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Natural Remedies for Menopause Relief

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The menopause is not kind to women - that is a fact. It can be a very low phase in a woman's life and yet there is no escaping it. The menopause will occur for most women between the ages of 45-55, some women may experience premature menopause and go through it far earlier. The menopause is a lengthy process and every woman will have their own experience of it.

As it is an unavoidable and natural part of the aging process, the only thing you can do is do your best to be kind to yourself and guide your way through it with love and compassion. Lots of support, understanding, and kindness around you help greatly also.

Turning Point

Being kind to yourself means looking after yourself as best you can. It is a turning point in a woman's life but it is certainly not the end of it! Looking after your health may take on a different focus- hormonal balance will naturally become a higher priority in terms of your health goals. Menopause causes a gradual decrease in the primary female sex hormone- Estrogen.

A woman is considered to be post-menopausal after 12 months without a period and many symptoms accompany menopause that will vary from woman to woman. Looking after your hormonal balance will help to ease the symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes, night sweats, loss of libido, changes to body weight, skin and hair and mood swings. Seeking out natural products and supplements that aid in hormonal balance can make a big difference going forward.

There is so much more available for women going through the menopause than HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) nowadays. Natural supplements which contain herbal remedies such as black cohosh and red clover are gaining ground for self-help through the menopause.


How to Look After Yourself during the Transition

Women that are entering the menopausal stage of life may also find that their bones become weaker (osteoporosis- loss of bone density), they may gain weight around their tummy area, and also have difficulty sleeping. From an emotional perspective, the onset of menopause can cause depression. It’s very important to manage your symptoms as early as possible and maintain a healthy way of living.

Here are a few ways you can manage the menopause better!

  • Eat well and minimize processed and high fat/high sugar foods. Limit your alcohol and caffeine intake. Alcohol and caffeine may negatively affect your sleep- something that tends to suffer through menopause

  • Stay active and be sure to include some weight-bearing exercise to keep your bone density up. Pelvic floor exercises can also assist in strengthening the pelvic area that supports your bowels and bladder. Staying active will also help to balance your emotional state, improve your mood, energy levels and help to combat stress

  • If you are suffering from hot flashes, do your best to stay cool! Try layering your clothes so that you can adjust your clothing according to your temperature fluctuations

  • Try to avoid smoking. Smoking depletes your body of vital nutrients. Alongside alcohol, it may also act as a trigger for hot flashes

Hopefully, these small, practical tips will help to support any ladies reading this. There is plenty of help on hand, don’t be afraid to talk to your friends, family, or health professionals for guidance

At Last Naturals cater to women experiencing the menopause. Founded by a pharmacist over forty years ago, the company is now run by his daughter, Stacey Last. At Last Naturals is devoted to helping women with their evolving health needs through its lines of all-natural menopause relief products and skincare products.

Designed with input from women, physicians, and medical professionals and a leading brand in the menopause relief category, At Last Naturals products, provide natural support to women as they experience biological changes.

Helping to build the business for over twenty years, Stacey brings decades of experience and intention to the company and its line of natural wellness products. Stacey felt the need to create a line of products that reflected her needs and the needs of other women.

“Every season of a woman’s life should be a joyous experience. At Last Naturals aims to help women embrace all facets of life’s adventures. Whether 20, 40 or 60 years young, our products are designed to help the body and spirit in finding a healthy natural balance throughout life’s transitions.” – Stacey Last


Menopause Relief

At Last Naturals developed a range of menopause relief products, as well as a comprehensive skincare system, to naturally address changes in our bodies and to help one attain optimum balance. During menopause, decreasing levels of estrogen and progesterone can cause thinning of the vaginal wall and vaginal dryness.


Yam Cream with Vitamin E

Mexican Wild Yam is an excellent source of diosgenin, the natural precursor to progesterone; it provides the body with the tools it needs to build extra progesterone which helps to naturally and effectively balance hormonal levels

The only other way to boost progesterone is synthetical. Micronized for advanced topical delivery, Wild Yam is the first and most key ingredient in our cream and gel.

To ensure maximum natural potency our fresh Mexican wild yam root undergoes a six-week extraction process that begins within 30 seconds after it first being chopped, ensuring freshness and potency are at their peak, combating the most stubborn symptoms associated with Menopause, Perimenopause, and PMS. It absorbs quickly, leaving no greasy after-feel and contains no fragrances, colors or animal products (and is not tested on animals).


MSM Cream

There are lots of natural ways to support healthier balance, in our skin and all our systems. At Last Naturals, MSM Cream is dedicated to helping your skin look its best.

Sulfur is a component of cysteine and makes up 14% of skin and hair tissue. The body must produce collagen and keratin protein, helping to maintain clear and youthful skin, glossy hair and strong nails. It is vital in healing and repairing most tissues in the body.

MSM, or methyl-sulfonyl-methane, is a naturally occurring organic source of sulfur, known as nature’s ‘beauty mineral’. MSM helps protect against free radicals such as radiation and pollution thereby slowing down the aging process. MSM it is found in hemoglobin and all body tissues, and needed in the synthesis of collagen, which means it helps reduce dryness and improves skin elasticity.

In At Last Natural's luxurious moisturizing cream and soap, the main ingredient is MSM.

  • It also contains Aloe-vera to activate immune cells

  • Soybean oil to deliver essential fatty acids

  • Pot marigold to soothe and heal, Green tea for antioxidants

  • Vitamins A & E for tissue repairing antioxidants

“Long term, the company hopes to identify and share more ways natural solutions can help with natural ailments. The company prides itself on having been mission-driven long before that term even really existed. That mission “to support natural transitions with natural cures” hopes to continue helping women with their evolving health needs for generations to come” - At Last Naturals




* In partnership with our friends at At Last Naturals Photo courtesy of At Last Naturals

* The information available on ewellnessmag.com, including text, graphics, and other materials are for informational purposes only. Reliance on any information in ewellnessmag.com is at the user's own risk. Sponsored product placement may appear in the article. The visitor of this website acknowledges that the information available on or through ewellnessmag.com is not and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Copyright © 2019 Brawo Press, Inc. All rights reserved.


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