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Sshh… it’s a secret … Eyelash extension are no longer necessary!

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Looking for the perfect eyelashes? Do you want to hear a secret? Eyelash extensions are no longer necessary.

This summer is all about eyelashes, and we know all you really want is thick, dark, luxurious ones without paying a fortune.  So do we! If this sound like your plan and your looking for the most beautiful eyelashes you can possibly get, read on to see what we just found.

1. A good way to lengthen eyelashes naturally is using home remedies. Olive oil and coconut oil are both said to length your lashes. Apply overnight with clean mascara. To optimize your result, add lemon peel to your oil. However, it will take a while to see the result.

2. Vaseline, the myth is a myth. Vaseline can’t actually make your eyelashes grow longer! There aren’t any ingredients in Vaseline that have been proven to grow lashes. Additionally, if you have sensitive skin, you may want to think twice before you start using it. Doing so could trigger an allergic reaction, which could result in actual loss of some lash.

3. Sometimes bad things happen. Eyelash extensions can pose health risks. They can cause allergic reactions, infections, and more. Eyelashes extensions have also been reported to cause irritation to the conjunctiva or cornea. Even temporary false eyelashes can cause trouble. Not to mention that pulling false eyelashes off can also remove natural lashes if hairs get in the way. False lashes can also trap dirt and bacteria, creating irritation and eyes infection. A big no-no!

4. If longer lashes are your goal, and you don’t like lashes extensions there is a product on the market that can help grow your lashes longer and darker. 

We recommend choosing a serum like Secret Beauty Club's Secret Lash Serum. The Secret Lash & Brow Serum contains cutting edge technology ingredients, which are clinically proven to encourage lash and brow growth by up to 75% whilst thickening, conditioning and darkening lashes and brows.

“ Myristoyl Pentapeptide-17 is the active ingredient in our eyelash serum and can increase the thickness and length of lashes in as little as 2 weeks without the potential side effects such as eye color change and irritation associated with prostaglanoid based products,” said Claire Glover Sales Director, from Secret Beauty Club

What benefits can you expect?

Thickens lengthens, darkens and conditions eyelash and brows for glamorous eyes in as little as 14 days.

5. Brush your lashes. Brushing your lashes with a clean soft mascara brush may stimulate growth. You’ll never want to brush them harshly or for more than 10 minutes as that could result in your lashes falling out. Keep up this daily routine until you start to see the growth you are looking for.

6. Take your vitamins. The same way vitamins, like biotin, can generally help your hair grow faster and healthier. They can help to grow your eyelashes too.

7. Eat biotin–rich food. Biotin is a B-complex vitamin that has been identified as a vitamin responsible for boosting hair, skin, liver, and eyes. You can meet your daily biotin requirement, which is 30 micrograms per day, by eating biotin-rich food.  Biotin deficiency will cause healthy problems, especially for your skin and hair health including your eyelashes.

20 Biotin-rich foods

  • Almond
  • Carrots
  • Grains
  • Yeast
  • Walnut
  • Halibut
  • Spinach
  • Chicken
  • Yogurt
  • Seafood
  • Eggs
  • Vegetables and fruits
  • Soybeans
  • Tuna
  • Peanut butter
  • Cauliflower
  • Sardines
  • Bananas
  • Cheese
  • Berries

Looking for the perfect eyelashes?

“As a 30 something mom of 2, I was tired of looking tired. I was looking for quick and simple to use products with the latest beauty ingredients and technologies but without the hefty price tags of the high-end beauty brands. I found the market to be lacking in this area, which inspired me to go out there myself and source these ingredients and products at an affordable price giving birth to Secret Beauty Club.

Your eyes are a predominant feature on your face and for many of us can be one of our best. I’m sure most of you agree just a quick slick of mascara can really wake up your face but as we age eyelashes tend to become more brittle and lose their density and thickness, which is why we developed Secret Lash Serum to help give lashes an added boost. "

 "Clear, unblemished skin is the foundation to looking good. Our activating ingredient, Epidermal Growth Factors (EGFs), were developed to accelerate wound recovery (scientist won a Nobel Prize for their discovery). Unfortunately, their concentration levels decrease with age so by reintroducing them we can encourage skin cell regeneration, collagen production and elastin encouraging the visibly diminished appearance of acne and surgical scars, fine lines, wrinkles, and blemishes .” - said Claire Glover Sales Director, from Secret Beauty Club.

Visit Secret Beauty Club’s site for more innovative products including their latest Secret Collagen Serum and Secret DMAE Serum.


Rating: 574 votes Current score: 3

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    lililina said: Mon, 13 Aug 2018 08:12:37 +0200
    Mmmm I love ALL of the products that contain biotin )) I take it in pills though to be sure, and apply Cherish Lash growth conditioner on my eyelashes. The result is obvious!!! :)
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