Alternative Remedies for Immune Support and Vitality/ 495
Health Health
Creating a Healthy Balance
Creating a healthy balance begins with moving your well-being higher up the to-do-list of life. This includes your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Here are some tips to help you create a healthier balance...
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Health Health
Enhancing Beauty and Wellness Wintertime
The summer sun energizes us but as winter creeps in, we may begin to feel the effects of a not so healthy body. One that is tired, fatigued, and struggling to meet the day head-on. Wintertime can affect us not just physically but mentally and emotionally too.
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Health Eat well
Healthy Indulgences
When life becomes too difficult, mundane, and tedious, we naturally lose our motivation for change; however, this should only inspire us to create something new. We all need some more good things in our lives, don’t we?
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Health Health
Healthy Looks, Naturally
It is one of life’s ultimate goals isn’t it… gorgeous-looking hair and skin! Whenever we see someone with these attributes we are heavily inclined to ask them “what do you use on hair and skin”.
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Follow the Flavor: Getting Creative with Wholesome Foods
Food takes up a fairly big portion of our thinking. It is also a massive part of our health and wellbeing and we cannot get healthy and nourish our body without good, nutrient-dense food!
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Health Health
Immune Support for Wellness
It is commonly pushed aside that our digestive function is heavily tied into our immune system and how well it works. Often, we are conditioned to taking our wellbeing supplements without ever really appreciating what they need to do the job.
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Health Health
Inspiring Wellness Through Complete Brain Support
Taking care of your brain is crucial for living a longer, happier, and healthier life. The more we can protect, nourish, and preserve our mind, the better off we will be in the short- and long-term.
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Health Health
Vitamin C for Health and Vitality
Our immune system is always in need of support; seasons may come and go but anytime is a great time to improve your health and vitality through immune support! Vitamin C offers strong support for the immune system. Find the Importance of Vitamin C...
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Health Health
Rejuvenating Benefits of Colostrum!
Is there such a thing as the fountain of youth? If there was, there would certainly be a long line waiting for it! In saying that, there is one particular supplement that is not commonly thought of or utilized as a health and well-being supplement.
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Health Mind
Nutritional Support for Optimal Brain Health and Function
Looking after your brain is not easy. But several foods are well-documented as being “brain boosters”. What are they? Here are a few to ensure you are adding to your daily diet, they are quintessential brain foods.
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Health health
Effective Health Solutions
The entire world has been rocked through recent events surrounding the Coronavirus COVID-19 and we are quickly realizing that we are not as invincible as we think we are. Even the healthiest of individuals will be questioning the strength of their immune function at this time. We need to look for effective health solutions.
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Health Health
The Value of Digestive Health
Digestive Health is Fundamental to Healthy Living. Here are a few ways digestive health helps us toward better health and well-being.
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Health Health
The CAP Connection: The Surprising Link Between Oral Health and Heart Disease
Think your teeth are healthy just because they look and feel normal? Think again, says Dr. Thomas Levy. Here, he explains why chronic apical periodontitis, or "CAP"--an infection of the mouth that is often totally symptom-free--puts you at risk for heart attacks and serious diseases.
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Health Health
Health - Made with Love!
Right now, many of us are focused on our immune health and this is important given the current outbreak of COVID-19. However, we should not compromise the rest of our well-being by just focusing on one aspect of it.
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Get off the couch Wellness Magazine
Get off the couch
If you are like most people, you have a busy and stressful life. Trying to balance your job and your family and still find time for yourself is hard for many people to do.
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Health Health
Creating a Healthy Lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle is something that is created. It’s all too easy for us to slip into bad or unhealthy habits, but when you start feeling the effects of your bad choices then it is time to go create and bring on some much-needed change.
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Beauty Beauty
Anti-Aging Skincare
We all want to look more youthful. It is one of the number one things we strive to preserve…our youth!
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Health Health
Holistic Health Solutions
Let’s be honest, staying healthy isn’t always easy in your pocket. As important as we may know that health is our true wealth, it can sometimes be a costly exercise.
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Health Health
Health and Vitality- Reset!
Yes, a fresh decade has begun, the spring is just on the corner but we don’t need to wait for any occasion or special event to begin making changes to our health regimen. If you are well-tuned to your body and sense of well-being, then taking action when you aren’t feeling your best is paramount to improving your health. And if you are generally feeling OK, imagine what it would be like to feel GREAT! And it’s not as hard as it may seem.
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Remember to Have Fun!| Wellness magazine
Remember to Have Fun!
Phil, a manager at a tech firm, prides himself on his commitment to his career. He counts rigorous self-discipline as one of his strengths, and expects the same of his subordinates, privately frowning on such “nonsense” in the workplace as birthday cakes and office parties. Phil goes on vacation once a year, only because...
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