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Alternative Remedies for Immune Support and Vitality/ 495

  • Health

    The wellness economy is now a $4.2 trillion global industry. Yet, the questions that we most often encounter are: ‘What is wellness?’ ‘Why is it growing?’ and ‘What does it really mean?’  

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    Staying healthy over summer and beyond is not just about how you look, it’s also about how you feel. As the seasons change, you may find that you become more prone to infections, viruses, and bugs- particularly as the weather becomes more moist and humid (bacteria love to multiply in those types of conditions!). For this reason, boosting your immune system is not something to save just for the winter months…

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    Having a great glow over summer boosts your confidence in many ways. When you look healthy and radiant, that naturally translates to how you feel within. How can you feel more confident and find your glow over summer? Find here...

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  • Mind

    Studies show that green space and landscaping contribute to health, happiness, and intellect. Living landscapes are an important part of the outdoor lifestyle that Americans enjoy, but the benefits go beyond the barbeque and backyard baseball. Green spaces are necessary for your health.

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    It's common knowledge that our tastes develop and change as we get older—but it's arguably much more important to understand how our body reacts to different foods and environmental triggers as we age. Dr. Chad Larson has spent his entire career treating patients with food reactivity and he has found that food intolerances and sensitivities (and how they develop as we age) can be every bit as problematic for the body as a severe allergy. 

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    As the season begins, we’re reminded of family gathering for cookouts, picnics and other outdoor fun. These times can be joyous occasions for many families, but they can be challenging for the millions of people living with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

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    As we head into summer, it’s a good time to freshen up your health and wellness routines and refocus your efforts for better results. Doing new things, using new products, and freshening up your living space all enhance your well being in some way. 

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    A passport to purity… sounds great, doesn’t it? And it’s not that far away either! There are many wholly natural foods/products that can transport us to healthier times when we just open our eyes to what’s around us.

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    We all need energy. It is our language, our currency if you like. Without enough energy, we either cut ourselves short of what we need or others ultimately it is often both!

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  • Beauty

    By nature, our skin is a complex thing. We cannot focus on our health and in turn, forgo our skin. So, what’s the best way to look after your skin?

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    Having a healthy heart and a happy brain supports our well being and health.  If we look at heart disease, there are many things that we can do to help prevent it through better nutrition. Here are a few tips to heart health!

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    Skincare is the biggest segment in the beauty industry with global sales that hover around $130 billion in 2019. There is so much for consumers to digest and decide on. We turned to Dr. Manish Shah, a Denver Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and skin care expert. He takes a microscope to some of the hottest trends in 2019 to give you insight into what’s worth your hard- earned dollars.

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  • Mind

    When we think of the word “stress,” it is often in the negative: the epidemic of stress and anxiety, the physical symptoms of chronic stress, etc. But stress can be positive depending on how we respond to it...

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    Activity levels are still relatively high for this time of year, with 20 states continuing to report "widespread" flu activity, the CDC reports.

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  • Health

    Help fight cancer with every sip of the NEW LION Action Blend Roast from Fire Department Coffee. The new roast boasts an extra kick of bold flavor while 100% of proceeds are used to help kick cancer off its feet. 

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  • Beauty

    Find what charcoal can do for your summer beauty glow. Here’s a reminder of what activated charcoal is.

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    There are many ways that we can support our body better when we decide to make that journey to well being then we really can open up a whole new world for ourselves or way of life at the very least. Here are some ways that you can encourage better health, balance, and anti-aging!

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    Digestive discomfort is something we may all suffer with from time to time, and of course, this includes our children too. Here are a few other ways to increase digestive support for you and your family.

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  • Health

    Success should not come with the price tag of our health upon it, and so we need to be more mindful of how we go about being successful. Essentially, we should be seeking out ways to work smarter- and not always harder!

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  • Beauty

    As the weather warms and we inadvertently expose more of our skin, we need to be mindful to our skin needs and focus on hydration, protection, and balance. 

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