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Alternative Remedies for Immune Support and Vitality/ 495

  • The healthy pleasures of Coconut Oil | Wellness magazine

    Coconuts is useful, practical, and economical - a wonderful gift of the palm world. The coconut palm has been recognized as a top immune booster, anti fungal, antibiotic, antiviral and antibacterial remedy for thousands of years all over the world. Coconut oil has been described as "the healthiest oil on earth."



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  • Family Time To Your Health | Wellness magazine

    “I’m just so busy” is the most common phrase we hear now from parents, kids and really, everyone!  “I have things to do. I don’t have time to talk about feelings. My family knows I love them.” Does this sound familiar?

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  • Feminine Hygiene Goes Green| Wellness magazine

    While not every woman can afford to purchase a hybrid car, more women than ever are aware that their monthly feminine hygiene choice can also create a positive eco-footprint.

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  • Secret Island Herb That Fights Anxiety, Stress & Panic Attacks| Wellness Magazine

    It rips through your body like a buzz saw, tensing every nerve, pushing your adrenal glands into overdrive and robbing precious years from your life. Stress is no joke. Can you help yourself by simply spraying a few mists of natural spray under your tongue, and sooth your stress and anxiety in no time? Yes, you can.

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  • Just Because You Couldn’t Doesn’t Mean You Can’t | Wellness Magazine

    When you stay in your comfort zone all the time, you will feel unfulfilled, like you aren’t getting everything you want out of life. By taking steps in your personal and professional lives to get comfortable being uncomfortable, you will open yourself up to new, challenging opportunities. The more you do it, the easier it becomes.

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  • Lower the Anxiety Associated With Change | Wellness magazine

    In your business and personal life, it is likely there have been situations when you have asked yourself,"Why are there times when I experience
    anxiety relative to a change I am facing?" To answer this question, let’s start by thinking of your replies to the few simple questions.

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  • Curcumin May Protect Premature Infants' Lungs | Wellness magazine

    Turmeric, a key ingredient in spicy curry dishes, has long been known to have medicinal values. Now new research finds a substance in turmeric, curcumin, may provide lasting protection against potentially deadly lung damage in premature infants.

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  • June is Dairy Month | Wellness magazine

    June is Dairy Month…serving for more than 70 years as a reminder of the importance of getting more protein- and calcium-rich dairy products into the family's diet – especially for children. But parents often wonder how to do that when they're on the go, since dairy products need to remain chilled. 

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  • Manicure and Pedicure Safety

    Having beautiful nails is less a matter of luck and more a matter of caring for them correctly. Fortunately, there are simple steps people can take to properly care for their nails. Find Dermatologists' Top Tips for Beautiful Nails.

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  • Acid free coffee| Wellness magazine

    Some people aren’t able to drink coffee because it bothers their stomach, but is it really the acid?The high acid amount found in coffee is one the largest contributing factors the high increase of acid related diseases in our society. You may be saying, “I had no idea that there was acid in my coffee!” Most people do not know.

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  • Modern, Colorful Kitchen | Wellness magazine

    From the use of professional style equipment to the inspiration of Asian cuisines, many trends are influencing today’s kitchens, and one of the most visible is color.  Colorful gadgets smart kitchen waves to make prep easy and fun.

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  • You Don’t Know What You Look Good In | Wellness magazine

    You think you choose colors that make you look good. You think you choose what you wear based on the results in the mirror. You don’t. Your color and fashion choices resonate from the depths of your primitive DNA. Your decisions about what you wear are based on the most basic survival instincts.

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  • Pacific Beach PB Bundle of Love| Wellness Magazine

    Traditionally, many people steered clear away from this tasty treat because of its higher caloric and fat content. Peanut butter, however, is actually a beneficial meal choice.

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  • Healthy, Wholesome Foods  250 Beans, lentils & tofu recipes| Wellness Magazine

    Everyone knows that beans, lentils and tofu are good for you, but did you know that you can enjoy tantalizing gourmet food using these very ingredients? You absolutely can, and this enticing collection of recipes compiled by bestselling author and editor Judith Finlayson proves it.

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  • Dear Santa, please bring me.... | Wellness magazine

    Christmas is only a few days away, but if you're still scrambling to find a healthy and thoughtful gift for your family and friends there's no need to get anxious. There are still time to pick up some great gifts and plenty last-minute gifts waiting to be had. We are here to help...

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  • The power of Kona coffee | Wellness magazine

    What’s so special about Kona coffee? Is it the flavor? Or is it something else?The dark, rich volcanic soil, temperate climate, morning sun, and afternoon showers make a wonderful environment for growing coffee.  So far, so good, but this is just the beginning...

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  • Five Things to Do About Addiction.

    When you suspect a loved one or friend has a problem with an addiction, you may have seen signs such as mood swings or changes in behavior, friends, and activities. However, did you know family members and friends may unknowingly contribute to the problem.

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  • Spirulina - The Amazing Superfood You've Never Heard Of| Wellness Magazine

    Imagine a plant that can nourish your body by providing most of the protein you need to live, help prevent the annoying sniffling and sneezing of allergies, reinforce your immune system, help you control high blood pressure and cholesterol and help protect you from cancer. Does such a “super food” exist?

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  • 5 wellness tips | Wellness magazine

    It's as easy as 1-2-3! You can do anything! Here are just a few tips on how to get a few steps closer to reaching your perfect health.

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  • Find yourself in good health | Wellness magazine

    Your healthy lifestyles start with healthful eating. And we believe committing to nutrition and organic food doesn’t mean committing to higher prices.

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