Bee prepared: how to treat a bee sting
Health and Harmony Begin Within
A Healthier Heart for a Happier You!
Show mom your love
Raising Standards to Reach Quality Health
Think before you ink : Are tattoos safe?
How to fight with pain!
Live longer, here is how.
Wellness while you work
Is it really mind over matter?
Your most embarrassing health questions
Health Mind
Your most embarrassing health questions
Not to worry, you are not alone in feeling bashful about certain issues you may be experiencing.
Fuel The Fire For Your Health
Health Health
Fuel The Fire For Your Health
Clarity is a beauty that fixes us in a place we want to be, a vision that we can work toward one step at a time.
Eight Steps You Can Take to Fight Oxidative Stress (the Root Cause of All Disease)
Eight Steps You Can Take to Fight Oxidative Stress (the Root Cause of All Disease)
Here, we reveal the eight steps to help you stop oxidative stress in its tracks.
Mind Mind Over Matter
Our hormones play such a pivotal role in our bodies; they are our ‘chemical messengers’ and we cannot survive without them. They control and coordinate our mood, emotions, metabolism, sleep pattern, and immune system. Here we look at a few tips for better and happier hormonal balance.
Shape Shape
What most people fail to realize is that their hydration level directly affects their metabolism.
Be Happy: Achieving Work/Life Balance in a Success-Driven World
Health Trending News
Be Happy: Achieving Work/Life Balance in a Success-Driven World
In today’s society, there is more stress on people to succeed and do more with less. Everyone is hustling for that golden ring opportunity, upon which their future lives will be easier and brighter if they can only grab it.
The Surprising Link Between Oral Health and Heart Disease
Health Eat well
The Surprising Link Between Oral Health and Heart Disease
Think your teeth are healthy just because they look and feel normal? Think again, says Dr. Thomas Levy. Here, he explains why chronic apical periodontitis, or "CAP"--an infection of the mouth that is often totally symptom-free--puts you at risk for heart attacks and serious diseases.
Eat Well Health
Among all fruits, blueberries are one of the richest sources of phenolic compounds, including flavonoids, phenolic acids, and stilbenes, which are known to have biological activity and high antioxidant capacity. They are a promising functional food with respect to vascular health.
Eight Lessons You May Need to Relearn | Wellness magazine Eight Lessons You May Need to Relearn | Wellness magazine
A Back-to-School Fitness and Nutrition Breakdown: Eight Lessons You May Need to Relearn
Your school days may be long behind you, but that doesn’t mean you know it all. According to Warren Honeycutt, many of us are operating under erroneous assumptions when it comes to fitness and nutrition, and for the sake of our health, it’s time to relearn those lessons.
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The Sensitive Gut. 7 ways to calm your upset stomach | Wellness magazine The Sensitive Gut. 7 ways to calm your upset stomach | Wellness magazine
The Sensitive Gut. 7 ways to calm your upset stomach
When your digestive system is running smoothly, you tend not to think about it. Once trouble begins, your gut — like a squeaky wheel — suddenly demands your attention.
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Omega 3 - responsible for your health|Wellness magazine Omega 3 - responsible for your health|Wellness magazine
Omega 3 - responsible for your health
If you were stranded on a desert island and granted an unlimited supply of one nutritional supplement, what would it be?
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The importance of protein in your diet The importance of protein in your diet
The importance of protein in your diet
Why should you care about making sure you get enough protein?
Back pain managed 5 principles of stretching Back pain managed 5 principles of stretching
Back pain managed 5 principles of stretching.
People can be classified into two categories: those who have back pain and those who will get back pain. But according to Kristian Berg, author of the Prescriptive Stretching, the inevitability of back pain can be avoided with stretching.
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Go with Your Gut!|Wellness magazine Go with Your Gut!|Wellness magazine
Go with Your Gut!
If you’ve ever been told to, “Go with your gut,” you likely thought it was advice you could either take or leave. Truth is, your gut is in the driver’s seat determining where you’re heading, when and if you will get there and how you’re going to feel all along the way.
5 truths about protecting your eyes 5 truths about protecting your eyes
5 truths about protecting your eyes
Of your five senses, which one are you most afraid of losing? If you're like most people, your answer is your ability to see. Because our eyesight is so precious, it's no wonder that myths abound about what can damage our eyes — and what can protect them.
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What's your Dosha ?
Taking care of your skin reflects how well you take care of your overall well-being. The traditional system for healthy living called Ayurveda, reminds us that we can live more beautifully, naturally, and more contains practical and scientific evidence on self-care.
