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Vitamins and minerals are essential to any diet, but before you pop next multivitamin or buy new supplements, consider a few surprising facts you should know.

1.    Refrigerate supplements that contain oils (such as Omega 3 fatty acids)

2.    Take extra vitamin B12, when you are on the diet. Vegans definitely need a B12 supplement because the kind found in some plant foods is in a form the human body cannot use.

3.    Less is more. Even though vitamins are good for you, more is not necessarily better. Be caution about vitamin A and niacin, which overdose can cause liver damage.

4.    Some medications affect absorption of supplements; ask your doctor if there are any vitamin interactions you should be aware of.

5.    Read label carefully. Visit ConsumerLab.com, a website that independently tests nutritional products, to see if your vitamin are fit for consumption

The vitamin market is over-populated with brands that are lackluster, boring, unsexy. The founders of Pristine Nature sought to change that. One of the primary complaints about the vitamin market is that the products available just don’t work. The minimal or, in some cases, non-existent benefits simply aren’t worth the cost. Understanding the importance of an effective vitamin regime—vitamins are one of the body’s main fuel sources after all—the owners of Pristine Nature set out create a product that fueled the body in ways never seen before, naturally and safely. What if someone could develop a vitamin hack for your life… What if there was a product that gets you results, measurable, noticeable results… This is just what the founders of Pristine Nature were able to produce.

Not only have they designed a perfect vitamin cocktail that boosts energy levels and sharpens brain function, they managed to do this using vitamins and minerals you can trust. Pristine Nature holds itself to a higher standard, developing their products in an FDA-registered lab and strictly abiding by GMP compliance standards. No gimmicks, no false claims, and absolutely safe.

Currently, Pristine Nature’s best-selling product is Untapped Mind. While not a “limitless” super pill, Untapped Mind has been shown to have a positive and real impact on overall mental health, acuity and function. Comprised of over forty powerful vitamins and minerals, to include Vitamin C, DHA, and DMAE which are derived from fish, and Huperzine A which is a naturally occurring mineral used to help fight the effects of dementia, Untapped Mind has the ability to help your brain be the absolute best version of itself. What does that mean exactly…think of it as the emergence of your brain 2.0. This was always the goal and motive behind Pristine Nature’s inception, to offer healthy vitamin blends that give your body a boost, whether it is your brain, your energy levels, or even your libido. Having just unveiled Hero, the founders of Pristine Nature are hoping to revolutionize the male enhancement industry by providing men with a safe and effective vitamin especially designed to foster increased sexual stamina, longer lasting erections and greater testosterone levels.

Hero is yet another member of the Pristine Nature family that promotes total body health and a better quality of life. You may as well make every day count, and to do this you need to feel good about yourself--body, mind, and spirit. Pristine Nature’s line of products can certainly help anyone to achieve this.

Garcinia Cambogia has been a hot topic as of late especially when it comes to miracle drugs and super pills. And yet, it seems that there has been an influx of cheap imitations, flat out fakes even, products boasting amazing claims and yet not being able to deliver. Lack of industry oversight has made it easy for overseas scams to infiltrate the market.

Pristine Nature is striving to eradicate this negative perception of vitamins and vitamin blends. Putting together as pure a form of Garcinia Cambogia as you can get, they are laying the foundation for a new type of super pill, a pill that you can actually believe in and from which you will see results. They are showing people the path to becoming their best selves.

* For more information about Pristine Nature  visit  www.pristinenatureco.com

* Image courtesy of Kittikum Atsawintarangkul at www.freedigitalphotos.net

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