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Alternative Remedies for Immune Support and Vitality/ 495

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    There are many ways to start the morning in the right way. What if you made that morning cup with your breakfast super-healthy and just as tasty? It can be done when you make it a Matcha morning! 

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    As we’re all in the Holiday spirit, here is a treat from Red Espresso to you! A selection of “5-Special” taste bud twirling, recipes that will leave a long-lasting Holiday smile on your face, and not just because they are healthy!

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    Moringa Oleifera, commonly referred to as “the tree of life” and “the miracle tree”, is one of the most nutritionally dense foods known to man. Here are some potential benefits to this supplement!

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    Creating a healthy balance begins with moving your well-being higher up the to-do-list of life. This includes your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Here are some tips to help you create a healthier balance...

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  • Health

    The summer sun energizes us but as winter creeps in, we may begin to feel the effects of a not so healthy body. One that is tired, fatigued, and struggling to meet the day head-on. Wintertime can affect us not just physically but mentally and emotionally too.

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    Food is our fuel. It is what gets us going and keeps us moving. It feeds our brain, our vital organs, fundamental and cellular functions, and supplies nutrients throughout our body. Many of us struggle to maintain good, nutritional daily diets because we often forget this fact! 


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    When life becomes too difficult, mundane, and tedious, we naturally lose our motivation for change; however, this should only inspire us to create something new. We all need some more good things in our lives, don’t we?

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    One of the most apparent reasons for embracing a health regimen is the desire for greater, longer-lasting energy. We cannot be everything to everyone and everything all the time. However, we can create more energy for life by looking after ourselves just a little more

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  • Health

    Mental health, matters. Naturally, as human beings, we spend much of our time thinking about our physical bodies. How we can look better, build our immunity, improve our digestive function…the list goes on.

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    As the days get shorter and gloomier, some of us may find ourselves feeling unmotivated, lethargic, and withdrawn. Winter can also be quite a lonely season; we may be more inclined to stay in with our slippers than venture out with friends. 


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  • Health

    The food that we eat is inextricably tied to our overall health and well-being; it is something we should not take for granted and we should not underestimate its value in our daily lives. And ultimately, we should feel good about the food that we eat, and the food that we eat should make us feel good! 

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    It is one of life’s ultimate goals isn’t it… gorgeous-looking hair and skin! Whenever we see someone with these attributes we are heavily inclined to ask them “what do you use on hair and skin”. 

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    We are fortunate to live in modern times and reap the benefits of modern medicine. Quite often, these modern medicines can be enough to see the results you want from your health regimen. And modern medicine isn’t about chemically enhanced supplements and potions; more often than not they are natural and plant-based.

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    By turning our heads and our stomachs to what is good for us, we create better habits down the line. And not just for ourselves but for our family too. Here are some tips to cut back on what harms you so you can turn toward what is good for you, and your family! 

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    None of us are immune to difficulty, stress, and anxiety. At some point in our lives, we will all come across a time of disharmony and discontent- that is a given. So how do we live (or cope) with anxiety, stress, and those undeniable downtimes? 

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  • Health

    This year has been a tricky one to handle from many perspectives. However, what 2020 has taught many of us is that health is truly valuable, without it, everything suffers. 

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    Food takes up a fairly big portion of our thinking. It is also a massive part of our health and wellbeing and we cannot get healthy and nourish our body without good, nutrient-dense food! 

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  • Health

    Inspiring super health is a journey you undertake; quick fixes are not designed to stand the test of time, therefore, long-term planning, preparation, and action are required to keep you at your best.  And you may say…” It’s too late”, or “I’m too old for this”- and this is not true!


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  • Health

    Your skin is as unique as you are, for that purpose you must treat it just as uniquely. You need to feel comfortable and happy in your skin. Creating better-looking skin builds your confidence; your skin is the first thing that anyone notices when they look at you. 

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  • Health

    It is commonly pushed aside that our digestive function is heavily tied into our immune system and how well it works. Often, we are conditioned to taking our wellbeing supplements without ever really appreciating what they need to do the job. 

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