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  • Tips to get the most from your memory | Wellness magazine

    As you've gotten older, have you noticed that you often find yourself marching around the house in a huff, searching for misplaced car keys or eyeglasses, or you just cannot remember the name of that new neighbor you met when walking the dog? 

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  • What is happening to your hair? | Wellness mag

    Humans used to be covered all over by hair, so hair is connected to that animal/primitive part of our nature. It is interesting to see how to more “civilized” we become, the more we tame, cut, style, and shave our bodies...

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  • Eight Lessons You May Need to Relearn | Wellness magazine

    Your school days may be long behind you, but that doesn’t mean you know it all. According to Warren Honeycutt, many of us are operating under erroneous assumptions when it comes to fitness and nutrition, and for the sake of our health, it’s time to relearn those lessons. 

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  • Christina Moss Naturals Now on Amazon UK

    How did an organic hair and skin care business, started by a stay-at-home mom, sweep across the USA, over the pond and into the UK and Europe?

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  • Simple things are the best| Wellness magazine

    Is it possible to make a 3 seed snack so delicious? They say “simple things are the best”, Wellness magazine went on a mission to find an easy 3-ingredient snack, which can fulfill our cravings and be health at the same time... and we found one.


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  • Know your skin sensitivity|Wellness magazine

    Only you know what types of products irritate your skin and scalp. Think about the types of products you typically use and try substituting these products for cosmetics made without chemical irritants.


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  • Bronze Sun Tan Look | Wellness magazine

     I used to think it was strange that my grandmother would try as hard as she could to hide her skin from the sun by wearing a bonnet, gloves and sometimes wear my grandpas long sleeve shirt when she was out gardening and taking care of her yard.

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  • Go with Your Gut!|Wellness magazine

    If you’ve ever been told to, “Go with your gut,” you likely thought it was advice you could either take or leave.  Truth is, your gut is in the driver’s seat determining where you’re heading, when and if you will get there and how you’re going to feel all along the way.


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  • WHAT'S YOUR DOSHA?| Wellness magazine

    Taking care of your skin reflects how well you take care of your overall well-being. The traditional system for healthy living called Ayurveda, reminds us that we can live more beautifully, naturally, and more contains practical and scientific evidence on self-care.

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  • Mani & Pedi Safety | Wellness magazine

    Summer is just around the corner. Don’t even think about wearing those sexy sandals without properly groomed toenails. If you are baring them, then they should be wearing a buff and a shine. So let’s give them proper attention to make them looking feminine and flirty.

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  • Hair gives you a problem | Wellness magazine

    Stress has such a wide-ranging effect that it is hard to define which problems or illnesses are stress related and which are not. Perhaps it is simpler to say that stress affects every part of your mind and body, including a hormonal imbalance the most common cause of hair grows.

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  • Medications & Cellulitis | Wellness magazine

    NEJM Study is first to compare medications prescribed for cellulitisTwo commonly used antibiotics have similar cure rates for uncomplicateds skin infections.

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  • Affordable Anti-Aging? Count me in! |Wellness magazine

    As a resource magazine we love providing information that promotes total wellness for our readers. And sometimes we get really excited about what we find, which is the case with our latest discovery.

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  • The Big Secrets to healthy and beautiful skin | Wellness magazine

    Every woman dreams of having beautiful skin. A vibrant complexion makes us feel young and healthy. To reveal the secrets of a pretty glow, we talked to the owner of Renewalize® company Mr.Jack Young about the latest skin-care secrets.

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  • “Tossing and Turning, Turning and Tossing”|Wellness magazine

    “Tossing and Turning, Turning and Tossing” (I tossed and I turned all night). Remember that song?  It was written in 1965 and here we are in 2015 with sleep difficulties reaching an epidemic proportion. Women, men and even children are affected by this stressful condition.


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  •  6 Ways ‘Silent Agreements’ | Wellness magazine

    If you have engaged in relationships of any kind, you have experienced and likely battled against “silent agreements.” While most have never used or even heard of this term...

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  • Numerous studies show that cinnamon regulates blood sugar, making it a great choice for diabetics and hypoglycemics alike. It also reduces LDL cholesterol levels.

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  • Most women will sacrifice comfort for fashion, especially when it comes to wearing a gorgeous pair of high heels that 'make' an outfit. Unfortunately, over time, the fat pad at the ball of the foot thins and shifts so bones are not as well padded.

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  • compound in tomatoes may protect your heart.

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