    Should I be concerned about unsafe practices, or the tattoo ink itself? Before you get a tattoo, consider these key questions  answered by Dr. Linda Katz, M.D., M.P.H., director of FDA’s Office of Cosmetics and Colors.

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  • Beauty

    Summer is just around the corner, and at this time many of us turn our attention to improving our physical appearance and overall health. It’s a popular time for a detox, trying new products, and giving our body some much-needed care and affection through better nutrition and exercise.

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  • How to Whiten Your Teeth Naturally

    If coffee, cigarettes, and food have left their mark on your teeth, you’re not alone.  Plenty of people would try anything to get back their pearly whites.

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  • Beauty

    These are exciting times in the wellness and spa industries.  There are many procedures people seek out.  Before offering them in the spa, research how effective they are and what the risk of liability to the business is.  

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  • Beauty

    Our health tends to suffer and sometimes collapse under the weight of convenient living. As we struggle to keep up, certain things often take a back seat and more often than not, it is our well being that we shove to last place. 

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  • Health

    We strive for more of an external beauty in our youth, then as we ‘become’ we realize that true beauty is more of a measure of what is within. That being said, we should always aim to take the best possible care of our external appearance, it all amounts to self-love and self-care something that we should have at the forefront of our minds. How do you promote becoming a better you? Here are a few things to think about on that journey!

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  • Homemade spa| Wellness Magazine

    If I told you that you can create a healthy, healing environment in your own home that everyone will love to experience, would you believe me? Instead of traveling to a spa, you can set up a similar feel in your own space without having to go far.

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  • Natural is simple ...| Wellness magazine

    We can’t travel back in past time to reclaim youthful skin, but we may replenish, restore, and minimize premature aging. No one diet or product can reverse time, but lifestyle habits may help slow the aging process and support a healthy glow. It is said that our skin absorbs what we smooth and slather onto it.

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  • How to Whiten Your Teeth Naturally

    How to Whiten Your Teeth Naturally. If coffee, cigarettes, and food have left their mark on your teeth, you’re not alone.  Plenty of people would try anything to get back their pearly whites.

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  • How to defend your skin

    Times are changing. The days whenwhTimesenwh Times are changing. The days when lead paint and microwave ovens were acceptable have long passed; we are entering a new world of chemical paranoia.

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  • 3 Simple tips for Healthy Skin Each Day

    The best approach to skin care is a wholesome one one that encourages great looking

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  • Natural Secrets to Younger Looking Skin

    Skin and the secrets to the great looking skin are always an interesting subject of conversation.Here we look at a few ways you can be more attentive to your skin to keep it looking fresh and natural!

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  • A three-step process to perfect skin

    Refreshed and youthful looking skin is a journey and not necessarily a final destination- it is something you work towards daily to enhance your natural beauty and not something a magic potion can fix in a few days…

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  • How do you take a few steps to feel great?

    The common denominator between us all is that we just want to feel better, look better, and live a healthy and happy life- and this is a valuable journey we all make! How do you take steps to feel great and activate the magic sparkle in your eyes, or have supple and soft looking skin?

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  • 6-reasons to look beautiful| Wellness magazine

    Beauty is something that radiates and captivates, when you feel beautiful the whole world around looks and feels happier, brighter, and more wondrous. An upbeat mindset in itself is a beautiful thing; here we look at a myriad of reasons you have to look beautiful!

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  • Rejuvenate and Renew- Your skin needs you!

    Beautiful and youthful looking skin is something many of us aspire to; our skin is the largest organ in our body and acts as a sign of how well we look after ourselves. As we age our skin loses firmness and elasticity; skin gets thinner...

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  • Radiant beauty this holiday – here is how

    Beauty really is something that radiates from the inside to the outside; we all want to look and feel our best, and especially now with the holiday season approaching and our social calendars beginning to fill up! When you look good, you feel good, and vice versa...

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  • Radiant and Beautiful- that's you

    Your skin is the largest organ in your body and is your protective barrier from bacteria, dirt, allergens, and other toxins. Your skin is affected by cold weather, which can dry out your skin, pollution, and toxins, which can dull your complexion, and harmful sun rays that may accelerate skin aging. 

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