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  • Is your mind your greatest asset ?

    The most important resource that controls your life, is not only the one you take most for granted but is also the one you rely on the most. It’s your mind.

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  • Acne, acne...what can you do ?| Wellness magazine

    People of all ages get acne. It is most common in adolescents and young adults. An estimated 80 percent of all people between the ages of 11 and 30 have acne outbreaks at some point. The exact cause of acne is unknown, but...More...

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  • Welcome to PlanetNoo!  Home of the Noo You!

    It all started with Alex.  Alex looked great!  I hadn’t seen Alex in ages and then, one Sunday afternoon, coming towards me on the trail was Alex, looking great.  Last time we saw each other Alex had breathing problems, had joint problems and was about 100 lbs overweight.  Now, here was Alex out on a hike without any signs of wheezing and looking trim and lean.

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  • Transform Your Health | WELLNESS MAGAZINE

    Have you ever gone to the doctor only to be told there was nothing wrong, or even worse, that you have anxiety or depression when you know something is wrong? Your eyes fill with tears as you leave the office... 

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  • How to Prevent and Treat Blisters

    Whether it’s because you started running more or just got a new pair of sandals, it seems like summer is the season for blisters.

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  • 5 natural hair rules for summer | Wellness magazine

    During the summer time when you expose your hair for the sun more often, it’s very important that you keep your locks looks healthy. Learn about different hair growing or removal strategies.

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  • Why do you need enzymes ?

    Enzymes are proteins that control the speed of chemical reactions in your body. Without enzymes, these reactions would take place too slowly to keep you alive. It is enzymes that perform all the functions your body needs to survive.

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  • How to take supplements

    We take supplements for many reasons, we either want to protect our heart, speed up our metabolism or have more energy. Whatever the reason may be supplementing your diet is a clutch component of a healthy lifestyle. 

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  • Fascinating start

    The older we get, and with added responsibilities or unwanted surprises, life’s events seem to take control over us. Since occupational demands take up so much time, along with family obligations or sickness, it’s no wonder we feel out-of-sync. 

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  • Become the Healthier, Buoyant You!

    It’s never too early or never too late to opt for a better, healthier you. Using the right supplements, you will experience a ‘you’ that’s completely new. The supplements are made to help you feel better, have increased energy and vibrancy, look better through natural solutions, and overall have a wellness to you that shows.

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  • Restore your personal balance

    Daily, we are bombarded with new medical information about our health, beauty and perfect  mind. Much of it is conflicting. As a result, we obsess about eating , drinking, meditating or buying cosmetics to prevent aging and sickness. 

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  • Healthy choice

    Vitamins and minerals are essential to any diet, but before you pop next multivitamin or buy new supplements, consider a few surprising facts you should know.

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  • Stroke Victims Look to Innovative Glasses to Improve Side Vision

    One of the most common side effects of the estimated 800,000 strokes that occur each year in the country is a loss of side vision (hemianopsia) of up to one-half to the right or the left. With May being both "Stroke Prevention Month," as well as "Healthy Vision Month," there is a new focus on the challenges patients ...

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  • Men's Skin Cancer Knowledge Lags Behind Women's

    Survey: Men's Skin Cancer Knowledge Lags Behind Women's . American Academy of Dermatology encourages public to make sure they’re ‘Looking Good in 2016’ through skin cancer prevention...

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  • 5 Essential Oils That Will Have You Sleeping Like a Baby…

    Getting a good night’s sleep is more vital to your good health than most people think. And with millions of Americans suffering each and every night, tossing and turning as the clock ticks away hour by hour insomnia has reached epidemic proportions. Leaving many feeling worse than when they went to bed.

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  • Dry eyes and acne, is there a connection?

    For as long as humans have existed, the issue of dry eye has been a persistent problem, even if there were no formal hieroglyphics or papyrus writings about dry eyes from ancient history.  But we don’t need to turn back history too far to appreciate the dry eye paradox and acne connection.

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  • Healthy Vision: Take care of your eyes!| Wellness magazine

    Care for your eyes to make them last for life. We will tell you how to do this.

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  • Tosi superfood | Wellness magazine

    Even the least discriminating consumers are certain they need to take supplements. The biggest question always seems to be exactly which supplements and healthy snacks to use… Start with gluten-free and include organic. Fewer ingredients are also better.

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  • We all need gelatine | Wellness magazine

    How is gelatin made? An explanation of the production of gelatins will help in understanding the properties and the characteristics, which exist among several types and grades.

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  • The power of natural crystals | Wellness magazine

    The idea for alternative medicine leads us back centuries to those who sought ways to resolve medical power for which today we may simply consume over the counter medicines and not think twice of doing so. However, there are some, who believe that the power of crystals may be greater than most choose to explore. To support our theory we reached out to Dr. Howard Wolin.

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