Alternative Remedies for Immune Support and Vitality/ 495
Your no excuse guide to staying fit while flying and toned when traveling this holiday season
Many fitness enthusiasts find it difficult to follow their normal exercise plan while traveling to see family or friends for the winter holidays. Alex Vitale offers the following tips for putting together an exercise program that travels with you.
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Health Eat well
Healthier Habits for Better Nutrition
We all have habits. This is what we do- we settle into certain ways of doing things for comfort and ease. At our core, we are creatures of repetition. Creating healthier ways of looking after yourself can be a bit of a challenge, but the small discomfort of change is well worth it for health benefits down the line!
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Health Beauty
Enhancing and Empowering Your Beauty
Sleep is incredibly important, not just for the health benefits of adequate rest, but also for the beauty benefits. Whilst we sleep, our body remains hard at work resting, regenerating, and restoring. From all aspects, physical, mental and emotional- sleep is its reward!
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Travel Travel
100 Places in Cuba Every Woman Should Go
The secret is out: Cuba is the world’s sexiest, most magnetic travel destination. Discover Cuba’s Best Places for Women.
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Health Health
Total Health Through Nature
Have you ever heard of the Moringa Tree? Many natural gems can help us all to stretch into the best and healthiest versions of ourselves. When we keep an open mind, the possibilities are endless...
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Health Diet
Snacking Made Healthy
We automatically assume that snacks are unhealthy and spoil our subsequent meals- but this is not the case! We need snacks to provide an energy boost throughout the day until our next main meal, especially if we are active and busy. And we find the perfect one...
Health Mind
Go to the emotional gym
The solution to overeating and belly fat is shockingly simple. Traditional methods focus on the thinking brain – knowing what to eat, tracking calories, recording food. It's so tiresome, and it seldom works. Why? We are focusing on the wrong brain.
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Health Health
Dermatologists Urge Consumers to Treat Acne Early
Treating acne when it first appears can reduce severity, scarring and acne-related anxiety
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How Early Orthodontic Evaluation Can Save Your Child A Mouthful Of Problems
Oral diseases affect almost half the global population, and recent research indicates they persist because oral health has not been prioritized as much as traditional healthcare.
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Health Health
Natural Remedies for Menopause Relief
The menopause is not kind to women- that is a fact. As it is an unavoidable and natural part of the aging process, the only thing you can do is do your best to be kind to yourself and guide your way through it with love and compassion.
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Health Health
Healthy Ways to Combat Inflammation
However, the body is not meant to be in a steady or prolonged state of inflammation. Diseases and conditions that are caused by chronic inflammation such as Arthritis, Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease or Stroke, continue to rise as the modern world seems to live in a cycle of unease and imbalance...
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Health Mind
Managing Stress in the Modern World
Stress is a natural bodily response; therefore, it cannot be wholly eradicated from our existence. But, how much stress is OK?
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Travel & Spa Travel & Spa
14 Travel Options That’ll Spoil You Superbly | Part 1
With America having suffered a pretty harsh winter from coast to coast, would-be wanderers are rejoicing as the weather warms and vacation venues beckon with stellar offerings.
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Health Diet
The Benefits of a Mediterranean Diet
Supporting ourselves toward better health can be a difficult task because of all the information available nowadays. There are new diets to try, supplements, fresh perspectives on fitness routines and what works better to keep your body in shape. It is easy to get confused.
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HEALTH Eat well
Good Carbs, Bad Carbs
Scorned, rejected, and maligned, the earthly carbohydrate is totally misunderstood. There is a story going around that carbs need to be avoided in order for us to stay fit.
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Health Health
How to Open Your Heart and Find Your Soul Mate
Your intense emotional experiences may seem to be ancient history. You may think that you have put those difficult things like divorce, abuse and shattered relationships behind you.
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3 Steps Companies Can Take To Improve Mental Health In The Workplace
Dealing with mental health can be a delicate issue for both employers and employees. Some think it carries a stigma, thus employees may attempt to hide their problem.
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Health Diet
The Well Being Benefits of Tea
Tea is riding on a wave of popularity and with good reason. Tea has become an increasingly versatile and healthy, modern beverage- it is so much more than just the regular tea with milk you may start your day with when you fancy a change from coffee.
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Health Health
Alzheimer’s disease - Why The TTAP© Method Works
So just how does a drawing, writing poetry, or playing the violin, help seniors function better and improve their memories?
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Diet Diet
How to Get Started on the Mediterranean Diet
Best-selling author, chef, television personality and educator Amy Riolo shares tips to help you adopt the Mediterranean-style eating pattern and start enjoying better health.