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  • Health

    Are you fed up with being overwhelmed by stress? You’re not the only one! It can be difficult to find a healthy balance...

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  • Daily living can become heavy and hectic and the weight of this burden is what we carry around. It can make us feel low, lethargic, tired, and feed into a cycle of feeling like we aren't moving forward...

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  • Health

    Lisa Masterson, MD, board-certified OB/GYN, is thrilled to announce the launch of Dr. Pink, a full virtual online platform designed to help achieve personal health and beauty goals.

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  • Health

    Are you sick of feeling like you have no control over your day? Little distractions take you away from properly...

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  • Health

    If you have been disappointed by your post-Covid body, there may be several barriers to your progress. Most of us struggle...

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  • Health

    With the Spring season arriving, many of you are concerned that your skin is not ready for the summer. Don’t worry, you are...

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  • Health

    Many of you keep working beyond the point of exhaustion. Staying awake for more than 12-14 hours limits...

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  • Although we use our hands for almost everything, we often fail to provide them with the care they require. We rely heavily on our hands...

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  • Health

    Are you looking to lose weight but are uncertain of what diet would work best? Don’t panic because there is no one...

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  • Health

    Memory is a funny thing. It’s certain that many of us would love to delete certain...

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  • Health

    It is never too late to make changes that can help to rebalance, repair, and promote wellness from within. We have just come into a new year and it is always...

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  • Your skin acts like your body’s shield. It's your suit of armor! Look after it well and it will work its wonders for you! Here are 3 great steps to do so!

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  • Beauty

    Hygiene has taken on a whole new perspective since the Covid-19 pandemic began. Our cleaning and hygiene routines have been scrutinized and changed for the better considering the modern world that we live in.

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  • Health

    January is a long and difficult month to navigate. After the holiday season life seems to fall into a semi-slump and everything feels just that little bit harder when days and nights are colder! January can be a month where motivation may be low but the will to get on track to healthier living should be higher.

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  • Health

    Many people will say that the lack of energy they feel day to day is the reason for not doing the things they truly want to do. After so much time spent on work and family life, it is often the sloppy seconds that remain for the other stuff, such as socializing, leisure activity, and the all-important self-care that we need to function in the modern world. 

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  • Health

    2021 is just around the corner! There is no better time to start making healthy moves toward a better you… start now and you will not regret it!  Here are some great tips to help you make substantial changes from now and into 2021!


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  • Health

    It is never too early to focus on brain health. Sadly, Alzheimer’s and Dementia are far more common than we may think.  Women lead the way with 66% of the cases. Moreover, a woman is at greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s than breast cancer. We’re not exactly sure why...

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  • Health

    The summer sun energizes us but as winter creeps in, we may begin to feel the effects of a not so healthy body. One that is tired, fatigued, and struggling to meet the day head-on. Wintertime can affect us not just physically but mentally and emotionally too.

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  • Health

    One of the most apparent reasons for embracing a health regimen is the desire for greater, longer-lasting energy. We cannot be everything to everyone and everything all the time. However, we can create more energy for life by looking after ourselves just a little more

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  • Health

    Is there such a thing as the fountain of youth? If there was, there would certainly be a long line waiting for it! In saying that, there is one particular supplement that is not commonly thought of or utilized as a health and well-being supplement. 

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