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Individualization guarantees results from any exercise program.

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The biggest problem with most current exercise programs is that they are not based on a person's unique body shape, size, physiological response, and, most important, current level of fitness. To get the most out of a program you need to make your effort individualized, and the easiest way to do that is to track your cardiac response to your body's movement of choice.

According to exercise scientist and distance-running coach Roy Benson, author of the forthcoming Heart Rate Training (Human Kinetics, March 2011), individualization must be based on your current fitness level, general ability, and goals.
The good news is that modern technology has produced a wide selection of affordable heart rate monitors that provide instant, reliable feedback about your body's response to your chosen exercise and intensity. Says Benson, "When you understand your heart rate, learn how to measure it, and have a reliable monitor, you are on your way to a scientifically designed exercise program, individualized just for you, that will guarantee results."

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