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  • Health

    Establishing a solid regimen for health and wellbeing lines the path to longevity. However, we don’t just want to live longer, we want to be healthier and happier for as long as we can be. So what are the keys to longevity?

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  • Health

    Greens don’t tend to be very exciting; many of us may recall being told to “eat our greens” as youngsters, at best we may have shoved and “shimmied” the green stuff around the plate so it at least looked like we had tried some…!

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  • Health

    As we continue our journey through February, we can look forward to the months that follow with some bonus attention paid to what we did or did not achieve health-wise. Sometimes, we can only move forward by looking back to see what we can do differently for increased success down the line.

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  • Health

    Food is our fuel. It is what gets us going and keeps us moving. It feeds our brain, our vital organs, fundamental and cellular functions, and supplies nutrients throughout our body. Many of us struggle to maintain good, nutritional daily diets because we often forget this fact! 


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  • Health

    When life becomes too difficult, mundane, and tedious, we naturally lose our motivation for change; however, this should only inspire us to create something new. We all need some more good things in our lives, don’t we?

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  • Health

    We are fortunate to live in modern times and reap the benefits of modern medicine. Quite often, these modern medicines can be enough to see the results you want from your health regimen. And modern medicine isn’t about chemically enhanced supplements and potions; more often than not they are natural and plant-based.

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  • Eat well

    Cauliflower is the superfood that transforms spring brunch into a healthy feast suitable for all dietary needs. Amy Lacey's Cali'flour Kitchen is your go-to source for delicious breakfast recipes perfect for your Spring celebration. 

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  • Health

    Staying in good health has never been more crucial to our existence. By looking after ourselves we also look after each other and we stay around longer for the people that we love and care about. So how do we go about staying in good health? 

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  • Health

    A healthy lifestyle is something that is created. It’s all too easy for us to slip into bad or unhealthy habits, but when you start feeling the effects of your bad choices then it is time to go create and bring on some much-needed change.

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  • Health

    Let’s be honest, staying healthy isn’t always easy in your pocket. As important as we may know that health is our true wealth, it can sometimes be a costly exercise. 

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  • Drop that sugar |Wellness magazine

    When you think of addiction, various illegal and harmful substances probably spring to mind…but not sugar. Yes, you know that candy, and your other favorite sweet treats aren’t the healthiest options—and sure, you may feel the urge to satisfy a craving once in awhile—but there’s no way that sugar can totally hijack your life…right? Wrong.

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  • Health

    Entertaining is one of the mainstays of the holiday season — and helps commemorate milestone events throughout the year, too. With proper preparation, you can be creative and tempt your party guests with an array of fun platters while still keeping food safety in mind!

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  • Health

    Particularly during winter or party season, some extra love and care toward your gut and digestive system can make a big difference to how you look and how you feel. Here are a few ways to take care of your digestive health this winter and beyond!

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  • Health

    We are turning to tea more than ever at this time and thankfully we are spoilt for choice when we do! For centuries, ancient civilizations drank tea for its health and medicinal purposes as well as a chance to take a much-needed rest and switch off. And they were right to do so.

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  • Health

    We all need a bit of a jump-start toward our health and well-being goals at some point. As cold season sets in, we may feel less motivated to hit the gym or maintain our healthy nutritional habits- but this is a common mistake!

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  • Health

    We all have habits. This is what we do- we settle into certain ways of doing things for comfort and ease. At our core, we are creatures of repetition. Creating healthier ways of looking after yourself can be a bit of a challenge, but the small discomfort of change is well worth it for health benefits down the line! 

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  • Health

    We automatically assume that snacks are unhealthy and spoil our subsequent meals- but this is not the case! We need snacks to provide an energy boost throughout the day until our next main meal, especially if we are active and busy. And we find the perfect one...


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  • Health

    Supporting ourselves toward better health can be a difficult task because of all the information available nowadays. There are new diets to try, supplements, fresh perspectives on fitness routines and what works better to keep your body in shape. It is easy to get confused.

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  • Diet

    Best-selling author, chef, television personality and educator Amy Riolo shares tips to help you adopt the Mediterranean-style eating pattern and start enjoying better health.


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  • diet

    Picnic weather is here at last! Best-selling author, chef, television personality, and educator Amy Riolo shares a healthy Mediterranean-inspired menu to share with friends and family in the great outdoors.

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