Alternative Remedies for Immune Support and Vitality/ 495
Sleep on it | Wellness magazine
Sleep On It
Frequently, we tell ourselves or someone tells us, “Just sleep on it,” when facing a decision. This choice proves useful, getting us rest, time, and the ability to reconnect with our feelings. We can learn from the wisdom of our dreams. I know many of you have the experience of awakening with an emotional shift, new insight, or creative idea.
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The Power of Peanut Butter
Healthy Snacking With the Power of Peanut Butter
Did you know that the average American consumes more than six pounds of peanuts and peanut butter products each year and that by the time the average child graduates high school they will eat more then 1,500 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! Now aren’t those some interesting fun facts. So its clear, America is nuts about peanut butter!
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Miracle Lips |Wellness magazine
No more chapped, dry lips !
You have to take special care of your lips to keep them healthy. Chapped, dry lips are a common problem because lips don't have any oil glands and they can’t moisturize on their own. The best treatment for severely chapped lips is moisturizing and gentle exfoliation.
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Josiah’s Oil’s Organic Migraine Relief| Wellness magazine
Organic Migraine Relief
Millions of Americans suffer from migraine headaches, which are so painful that they can rob you of quality of life. Migraine symptoms include a pounding headache, nausea, vomiting, and light sensitivity. Thankfully, there is a natural solution for migraine sufferers in essential oils, which work to relieve migraine pain in three key ways.
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Help your body be healthy again |Wellness magazine
Help your body be healthy again {Part 1 Energy}
Being tired all the time is not a normal part of aging or modern life, no matter what you’ve been told. If you have tried a cup of coffee, soft drinks or processed sugar you know the effect is temporary at best and the side effects are often worse than the brain fog. You need real, healthy energy.
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Michael Johnson | Wellness Magazine
Michael Johnson talks
"I have always enjoyed motivating people and the Motiv8 app allows me to do just that through a medium that people can use at anytime and when I am not there with them. It is the perfect way to track your fitness, set fitness goals, and stay motivated to train" Read more about two recently published smartphone apps from Olympic legend Michael Johnson.
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Choclatique chocolates | Wellness magazine
The tasty way to great health { Part 2 Health }
Chocolate has always been an enjoyable part of people’s diet, but before you grab a chocolate candy bar, you should keep in mind that not all chocolate is created equal, particularly when it comes to potential health benefits.
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Chocolate beauty| Wellness magazinee
Stop and Smell the Chocolate { Part 1 Beauty}
In much more recent years, dark chocolate has been capturing the hearts of America. With its antioxidant content, dark chocolate in its purest form can potentially destroy free radicals, destructive molecules associated with heart disease, high blood pressure. Light revealed chocolate had the potential to renew skin cells, flush out free radicals...
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“10 Commandments of Cell Phone Use”| Wellness magazine
On the Phone in a Movie Theater ?
While July is National Cell Phone Courtesy Month, proper cell phone etiquette protocols should be top-of-mind year-round. Please read“10 Commandments of Cell Phone Use”according to an industry-leading eTailer of cell phone..., and let us know if you agree.
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Shape Up Your Attitude |Wellness magazine
Shape Up Your Attitude and Your Body Will Follow
If you’re like most people, you know you should exercise but can’t seem to find the time to “just do it.” In our push-button, drive-through, remote control world, less than half of adults meet the basic recommendation for good health: to accumulate 30 minutes of moderate physical activity, most days of the week.
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The power of Herbal Medicine
The secret of Herbal Medicine
Our bodies are complex and can respond to many sources of energy, but our energy needs are much more complex than what is available at our local convenience market. Once again it is time to turn to nature and understand the secret of Herbal Medicine.
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The power of magnesium | Welness Magazine
The power of magnesium
Magnesium is a mineral that's crucial to the body's function. Everyone burns magnesium for fueling the brain, muscles, nervous system, and organs and is essential for more than 300 enzymatic processes. When magnesium pills are taken orally, they have to go through the digestive process and then try to find the place in the body where it is needed.
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Traveling Abroad | Wellness magazine
Traveling Abroad? Make Sure Plans Include Trip to the Doctor
Saint Louis University Travel Health Expert Offers Five Tips for a Healthy Vacation. If you’re one of the millions of Americans who will travel abroad this summer, make sure your plans include a trip to the doctor, says H. Thomas Johnson, M.D., a Saint Louis University family physician.
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Oh your aching feet | Wellness Magazine
Oh your aching feet – Are your shoes putting your health at risk?
Whether inspired by fashion sense or driven by the impulse to ensure your feet stay one-step ahead of the latest fashion trends, women stock their closets with an ample array of trendy shoes. From classic stilettos to strappy sandals, we shop painfully for the perfect accoutrement to a new suit, or accessory for a dress worn on a special evening out.
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Five-Minute Cooking Feasts
“Five course meals are a weekend treat” says Sally Kramer, an Atlanta-area mom of five. She puts together favorites meals in 5-10 minutes max by keeping crisp salad fixings, wraps, grains, fresh herbs, pastas, and tangy sauces on hand. Read on to see how you can trade hours of cooking into five-minute cooking feasts.
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The Brain’s Response to Smell (part 2) Essential Bathing for Stress & Insomnia
6 Stress-Relieving Essential Oils. The best essential oils for stress are chamomile, geranium, lavender, marjoram and rose. “If you’re feeling overwhelmed, these pure oils diluted into bath salts, honey or high fat content milk for bathing, may help zap away heavy loads:”
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The Brain’s Response to Smell (part 1) Essential Bathing for Stress & Insomnia
Does stress keep you up at night? You’re not the only one. In fact, according to the Better Sleep Council (BSC), “65% of American’s are losing sleep due to stress, 16% of Americans experience stress-induced insomnia and 26% of women report trouble sleeping at least once a week compared to only 16% of men.”
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Alcohol impairs recovery from illness
According to researches from the University of Massachusetts Medical School that collected blood from volunteers to study how drinking alcohol affects monocytes, the white blood cells that are part of the immune system, made an unwelcome discovery.
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Vitamin C helps us see
Scientists at Oregon Health & Science University recently identified yet another benefits provided by vitamin C.
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Healthy Seeds: Chia
Revered by the early Aztec and Mayan cultures, chia seeds are a superfood packed with fiber, protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants. In pre-Columbian times Chia seeds were a main component of the Aztec and Mayan diets and were the basic survival ration of Aztec warriors.
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