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  • Passion for living |Wellness magazine

    Focus on making positive things happen – this is the first step to making them come true. Simply follow your goals and make them a reality. Read on to see how passion can change your priorities in life.


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  • 12 reasons to have a cup of coffee

    Coffee is one of the world's most popular drinks. If you're like the average, 100 million coffee-loving Americans, who down 8-ounce cups of coffee on a daily basis you might want to know what all that ‘java’ is doing for you.

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  • Radiant and Beautiful- that's you

    Your skin is the largest organ in your body and is your protective barrier from bacteria, dirt, allergens, and other toxins. Your skin is affected by cold weather, which can dry out your skin, pollution, and toxins, which can dull your complexion, and harmful sun rays that may accelerate skin aging. 

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  • Beauty

    Do you think you’re doing everything right by eating healthy and exercising regularly – but still the weight isn’t coming off? Are you counting on for some miracle just a month before you put “Lose weight ” on your New Year resolution list?

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  • 7 Steps to keeping your body healthy

    Very often injuries and illnesses manifest themselves through a lack of care for your body; here are 7 steps to focus on.

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  • Smart Beauty

    You don’t need harsh chemicals or hours of time – to get healthy hair and smoother skin. The best way to grow your hair healthy and strong is to have a simple regimen. Wellness magazine, with six easy tips, will show you how to achieve your goal.

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  • The Result of Natural Selection|Wellness magazine

    To achieve optimal health many don’t realize what you put on your body is just as important as what you put in it.  Having a full understanding of your personal care products is paramount to maintaining a healthy body.  Choosing the right personal care products can be intimidating.

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  • 7 Ways to Lower Her Risk of Breast Cancer | Wellness magazine

    According to The American Cancer Society, breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women and about 1 in 8 women in the U.S. will develop invasive breast cancer during their lifetime. It's important to note that breast cancer prevention starts with healthy habits.

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  • Just relax | part 1|

    Just relax |Wellness magzine

    If you feel overwhelmed around holidays, you are not alone. With the holidays, we all have a few bittersweet memories that pop up. If only we could turn around stress and negativity to something more productive–easy to say but difficult to do most often.

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  • Breast cancer: before and after | Wellness magazine

     Nearly 250,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2016.  Thankfully, early detection from successful screening has significantly reduced the risk of dying from breast cancer.  Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women, but these rates have been declining.

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  • Hair loss – no thank you

    Experts say it's absolutely normal for a person to lose between 60 to 100 hairs daily. But what if you lose 100 hairs a day without growing any new hair back?This could be worrying and scary.​

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  • Better Nutrition, Better Healing

    Do your knees or hips hurt? If you are like most people, sooner or later you will face a knee or hip problem — if you haven't already. 

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  • Maximize your health

    As human beings, most of us try to maintain our health through a balance of diet and exercise. However, sometimes no matter how healthy your lifestyle is, your body needs help. It’s not very difficult to refresh your fitness routine. Here are a few tips on how to get started.

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  • 5 easy tips for acne free skin

    Adult acne is more common than you think. It's estimated that nearly 30% of women and 20% of men ages 20 to 60 are troubled by breakouts. Surveys have found that significant numbers of adults are still getting acne into their 30’s, 40’s, and even 50’s. Below find 5 easy tips for acne free, healthy and beautiful skin.

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  • Help your body be healthy again when suffering from sleeplessness

    So we just got back from a 1-week vacation. 7 Days in a gorgeous hotel with swimming pool, lovely food, right on the beach.  Fantastic. But now we are home and have the post vacation blues.  

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  • Nature is Your Best Defense

    Athletes do not feed their body with commercialized and processed food.  They rely on carefully prepared diets rich with the nutrients and proteins bodies need to perform at this level.  Although most of us do not have the time (or ambition) to achieve these physical accomplishments, we can adjust our eating and exercise patterns to help our body be healthy again.

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  • What is your fountain of youth?| Wellness magazine

    For those that do not care to understand the solution to a healthier lifestyle

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  • You are never too old to become younger | Wellness magazine

    As the saying goes: ‘You are never too old to become younger.’ Ponder for a moment on this good news.

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  • No more pain - Help your body be healthy again

    Most of us get back pain at some point in our lives. It may be due to a sports-related injury, an accident, or a congenital condition such as scoliosis. But most of the time, upper or lower back pain develops during the course of day-to-day life and built unwanted chronic pain you have to learn how to live with.

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  •  Probiotic your way to ultimate Health

    So how are you feeling today? Hope that you better today than you were yesterday, and worse then you’ll be tomorrow. Seems complex, but it really isn’t. Just give it a thought...Tested. Trusted. Dr. Tobias.

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