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  • 6-reasons to look beautiful| Wellness magazine

    Beauty is something that radiates and captivates, when you feel beautiful the whole world around looks and feels happier, brighter, and more wondrous. An upbeat mindset in itself is a beautiful thing; here we look at a myriad of reasons you have to look beautiful!

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  • Squeeze more out of life \ Wellness magazine

    Vitamin C has long been considered an important nutrient and is the most abundant water-soluble vitamin in your body; generally well known for its potential of reducing the effects of a common cold or aiding in a speedier recovery from flu symptoms

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  • A new Look for the New Year |Wellness magazine

    New Year… New you… these are some of the first few words that we hear as soon as we begin the sparkly brilliance of another 365 days laid before us. New years are always time for fresh starts and new beginnings...

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  • More reasons to smile about coffee!

    Typically around 3-5 cups of coffee per day is considered ‘normal’ or an acceptable amount, but this really does all depend on the quality of your coffee! 

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  • Let your inner health take control - motivation in 6 steps |Wellness magazine

    We are into 2017 and into a brand new cycle to create a healthier and better version of ourselves. Hopefully, you have set yourself some simple and realistic goals to work with and set your intention for your fitness and nutrition aspirations...

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  • A healthy breath of fresh air

    Breathing is something that comes so naturally to us that we rarely give it a second thought; air surrounds us and feeds us yet we don’t often pause to consider what we are actually breathing in! 

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  • A three-step process to a healthier new year | Wellness magazine

    A new year coming into view is always a great time to pause, reflect, and begin to make decisions about how you can move forward and refresh for what is to come in the next 365 days. The key things to take stock of are how well you are eating, exercising, and sleeping… 

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  • Top 5 Strategies to Maintain New Year Momentum!

    Two months of New Year flew by in a breeze, and we now start to look forward to the spring and summer months with fresh perspectives and hope for what’s ahead! Are you still on track with your health and wellness goals? Are you still taking those all important little steps to get you closer to feeling/looking better?

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  • Rejuvenate and Renew- Your skin needs you!

    Beautiful and youthful looking skin is something many of us aspire to; our skin is the largest organ in our body and acts as a sign of how well we look after ourselves. As we age our skin loses firmness and elasticity; skin gets thinner...

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  • Keeping it Simple for a Healthier you!

    The New Year chimes in and one of the first things that we look to make resolutions for is leading a healthier lifestyle; gym memberships and nutritional supplements always see a massive increase at this time!  More...

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  • Lift Your Holiday Spirit

    It’s amazing to believe that we are now at the tail end of 2016 with a new year and a blank page before us as 2017 shines its light over the horizon. It is always good to review and reflect on what has come to a close in order to make changes for what is ahead; there are always things that we can just be better at!

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  • Why should you take probiotic ?

    Probiotics are live microorganisms that when consumed in adequate doses offer 

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  • Harmonize your body, mind, and spirit, with tea!

    The benefits of tea and herbal teas have been documented for healing, calming, rejuvenating, and medicinal properties, such as Green Tea. Tea has an extensive history, and it was the British that first introduced it to India in the 1920’s. With so many tea varieties it’s a challenge to narrow down choices; here is a small glimpse of the bigger tea picture!

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  • Passion for living |Wellness magazine

    Focus on making positive things happen – this is the first step to making them come true. Simply follow your goals and make them a reality. Read on to see how passion can change your priorities in life.


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  • 12 reasons to have a cup of coffee

    Coffee is one of the world's most popular drinks. If you're like the average, 100 million coffee-loving Americans, who down 8-ounce cups of coffee on a daily basis you might want to know what all that ‘java’ is doing for you.

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  • Radiant and Beautiful- that's you

    Your skin is the largest organ in your body and is your protective barrier from bacteria, dirt, allergens, and other toxins. Your skin is affected by cold weather, which can dry out your skin, pollution, and toxins, which can dull your complexion, and harmful sun rays that may accelerate skin aging. 

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  • Beauty

    Do you think you’re doing everything right by eating healthy and exercising regularly – but still the weight isn’t coming off? Are you counting on for some miracle just a month before you put “Lose weight ” on your New Year resolution list?

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  • 7 Steps to keeping your body healthy

    Very often injuries and illnesses manifest themselves through a lack of care for your body; here are 7 steps to focus on.

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  • Smart Beauty

    You don’t need harsh chemicals or hours of time – to get healthy hair and smoother skin. The best way to grow your hair healthy and strong is to have a simple regimen. Wellness magazine, with six easy tips, will show you how to achieve your goal.

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  • The Result of Natural Selection|Wellness magazine

    To achieve optimal health many don’t realize what you put on your body is just as important as what you put in it.  Having a full understanding of your personal care products is paramount to maintaining a healthy body.  Choosing the right personal care products can be intimidating.

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