Alternative Remedies for Immune Support and Vitality/ 495
Health Health
Strengthen the bonds that really matter!
Amidst the chaos and turbulence of the world today, it can be tempting to surrender to worry and anxiety. From the persistent rise in inflation to conflicts overseas and the ever-present threat of new and dangerous illnesses, there are numerous sources of stress that we often feel powerless against.
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Health Health
The Alpha and The Omega
As the Neolithic man rose out of Africa, they naturally began migrating. As with all species, hunting for food and better living conditions gave birth to this migration.
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Employees Stuck in “Lower Brain”? Try One of These Eight Mood Shifters.
Employees Stuck in “Lower Brain”? Try One of These Eight Mood Shifters. A neuroscience expert says when leaders take these deceptively simple actions, it dramatically shifts how employees think, feel, and perform.
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Travel Food
New & Notable at the 2023 South Beach Wine & Food Festival
If you were to put just one South Florida event on your calendar per year, it should indubitably be the Food Network South Beach Wine & Food Festival presented by Capital One (SOBEWFF). With ticket sales now underway for its 22nd annual installment taking place February 23-26, 2023, it is definitely the hottest—tastiest—ticket in town!
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Health Health
The One Solution to Better Sleep in the New Year
Deep down we all know that we need sleep to survive, in the same way, that we need air, water, and food.
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Health Health
Make sure all systems are ready to go
Jessica looked out at the darkening sky. It was early on a summer day, and the air was still cool. Perfect for Jessica’s morning jog.
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Health Health
Clean and detoxify your body for optimum health
Rebecca noticed her energy levels were not up to par for the last few months. She was becoming fatigued while performing the most normal of tasks, like sweeping the floor and unloading the dishwasher.
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Health Health
Don’t react to your health. Protect it.
Take a moment and perform a simple exercise. Walk over to your medicine cabinet and think about what you see.
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Health Health
This Winter’s Dry Skin Solution You’ve Been Looking For
It goes without saying that winter months are not kind to our skin. Anyone with already dry skin can agree that the reduced moisture in the outdoor air combined with dry indoor heat due to furnaces and central air makes our skin even drier and flakier.
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How Your Gut Controls Your Health
The expression "I have a gut feeling" is more than just a turn of phrase. Your gut is, in fact, a second brain. It's called the enteric nervous system, or the ENS. In the last 15 years or so, scientists...
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Health and well-being from the ages, for the ages.
Near the sun-drenched coast of the Mediterranean Sea, in the country of Lebanon, lies a town called Bchaaleh. To the west lies the sea, mountains surround the town, and to the north are the ancient cities of Beirut and Damascus to the northeast.
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Health Health
Better sleep, for a better you
No wonder Sleeping Beauty looked so good … she took long naps, never got old, and didn’t have to do anything...
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Almost enough isn’t enough
Sophia is hard at work. Her deadline is close, and she is toiling away at top speed. Sophia is a baker, and she has an order for 300 cupcakes.
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How to thrive in a stressful environment
For many people, as they age, their body continually sends out warnings that life doesn’t get any easier. Diminishing energy, fatigue, weight gain, poor digestion, and loss of mental focus are just some of the warning signs our body sends out telling us… you’re getting old.
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Timeless issues and ancient remedies
The light peaked through the curtains, streaming perfectly, hitting Harold in the face. He tried to close his eyes a little tighter to get a few more minutes of sleep. This didn't work, and Harold realized it was time to wake up.
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Health Mind
Tips for dealing with the changes, challenges, and opportunities of family gatherings
With Thanksgiving and other holidays almost here, we have tips on how to make family gatherings into lifetime memories and avoid disaster from Dr. Ken Druck, a best-selling author, and expert on family psychology.
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Health Health
The Pursuit of the Perfect Morning
Envision for a moment, your perfect morning. What it would look like and how you would feel. How would it be different from most of your current mornings?
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Health Health
Smart ways to boost your brain and improve your memory
It starts like any other day. You wake up. The routine you follow is simple. As you go about your morning ritual, you sense that something is not quite right. What are you missing?
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Health Health
You can rise AND shine!
You hear it soft and low in the distance. The steady, persistent rhythm starts out low and gradually increases in volume. There is a familiarity to it...
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Health Health
Reduce Your Risk For Cardiovascular Diseases, Memory Loss & Aging
Are you worried about having a rapid decline and early onset of diseases as you age? As time progresses, the likelihood of you getting age-related conditions or illness increases...
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