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3 Ways to Prepare for the Daylight Saving Time Change

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So, as many of you already know, it's that time of year again, time to spring ahead. On March 8th, 2015, we will move our clocks forward one hour. Although we will be losing an hour of sleep, we will gain an hour of daylight! A little more daylight sounds pretty good, especially because it feels like the grey of winter has been with us for way too long. Another great thing about spring ahead is if you have an early riser, they will mostly likely sleep later! But, along with the time change can come some anxiety about how your child’s sleep will be affected. Parents tend to get a little nervous about putting their children to bed when it is still light outside. No worries, because Blissful Bedtimes’ certified child sleep consultant Kristy Sileo is giving you a few ways to handle the upcoming time change. 

There are basically three ways you can prepare for the change:

1. The first is to simply do nothing. This will work nicely for well-rested babies who go with the flow. You will simply go about your regular routine, and continue doing so when you wake up Sunday morning. No adjusting any schedules just put your child down for naps and to bed at their normal times. It should take about a week for your child to completely adjust.
2. The second is to split the difference. You will put your child to bed one half hour later than their normal time on the Sunday that we change the clocks. Then, gradually work backwards over the next couple of days until you get back to your regular bedtime. This should take a few days to complete.  
3. The third is a much more gradual approach and will work nicely for babies who are more sensitive to change or are overtired already. Start this process a few days before the clocks go forward. You will begin adjusting your child’s schedule by fifteen minutes every day. This includes meal times as well as nap and bedtimes. Move everything backwards by fifteen minutes. So if your child normally goes to bed at 7:00PM, you will move it back to 6:45PM, then 6:30PM, and so on. By the end of the week, you will be one full hour earlier, so when you spring ahead one hour on Sunday, you will be right back to your normal schedule. 

Regardless of how you choose to handle it, there are some easy tips you can use to help your child adjust.

Expose your child to the bright morning light.  Either head outdoors if it is not too cold, or open that blinds and curtains.  This will help your child’s internal clock adjust to the new time.

  • Use black out shades or heavy curtains at night to help keep the early evening light out at bedtime.  In a pinch, cardboard or dark flat sheets will work too!

  • Try to keep your child as well rested as possible in the days leading up to the time change.  Preserve naps and appropriate bedtimes.

If all else fails, just keep in mind that your child should be able to adjust to the new time within a week. And the best part is spring is finally here!

Founded in 2014 by Kristy Sileo, Blissful Bedtimes is here to help with all of your Child & Pediatric sleep needs. We can help your family establish a healthy sleep foundation, develop age appropriate sleep schedules, and provide a solution to your sleep problems. Please contact us to get on a path to better sleep at www.blissfulbedtimes.com.

Photo: Brawo press inc. www.freedigitalphotos.net

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    supadad said: Thu, 05 Mar 2015 03:08:11 +0100
    Thanks Kristy, you rock!! Love the article! Where was this info when my first was born? lol. even more so where were you? I'll be sure to contact you in the future, your on track with those lil ones.
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