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    Skincare is the biggest segment in the beauty industry with global sales that hover around $130 billion in 2019. There is so much for consumers to digest and decide on. We turned to Dr. Manish Shah, a Denver Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and skin care expert. He takes a microscope to some of the hottest trends in 2019 to give you insight into what’s worth your hard- earned dollars.

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    Activity levels are still relatively high for this time of year, with 20 states continuing to report "widespread" flu activity, the CDC reports.

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  • health

    It’s estimated that 50-70 million U.S. adults have some type of sleeping disorder. And what you eat or don’t eat may impact how you sleep.

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  • Health

    Joint pain and discomfort can become a major concern in our lives as we age, with 15 million Americans suffering from severe joint pain as a result of arthritis. It’s therefore extremely important to take joint care seriously from a younger age in order to maximize our health throughout our lives.

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  • Health

    Fats have been the “bad” guys in the health world for far too long…but this is turning around with more people educating themselves on the nutritional values of good fats - healthy fats that fuel us rather than weigh us down.

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  • Health

    Stress, feeling lack-luster and fatigue is something that many of us encounter in modern life. Even a self-indulgent bath a few times a week rather than a speedy shower can help rejuvenate us. Here we look at a few ways we can brush up for health and beauty!

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  • Beauty

    With any emerging industry, there are always the questions “Can I make a profit from this?” and “What liabilities are involved?”    A good example is the Wellness Business, which is one of the fastest growing industries on the market today. 

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  • Travel

    Whether traveling for business or pleasure, travel can be challenging for your health. With a bit of planning and consciously making healthy choices over unhealthy ones, you can easily make a difference in how you feel when you return home: guilty or healthy.

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  • Mind

    With spring upon us, we all feel the desire to go out and enjoy life. It's a time to refresh and start anew. Psychotherapist, author and positive living speaker, Diane Lang, suggests that we start living mindfully this spring. Being mindful means to wake up to everything around you and be aware of all the present experiences.

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  • Beauty

    These are exciting times in the wellness and spa industries.  There are many procedures people seek out.  Before offering them in the spa, research how effective they are and what the risk of liability to the business is.  

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  • Health

    Is It a Cold or the Flu? Well, just how sick are you? Sometimes, the symptoms can be similar. Below are some of the symptoms of a cold versus the flu. 

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