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Alternative Remedies for Immune Support and Vitality/ 495

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    Air. Water. Leafy greens. Paint. Toys. City smog. Tobacco smoke. Seemingly harmless, these everyday items can actually be very harmful to our health. Heavy metals, like lead and mercury, secretly seep into our bodies, causing serious illnesses.

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    Embrace the holistic approach and learn more about the power of natural medicine.

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    Everyone has fantasized about improving their intelligence, speeding up their learning process, retaining information better, and thinking and responding more quickly...

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    Feeling constantly on edge and unable to relax? It might be time to explore something new.

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    In many different ways, as parents, we look out for the health and well-being of our kids. We ensure that kids consume wholesome food, get adequate rest, and maintain an active lifestyle. But when it comes to our children's health, one aspect is sometimes disregarded: skincare...

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    A diet heavy in sugar, fat, and processed foods has dramatically exacerbated the prevalence of obesity and chronic disease in America. Americans consume less fruit and vegetables than is advised each day, and the typical American also consumes over 200 pounds of red meat and poultry annually.

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    Age-related skin problems like wrinkles, fine lines, and pigmentation are unavoidable. While we prefer to blame becoming another year older, the biggest offender is photoaging, or skin damage brought on by exposure to UV and sunshine...

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    In this hectic world where everyone is trying their hardest to keep up with the race of trying to stay healthy, it seems everyone pursues some supplement that promises to help whatever their health need may be. For some...

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    Everywhere you turn, it seems there is some new threat to your health. Although these things are often hyped more than the media needs, there are real threats to your health and well-being...

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    Vitamin D3 is a very popular nutrient that people try to get plentiful amounts thereof, regularly. This fact is understandable because vitamin D3 does wonders for the body. The benefits of vitamin D3 on one’s immune system...

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    Robert is settling down for the evening. It’s been a long day and he’s ready to relax. However, there is one thing he’s a bit anxious about. Nearly every night, there have been issues with cramps in his legs. Sometimes they twitch and jerk...

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    If you study science and the research done into improving our lives, you will come across many stories of positive outcomes that were unexpected...

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    We all cherish health and beauty in one way or another. Looking beautiful and being healthy creates good feelings inside and gives us a better opinion of ourselves. As with most things in life, certain aspects of beauty begin to fade with time...

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    It is unavoidable that diet has an effect on health. Consuming nutritious foods is crucial to fueling the body and defending it against oxidative stress and inflammation. Low energy levels, chronic diseases, and significant health concerns can all result from a diet that is deficient in certain nutrients...

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    Sambucus nigra (European black elderberry) or Sambucus canadensis (North American elderberry) exhibit the existence of anthocyanins, helpful antioxidant flavonoids that have a good impact on human health...

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    For thousands of years, our ancestors have used mushrooms as medicine. A powerful anti-inflammatory and tool for cauterizing wounds, the amadou mushroom (Fomes fomentarius) was described by the Greek physician Hippocrates around 450 BCE...

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    Stress is a word that may have five letters, but it might as well be a four-letter word for many people. Stress is something that people try to avoid at all costs.

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    The nails on Sara’s first two fingers broke off with an audible “snap.” She was trying to open a can of tonic water. And then – just like that – they lay on top of the can. Two lumps of nails stared up at her...

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    When you hear the word cholesterol, your mind probably brings up negative im- ages which cause unpleasant feelings. However, cholesterol is not necessarily all bad. In fact, a good bit of it is, well, good. It is bad, though, for one to have high amounts of certain types of cholesterol...

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    Proteins and polypeptides, which make up the majority of an animal's (and your own) muscles and tissues, are made up of amino acids. Additionally, certain fluids like milk include amino acids as a crucial component...

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