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Mani & Pedi Safety | Wellness magazine Mani & Pedi Safety | Wellness magazine
Mani & Pedi Safety
Summer is just around the corner. Don’t even think about wearing those sexy sandals without properly groomed toenails. If you are baring them, then they should be wearing a buff and a shine. So let’s give them proper attention to make them looking feminine and flirty.
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'Bite Into A Healthy Lifestyle'|Wellness magazine
'Bite Into A Healthy Lifestyle'
There is no one food, drink, pill or machine that is the key to achieving optimal health. A person's overall daily routine is what is most important.
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The power of kale| Wellness magazine
The power of Kale
There is no doubt about it. What you eat affect not only who you are and what you can accomplish, but also how you look and feel, including your overall health and vitality. Eating a variety of healthy foods including fruit and vegetables is essential.
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The benefits of skin toner|Wellness magazine
The true benefits of a skin toner
I mean, who uses skin toner, and what’s it really supposed to do anyway? And let’s be real -- do I actually need another skin product sitting on my bathroom counter?
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Live life to your fullest| Wellness magazne Live life to your fullest| Wellness magazne
Live life to your fullest
Imagine a single item that could thoroughly clean your home, wash your clothes, purify the air you breathe, protect you against tainted food, and defend you and your family from a criminal attack.
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The pure beauty of your eyes| Wellness magazine
The pure beauty of your eyes
What’s the first thing you notice about someone? For 90% of people it’s the “eyes”. Here is what you can do to keep your eyes looking beautiful?
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Supercharge Your Health. The “Just Thrive” Story | Wellness magazine
Supercharge Your Health. The “Just Thrive” Story
Why probiotics? Studies have shown that the 100 trillion bacteria cells in the digestive system have a profound effect on overall health and wellness.
Element Bars | Wellness magazine
A lot of healthy fun
Do you want to create your own, freshly baked energy bar by choosing from all natural and organic ingredients so you can enjoy your bar your way?
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Core workout can cause muscle sorenes | Wellness magazine
Core workout can cause muscle sorenes
Many popular workouts that aim to strengthen your arms, legs, and abs give short shrift to many of the muscles that form your body's core (the group of muscles that form the sturdy central link connecting your upper and lower body).
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Let’s Face It | Wellness magazine
Let’s Face It
Shopping for an anti-aging skin care products is not an easy adventure. With so many choices, it can be very difficult to know which products will be good for us.
Hair gives you a problem | Wellness magazine
Hair gives you a problem
Stress has such a wide-ranging effect that it is hard to define which problems or illnesses are stress related and which are not. Perhaps it is simpler to say that stress affects every part of your mind and body, including a hormonal imbalance the most common cause of hair grows.
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Medications & Cellulitis | Wellness magazine
Medications & Cellulitis
NEJM Study is first to compare medications prescribed for cellulitis. Two commonly used antibiotics have similar cure rates for uncomplicateds skin infections.
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3 Ways to Prepare for the Daylight Saving Time Change | Wellness magazine
3 Ways to Prepare for the Daylight Saving Time Change
So, as many of you already know, it's that time of year again, time to spring ahead. On March 8th, 2015, we will move our clocks forward one hour. Although we will be losing an hour of sleep, we will gain an hour of daylight!
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Avoiding Gluten Is Not as Easy as You May Think | Wellness magzine
Avoiding Gluten Is Not as Easy as You May Think
Conservative estimates show that eighteen million Americans are suffering from gluten-sensitivity. Gluten sensitivity is clearly a prevalent problem.
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“C”, the Celebrated Vitamin | Wellness magazine
“C”, the Celebrated Vitamin
Ever wonder why certain nutrients are actually labeled with the word, vitamin before their letter?
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7 Facts About Gluten |Wellness magazine
7 Facts About Gluten
Food intolerance and food allergy are a serious health problem affecting both children and adults worldwide. Every year, millions of people have an allergic reaction to food. Thankfully, most allergies cause mild symptoms, but some be very serious, and even life –threatening.
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Beauty from within | Wellness magazine
Beauty from within
Clinical research shows there is a strong connection between inflammation, free radicals and aging. Regeneration USA's Anti-Aging Bars contain some of nature's most effective nutrients to combat these, utilizing high levels of key alkalizing nutrients.
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Just pure colors of health | Wellness magazine
Just pure colors of health
Raw vegetable are easy and quickly to put together – and the benefits are deliciously satisfying to your health. But, what if you prefer chips more then fresh kale salad. Well, we have the solution - Just Pure Foods chips - the tastiest and healthiest plant-based snacks we know.
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Tosi superfood | Wellness magazine
Discover simple true health
Even the least discriminating consumers are certain they need to take supplements. The biggest question always seems to be exactly which supplements and healthy snacks to use… Start with gluten-free and include organic. Fewer ingredients are also better.
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