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Alternative Remedies for Immune Support and Vitality/ 495

  • Health

    Sleep is an absolute necessity to sustain life and yet we frequently take it for granted. We think nothing of skipping a few hours here and there and apply very little focus on establishing a healthy bedtime routine to ensure a good night’s sleep is achieved. 

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  • Beauty

    Spring is not too far away, and there is no better time for a new beginning than springtime. Whether it’s a new health goal you have, or a fresh self-care routine, the lightness of spring is a motivating factor to help get you started! Here are a few tips to help you with natural skin care and inspired self-care choices!

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  • Travel & Spa

    Today’s average full-time employee will put in well over 2000 hours annually at their jobs. Below is a list of some simple ways to ease those tiring and stressful days we all encounter at work.

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  • Health

    With February being American hearth month, it's more important than ever to bring awareness and prevention tips for healthy lifestyles that reduce your chance of developing heart disease. Blood sugar dysregulation is at the core of metabolic health. 

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  • Health

    Wouldn’t it be great to grow older and yet still maintain a certain level of health and wellbeing that means you are still able to do what you want to do or did when you were younger?  Getting older is not a reason to give up on what has kept you well through your life...

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  • Health

    For many people, winter skin probably conjures up images of dry, cracked hands, flaky skin, and windburn. However, the lips can be affected too. To prevent and treat dry, chapped lips at home, Dr. Sherber recommends the following tips...


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  • Health

    As more people flock to the gym for their New Year’s resolutions, dermatologists from the American Academy of Dermatology are offering words of caution for gym members. While working out has many benefits, including weight control, disease prevention, and even mood improvement, germs can thrive at the gym. 

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  • Health

    Over the past year or so, our immune system has never been so essential to prevent us from modern-day illnesses. The current pandemic has heavily shifted focus to the strength of our immunity, and rightly so. Luckily, there are numerous immune-boosting remedies, and many of these are... 

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  • Health

    There are many things we can do to help spruce up our inner and outer being and support us better to ride with the changes. And especially as we age, we can practice new ways of doing things and implement fresh health ...

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  • Health

    We have just gotten past what is aptly titled “Blue Monday”, a day around the third week in January when the winter blues kick in! Yes, January can be a tough month, especially if you are trying to get healthy and find the motivation to just do better with looking after yourself through the year. 

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  • Beauty

    Aging is indeed inevitable, however, the skincare products and skin care regimen you establish can help to shape a younger, fresher looking you.

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  • Health

    The body suffers a shock of some sort during seasonal change. Changes in temperature and environmental factors can knock the body’s natural immune function quite sharply- even if you generally look after your health and wellbeing! Most people use oregano oil for...

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  • Health

    January is a long and difficult month to navigate. After the holiday season life seems to fall into a semi-slump and everything feels just that little bit harder when days and nights are colder! January can be a month where motivation may be low but the will to get on track to healthier living should be higher.

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  • Health

    Many people will say that the lack of energy they feel day to day is the reason for not doing the things they truly want to do. After so much time spent on work and family life, it is often the sloppy seconds that remain for the other stuff, such as socializing, leisure activity, and the all-important self-care that we need to function in the modern world. 

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  • Health

    A great smile is highly attractive. It draws people into the very essence of who you are and what makes you smile! And a great smile is something we can all strive for. 

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  • Health

    Dairy products form a substantial chunk of our daily nutrition. With so many people now suffering the effects of allergies and intolerances, having alternative options to the usual cow milk is truly a gift.

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  • Health

    Wintertime after the holiday season can be a good time for a natural detox. Even if you generally eat well and look after yourself; a healthy cleanse can help the body to reset and rejuvenate. A detox doesn’t need to feel like a punishment or feel overly restrictive. You can delight in detox when you do it in a way that suits you! 

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  • Health

    It is never too early to focus on brain health. Sadly, Alzheimer’s and Dementia are far more common than we may think.  Women lead the way with 66% of the cases. Moreover, a woman is at greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s than breast cancer. We’re not exactly sure why...

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  • Health

    There are many ways to start the morning in the right way. What if you made that morning cup with your breakfast super-healthy and just as tasty? It can be done when you make it a Matcha morning! 

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  • Health

    As we’re all in the Holiday spirit, here is a treat from Red Espresso to you! A selection of “5-Special” taste bud twirling, recipes that will leave a long-lasting Holiday smile on your face, and not just because they are healthy!

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