Alternative Remedies for Immune Support and Vitality/ 495
Health Health
Herbal remedies for health!
Perhaps the herbal medicinal world is so vast that it ends up overwhelming us when we are on the lookout for health support. However, the fact that plant medicines are aplenty should not confuse us but inspire us!
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Health Health
Simple Steps to Health
Sometimes what we need is just to strip things back to basics and rediscover the purpose of why we do what we do. This also helps to improve motivation and mental clarity which set the foundation of working toward your goals- health or otherwise.
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Health Health
Reducing Inflammation: The key to feeling younger
Usually, inflammation is helpful. It is the body’s way of protecting itself from injury or infection. However, when inflammation becomes prolonged and persists, it can become damaging and destructive to the body’s tissues. Find the way how to reduce inflammation...
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Health Health
Inspiring Wellness Through Complete Brain Support
Taking care of your brain is crucial for living a longer, happier, and healthier life. The more we can protect, nourish, and preserve our mind, the better off we will be in the short- and long-term.
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Health Health
Vitamin C for Health and Vitality
Our immune system is always in need of support; seasons may come and go but anytime is a great time to improve your health and vitality through immune support! Vitamin C offers strong support for the immune system. Find the Importance of Vitamin C...
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Health Health
Medicine for Mental Health
Many of us are stressed and overwhelmed by daily life and yet we continually miss or ignore the signs and symptoms of declining mental health. Mushrooms have been used as medicine for mental and physical well-being for many years.
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Mind Health
Friendship Redefined: Are You Ready to Level Up?
In this time of social distancing, isolation, and quarantining, we need our friends more than ever. But exactly who are our friends? Are they the 148 people who liked our last IG post? Or the 15 who shared today's FB post with all of their “friends?”
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Health Mind
Brain Doctor Explains 5 Fast Steps to Manage (and Overcome) Your Lonelines
Despite the health and safety benefits of social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are suffering from the pain of extreme loneliness after months of isolation in their homes. Here Dr. Joel Salinas breaks down how to easily spot, measure, manage, and ultimately overcome loneliness to protect the mental health of you and your loved ones.
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Health Health
Investing in your Health
An investment in your health is one of the single most important decisions you can make to improve your life. Everything requires some sort of concerted and committed effort to grow and by investing in your health you are setting yourself up for a better way of life, short term, and long term.
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Health Health
Staying Healthy with Herbs
Rather than popping pills and painkillers for a headache, wouldn’t it be far gentler on your body to soothe it with a herb or plant remedy that can achieve the desired outcome and potentially aid in restoring the inner balance to prevent further disharmony?
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Health Health
Rejuvenating Benefits of Colostrum!
Is there such a thing as the fountain of youth? If there was, there would certainly be a long line waiting for it! In saying that, there is one particular supplement that is not commonly thought of or utilized as a health and well-being supplement.
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Health Health
What Affects Hormones and Hormonal Balance?
When your hormones are out of sync or off-balance, it is challenging to feel like ‘you’! This is why the menopause is a particularly trying time for women- and why the process of menopause is aptly named “The change."
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Eat well Eat well
Host a Healthier Spring Brunch with the Help of a Secret Ingredient: Cauliflower
Cauliflower is the superfood that transforms spring brunch into a healthy feast suitable for all dietary needs. Amy Lacey's Cali'flour Kitchen is your go-to source for delicious breakfast recipes perfect for your Spring celebration.
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Health Health
Is your immune system up for the challenge?
Busy ER physician Ara Suppiah, MD describes what you should be doing at home to help your immune system be super vigilant. Dr. Ara also cautions about one specific type of exercise that can temporarily stun the immune system.
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Health Health
A Healthy Anti-Aging Strategy
Anti-aging isn’t just what you put on your skin. Yes, topical creams, serums, gels, and lotions may substantially benefit your complexion and smooth out wrinkles but then what happens to the inside of your body?
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Health Health
How to Stay In Good Health
Staying in good health has never been more crucial to our existence. By looking after ourselves we also look after each other and we stay around longer for the people that we love and care about. So how do we go about staying in good health?
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Health Health
The Value of Digestive Health
Digestive Health is Fundamental to Healthy Living. Here are a few ways digestive health helps us toward better health and well-being.
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Health health
Effective Health Solutions
The entire world has been rocked through recent events surrounding the Coronavirus COVID-19 and we are quickly realizing that we are not as invincible as we think we are. Even the healthiest of individuals will be questioning the strength of their immune function at this time. We need to look for effective health solutions.
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Health Health
The CAP Connection: The Surprising Link Between Oral Health and Heart Disease
Think your teeth are healthy just because they look and feel normal? Think again, says Dr. Thomas Levy. Here, he explains why chronic apical periodontitis, or "CAP"--an infection of the mouth that is often totally symptom-free--puts you at risk for heart attacks and serious diseases.
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Health Health
Health - Made with Love!
Right now, many of us are focused on our immune health and this is important given the current outbreak of COVID-19. However, we should not compromise the rest of our well-being by just focusing on one aspect of it.
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